
Marvel: The Silent Mad Dog

English is not my first language, so expect some bad grammar. I own nothing. But let me warn you, there will only be one chapter ahead. ________________________________________________________________ Rain can cause floods which can wash away the entire village. A single bolt of lightning can cause a large forest fire. A slight tremor of the earth can cause a tsunami that can reshape the whole coastline. Cruelty is just another aspect of human beings; using it to cause harm will lead to further cruelty. Human understands what cruelty means, but they also don't. They don't understand it. If they don't understand it, then they will act on it. Born in a world as a mutant, the mad dog will show its teeth and bite down at the cruel world.

Galatea1o1 · 漫画同人
53 Chs

Annihilation Act 1: Destruction (6)




"But as a formality, you can call me Spawn."

"Spawn? Really?" Ryu immediately responded back

"I'm not the one who decides the fucking name, but that's beside the point. I see you come out of that portal, so where did you come from, and who are you? Who the fuck are you?" Spawn asks while stepping in front of Ryu, who needs to look up at Spawn due to the height difference.

"What with the swear? You kissed your mother with that mouth?" Ryu asks, not even feeling intimidated by Spawn's appearance at all.

"You seem quite calm for someone who is facing someone like me. Did heaven send you here, or are you got sent by hell?"

"Oh please, I had seen something crazier than you, compare to it, you are only in the top ten. Also heaven? Hell? What are you on about? You make it sound like they exist..." Ryu said slowly before turning his head to the side. "But considering magic exists, I would not be surprised if those places exist too."

Ryu shakes his head before looking straight at Spawn's glowing green eyes that seem to stare directly at Ryu's soul itself.

"Look, I don't care what you are or who you are, but let me tell you something you would probably not believe me in. I come from another universe." Ryu explain

"Another universe? Now you are just fucking lying." Spawn said, and his cape seemed to move on its own like a snake before turning sharp and pointing at Ryu.

"What? You don't believe that another universe exists? Even though when you know heaven and hell exist?"

"I believe in many fucking things. I had seen what hell and heaven look like; I only believe in what I see. And the thing you said has no proof; while the idea of another universe seems not far-fetched, I have no proof that you have come from another universe."

"Whatever you said, believe me, or not I don't care. All I want is to get this fucking bracelet off me, get out of this universe, and go back and kill the bitch that sent me here." Ryu said while showing his bracelet at Spawn.

Spawn, and Ryu stares at each other for a few second, with Spawn still moving on its own in the background, and the air itself seems to freeze due to the tension alone.

"Fine. Do whatever the fuck you want; as long as you don't cause trouble here, you can do whatever you want." Spawn said before turning, and Ryu only rolled his eyes while also turning around.

However, someone appears at the alleyway's entrance before they can move away. A human who is quite fat and short with white hair and blue clown make-up while also wearing what seems to be a leather jacket and pants.

"There you are, Spawn! Don't just leave me like that!" The clown said before he noticed Ryu, "Oh, who do we have here? A fucking human, and that bracelet of yours, and that smell... Oh, that smell!! I can smell so much blood on your body!" The clown said with a gleeful laugh in the end.

"And who the hell are you?" Ryu asks, looking at the clown in front of him.

"Me? You don't need to know who I am." The clown said before slowly taking a step forward, "All you need to know is that this will be your lucky day, for I will kill you." The clown said before throwing his hand forward, which seemed to shapeshift into a massive claw.

Ryu's eyes widened slightly, but he could dodge the attack quickly.

"Oh great, not even an hour in, and someone is already trying to kill me," Ryu said before looking at his bracelet. 'With this bracelet on, I can't use my Rashomon, and from the look of it, this ugly bastard can change his body and shape; I highly doubt I can defeat him alone.' Ryu thought

"What the fuck are you doing, clown?" Spawn voice chimes in from the background

"Oh, don't be like that now, spawn; this normal guy witnessed you; we can't let that go now, can't we? Besides, there is nothing with me killing a single human, is it?" The clown said before turning toward Ryu, who was still standing between the clown and Spawn.

"Oh great, you are one of those crazy bastards who want to kill me because you can, don't you?" Ryu said while looking at the fat clown in front.

"You get on quick; not so surprising from the amount of blood I smell coming from you; you probably had killed a fair share of people yourself." The clown said before bowing slightly.

"Now, as a formality before I kill you, let me introduce myself. I am the Perriot of Perdition, the clown prince of the stygian depth! You know him; you love him; children wail in the night on his mere mention!" The clown said before three horns came out from its head while his body started to twist and turn in an unnatural way.

As his body increases in size while also getting skinner at the same time, his skin starts to turn browner, his arms and hand begin to turn skinny, and his finger starts turning into a massive claw. His eyes begin to turn red, and his cloth starts to rip apart from the change in size and shape.

"May I present you death on two legs!! The Violator!!"

To finish his sentence, the clown's body had turned into something different entirely, with his body becoming very tall and more skinner. His arms are longer, and his finger is now claws that look sharp as knives that seem to reflect light from the star. His mouth now feels like a row of sharp teeth that point outward from its mouth due to its sheer size. His mouth now feels like a row of sharp teeth that point outward from its mouth due to its sheer size.

Ryu only at the being in front of him, named Violator, with a deadpan expression, seemingly not so surprised by his appearance.

"You are one ugly motherfucker you know that?"

"Ho ho, you can say whatever you want with that mouth of your pretty boy, but what I want to hear after this is a nice beautiful scream coming out of that mouth of yours." The Violator said before rushing forward at Ryu, while Spawn only watch from the background.

Thus the battle between Ryu and Violator begins.