
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

IRIS01 · 漫画同人
42 Chs

Unforeseen Contingency

The team had gathered at the rendezvous point, a dimly lit alley near the formidable fort they were about to infiltrate. As they awaited further instructions, Yurei emerged from the shadows and approached them. Without wasting any time, he walked past them, his voice low and commanding. "Gear up. We are moving in quietly."

Eager to complete the mission successfully, each member swiftly equipped themselves with their advanced gear. Leo also loaded his futuristic-looking arsenal, two pistols and a rifle, a powerful weapon provided by the organization that would aid them in their stealthy operation. With their gear in place, they all activated their nanosuits, except for Csonka, who seemed hesitant and grunted in response.

As they prepared, Yurei spoke again, his gaze fixed on the looming building ahead. "I've already surveyed the entire layout of the building," he said, "both outside and inside. I'm transferring the blueprint to your suits, along with information about the threats that patrolling each floor."

The building they were about to infiltrate was a massive structure, stretching up to at least 20 floors. It would be no easy task to navigate through it undetected, but Yurei's knowledge and guidance were invaluable to their success.

Yurei continued, addressing an important aspect of the mission. "Inside the building, there's a communication disruptor," he explained. "It will block any external communication, making it impossible to contact anyone outside."

Leo raised a valid question. "How will we communicate with each other if our signals are disrupted?" he asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

Yurei's response was measured and calm. "The nanosuits have a close-proximity connecting system," he said. "You'll be able to communicate with each other as long as you stay within range. Just stick together, and you'll be fine."

With Yurei's explanation, Leo nodded, satisfied with the solution. The team trusted in his expertise and followed his lead.

Once they fully equipped and informed, the team moved silently toward the imposing building, their nanosuits helping them blend into the shadows. Each step was taken with precision, as they sought to avoid any unnecessary attention. Wendell's heart raced with agitation while Felicia moved with the grace of a seasoned professional.

As the team cautiously approached the fortress, each step taken with care to minimize their distance. However, Csonka, seemed undeterred by the need for stealth. He approached the fortress with his massive frame, grunting in defiance and still refusing to put on the nanosuit.

Leo couldn't help but call him out on his behavior. "Csonka, put on the suit!" he ordered firmly, his voice laced with urgency.

Csonka responded with a tantrum-like outburst, his voice filled with frustration. "I won't put on the suit! It is stupid! And I want action!" he protested, seemingly determined to charge into the fray.

Wendell attempted to diffuse the situation, speaking in a polite tone. "Our mission is to perform stealthily, not engage in a head-on assault, so please, just listen to us just this once, okay?" He explained, hoping to reason with Csonka.

But Csonka's impatience grew, and he roared in defiance before rushing towards the main gate. With his sheer strength, he crushed two guards stationed there out of surprise, causing Leo and Wendell's eyes to widen in shock. They quickly turned to their backs, only to realize that both Felicia and Yurei were already nowhere to be seen.

Caught in a state of confusion and dismay, the team found themselves in a dilemma. Before they could take any further action, some guards from the outside patrol spotted Csonka and reported in. In a matter of moments, the alarm blared throughout the fortress, turning their stealth mission into an all-out confrontation.

As the patrol guards prepared to shoot Csonka, he acted swiftly, hurling the bodies of the fallen guards towards them, effectively immobilizing those patrols. Leo and Wendell hurriedly caught up to Csonka, attempting to calm him down. "Calm down, Csonka!" Leo urged, his voice tinged with urgency. "There are more guards inside! We need to approach this mission more cautiously!"

Csonka paid little heed to Leo's plea. Instead, he placed both hands in between the sliding reinforced main entrance, using his immense strength, he pried it open. However, as the doors swung open, they revealed a barrage of gun-wielding guards, their weapons aimed directly at Csonka.

Without the time to react and the protection of a bulletproof suit, Csonka was unable to withstand the onslaught of bullets that fired at him immediately. Despite his enhanced durability, he fell to the ground, succumbing to the deadly gunfire.

Leo and Wendell stood frozen in disbelief, the mission had taken an unexpected turn, and they now had to face the harsh reality of their fallen comrade.

As Csonka's lifeless body lay in the middle of the entrance, a somber silence fell upon the team. Wendell, more agitated than ever, turned to Leo, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. "What do we do now?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Leo took a moment to assess the situation. In his knowledge, the guards should have only spotted Csonka and might have ceased their fire after his demise. But to their surprise, the guards remained on high alert, scattering to search the area, making sure that Csonka had been working alone.

Thinking quickly, Leo gave Wendell an instruction. "Climb the wall," he said, his voice calm but urgent. "Your nanosuit should provide you with that function."

Leo, relying on his spider-like abilities rather than the suit, scaled the wall effortlessly, with Wendell following closely behind, his movements more hesitant.

Soon enough, the guards began to venture out of the main entrance, cautiously scouting the surroundings to ensure that there were no hidden threats. Meanwhile, Leo and Wendell already high above the ground, searched for an open vent, but to his dismay, Leo found none. However, he did spot a window.

As Wendell kept a watchful eye on the crowded ground level, filled with guards, he asked Leo, his voice filled with concern, "What do we do now?"

Leo attempted to shatter the glass, only to realize that it was bulletproof, as his efforts were futile. He contemplated his options, weighing the possibilities of finding an entry point on the roof or launching a direct assault on the guards through the main entrance.

As time ticked by and Wendell's anxiety grew, his grip on the situation slipping, he urged Leo with a worried tone. The urgency in his voice prompted Leo to make a decision.

As Leo let out a sigh and revealed his ultimate resolution. "You know what… I have always wanted to test these bad boys after all," he said, a hint of determination in his voice. "Let's see what's hidden behind these gorgeous badies."

Without waiting for Wendell's response, Leo swiftly tossed his rifle to him, "Join me, Wendell. See you on the other side," inviting him to join him in this perilous endeavor. With a leap off the roof, Leo drew two futuristic pistols from his holster and began firing downward at the guards. The tremendous firepower of the weapons caused the gunshots to hit their targets with devastating effect, resulting in explosive dismemberment of the guards' bodies.

As Leo agilely landed on the ground, allowing him to take out the guards one after another with impressive precision. The futuristic pistols he wielded packed a punch, incapacitating the enemies in a flurry of explosions. Each shot he fired was calculated, and Leo moved with the demeanor of an expert gunslinger.

Meanwhile, Wendell struggled to find his footing. As he descended from the wall, clutching the rifle he had been given, he hesitated in the face of the chaotic scene unfolding before him. He watched as Leo effortlessly neutralized their adversaries, unsure of his own role in this violent confrontation.

In a moment of desperation, Wendell reached for his communication link, hoping to connect with Yurei and Felicia for guidance or support. But as he attempted to establish contact, he realized the harsh reality—they were out of range, cut off by the communication disruptor that plagued their mission.

In a moment of desperation, Wendell opted for a different approach. Rather than firing lethal shots, he used the rifle to strike the guards, knocking them unconscious instead of taking their lives like Leo. Wendell felt a sense of relief that he didn't contribute to the violence in the same way, but the whole situation overwhelmed him.

Rushing to Leo's side, Wendell expressed his unease. "I didn't sign up for any of this! Especially not directly confronting them and taking the lives of theirs," he said, his voice trembling with emotion.

Leo, focused and composed amidst the chaos, glanced at Wendell and understood his struggle. "Sometimes, things don't go as planned," he replied, his voice steady. "We adapt, we survive."

As Wendell's gaze shifted to the unconscious guards, contemplating the choices they had made. He felt conflicted, torn between his own values and the harsh reality of the mission.

Leo placed a hand on Wendell's shoulder, offering support and guidance. "We can't turn back now," he said softly. "All we can do is keep moving forward, adapt and pray for a miracle."

Wendell's wide eyes met Leo's resolute gaze. In that moment, he realized that the reality of their situation was far harsher than he had imagined. There was no turning back, no simple solution to end the violence. They were deep in enemy territory, and their mission had taken an unforeseen turn. There's no other choice but to adapt now.