
Marvel: The Silent Mad Dog

English is not my first language, so expect some bad grammar. I own nothing. But let me warn you, there will only be one chapter ahead. ________________________________________________________________ Rain can cause floods which can wash away the entire village. A single bolt of lightning can cause a large forest fire. A slight tremor of the earth can cause a tsunami that can reshape the whole coastline. Cruelty is just another aspect of human beings; using it to cause harm will lead to further cruelty. Human understands what cruelty means, but they also don't. They don't understand it. If they don't understand it, then they will act on it. Born in a world as a mutant, the mad dog will show its teeth and bite down at the cruel world.

Galatea1o1 · 漫画同人
53 Chs

Annihilation Act 1: Destruction (1)




"Are we there yet?"

"No, we are not brats; we are not even close."

"Can you stop calling me that? I'm in my thirty now, you know."

"I know, but that doesn't stop making you younger than me."

"Oh, shut the fuck up, you old hag."

"Please, child, don't call doctor Mary that."

"Oh, come one! Not you too, Bram! I'm probably old enough to be someone's dad at this point!! Why are you all still calling me a child!"

"Maybe if you act more like an adult than a brat."

"Quiet wolfman, I will kill you where you stand."

"I want to see you try, goth brat."

"Both of you shut the fuck up. Nobody is going to kill anyone anytime soon."

As four figure make their way up the snowy mountain, there are none other than Ryu, Mary, Bram and Guy. Despite the snow and the cold, they all seem fine.

The current year is the year 2000, meaning that his current age of Ryu would be 32, and yet, despite him being in his thirty, Ryu looks like he is in his late. This is, of course, thanks to the Bram cell stopping Ryu from ageing, causing Ryu to have the same appearance since his late teen.

Speaking of appearance, Ryu has grown considerably taller, to be around 172 Cm or 5'8", with his hair staying the same length. He has also changed his choice of clothing.

Now he is wearing a black t-shirt with a zipped-up black jacket, and inside his coat is the primary purple colour that entirely stands out. He is also wearing black-fitting pants and black dress shoes.

Ryu is not the only one who has changed fashion thought.

Mary also has some changes, with her keeping her short ponytail; now, she wears a white button-up blouse with puffy sleeves that end in the middle of her forearm. Her shirt is tucked into a plain black skirt that flares above the knee. She wears gloves that reach past her wrist, a black tie, and black tights. A hair clip keeps her bang up from covering her eyes.

Bram also changes his cloth and hairstyle; before, he would let his hair go, but now he has a long ponytail. He also wears a sharp suit, consisting of a white button-up, a black pinstriped suit jacket, black shoes, and black trousers. Over this, he wears a black trench coat. The shirt has a purple and white striped tie.

The last person, who is none other than Guy Endore himself, with short white hair and a scar over his left eye, wears a black, long-sleeved muscle shirt under a white suit and shoes.

It's been 19 years since the incident when they had to move from where they lived. It was with Ryu Rashomon that they could move from place to place. This was Mary's idea not to stay in one place because it would be easy for people to track them.

Despite 19 years, all of them still look the same as ever, with Mary and Ryu looking young because of Bram's DNA in their body, while Bram and Guy only look young because of their power.

Of course, nobody knows what she is talking about because they have no idea who will be tracking them down, but they listen to her anyway. When Ryu asked who would track them down, she answered, "The Daywalker."

Guy Endore is here with them because of his nagging, and Mary thought it would be a great idea to have more manpower in their group.

In the last nineteen years, none of them has done anything significant. All they did was travel around the world in hiding.

But right now, they are in Tibet and have one goal: to travel to certain places.

"Are you sure that this place is honest? I mean, a place where they teach people magic? What is it supposed to be, Hogwart?" Ryu ask

"It's no Hogwart; I can guarantee you that. This place, if I remember it right, is called Kamar-Taj. From what I heard, it's a place isolated from the whole world and teaches people magic or something along those lines." Mary answer

"That's cool and all, but how did you even learn about this place? Did you read it from a book or something?" This time it was Guy who asked this question.

"In fact, I did. While you were outside doing whatever you do, I studied hard for the last few years, and I have learned about this place through that." Mary explain

"Ok... But let's say this place is real, and they teach people magic, as you said; how will you be so sure that they will teach us magic? I highly doubt they will be accepting us in immediately." Ryu said

"Oh, please, I am sure they will accept us; besides, if they don't accept us, we will just barge in any way and kill anyone who stands in our way, so the choice is theirs," Mary said, waving her hand.

"I'm pretty sure that not a choice that an ultimatum," Ryu said back toward Mary.

"Ah, who cares, the same thing anyway. Besides, they have no reason to reject us; we all want to learn magic, so they have no reason to refuse." Mary shrugged

"Us? We? I'm pretty sure there is no WE here; there is only YOU and your desire to learn more about magic; considering your magic book got destroyed, you just have no way to learn more magic; that is why you are here." Ryu said, "Unlike you, we have no desire to learn magic here."

"Speak for yourself; I, on the other hand, am very much desire to learn this magic that they teach," Guy said, causing Ryu to snap his head toward him.

"I must agree with Endore here; learning magic seems to be an exciting idea for me," Bram said, causing Bram to now turn from Guy to him.

"Oh great. What is so exciting about learning magic? Considering what you are, learning magic seems to be a stupid idea to me." Ryu ask

"Oh please, the idea of casting teleportation magic is enough for me to get excited," Bram explains, and Ryu only rolls his eyes at the response.

"Come on, brat, don't be like, learning more about magic is not that bad, and there is no downside to it," Mary said before the group arrived at the top of the hill. Beneath the hill seemed to be buildings underneath, "Besides, look like we are finally here."