
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

IRIS01 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

A Desperate Rescue Plan

As the relentless crossfire raged around them, Leo and Wendell found cover behind a sturdy ledge within the building. Bullets whizzed past them, prompting Wendell to turn to Leo, his voice trembling with nervousness.

Wendell couldn't help but wonder how Leo remained so composed amidst the mayhem. With a hint of admiration in his voice, he asked, "How are you so calm in all of this?"

Leo glanced at Wendell, his expression focused yet weary. "I'm not calm," he replied, his voice steady but filled with the weight of experience. "I've just grown accustomed to situations like this. It's not something to be agitated about. This is your first mission, so it's understandable that you're feeling nervous."

As he spoke, Leo returned fire, expertly taking out a few guards before seeking cover once more. The sound of gunfire echoed through the air, adding to the tension that hung thick in the atmosphere.

Wendell, still struggling to find his aim, took a breath and asked Leo about their next move. His voice quivered with uncertainty, reflecting his apprehension about the unfolding events.

In his usual calm manner, Leo reminded Wendell of their primary mission: to escort Dr. Akihiro safely out of the building, no matter what. Wendell nodded, albeit with some reluctance, realizing that their focus needed to be on the scientist's rescue.

"But what about Felicia and Yurei?" Wendell inquired. "Do you think they're rescuing Dr. Akihiro as well?"

Leo considered the possibilities. "It's likely," he replied. "We might be creating a distraction for them to carry out the main objective. We need to trust that they know what they're doing."

Wendell nodded, knowing that their mission now had a clearer purpose gave him a sense of direction amidst the chaos. He no longer hesitated, unleashing a flurry of shots with his rifle in an attempt to neutralize the guards with Leo, even if every one of them missed their mark.

Leo, sensing that he had wasted enough time before the backup surfaced, made a firm decision. "It's time to wrap this up," he declared. Without hesitation, he charged toward the guards, relying on his enhanced reflexes and spider-like agility to evade their shots effortlessly.

With calculated precision, Leo used his web-shooter to immobilize the guards, binding them in intricate patterns of webbing. Then, with lethal accuracy, he swiftly dispatched them using his gun, ending their lives with a few shots.

Amidst the aftermath of their precise and lethal actions, Wendell stood far from Leo, his eyes wide with awe at his partner's incredible skills. He mustered up his courage and quickly joined Leo's side.

"That was amazing," Wendell said, his voice filled with admiration. "You're really incredible at what you do."

Leo acknowledged the praise with a nod before refocusing on the task at hand. "We need to keep moving and find Dr. Akihiro," he stated firmly. "The backup should be arriving any second now."

Wendell nodded in agreement, determined to contribute to the mission. He followed Leo towards the elevator, where Leo pried open the doors, revealing the dark shaft beyond.

Leo turned to Wendell, a hint of concern in his eyes. "It might be safer for you to take the stairs," he suggested. "I'll climb through the shaft. It can be dangerous for a novice like you to maneuver around it."

Wendell hesitated for a moment, considering his options. He understood the reasoning behind Leo's suggestion and nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'll take the stairs," he said, his voice determined. "Good luck, Leo."

Leo offered him a reassuring tone. "Good luck to you too, Wendell," he replied, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Make sure to check the odd-numbered floors while I cover the even-numbered ones."

With that, Wendell turned and entered the staircase room, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

As Leo continued his ascent through the shaft, the guards stationed on each level grew more cautious, communicating with the ground floor only to realize that their comrades had gone silent, presumably killed in action. The remaining guards braced themselves, their guns at the ready, prepared for whatever may come their way.

Leo arrived at the second floor and gently and slightly opened the elevator door, peering out into the corridor. He saw a group of guards surrounding the elevator, vigilant and on high alert, realizing head-on assault was difficult to unleash.

After a moment of contemplation, Leo explored his suit, realizing the enhanced power of his suit, the electromagnetic pulse function. As he briskly activated an electromagnetic pulse strike, causing a temporary power outage that plunged the second floor into darkness.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Leo swiftly moved through the darkness, eliminating the guards one by one with deadly precision. As the lights flickered back on, Leo stood amidst a sea of lifeless bodies, his expression unfazed by the carnage at his feet.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Leo surveyed the surroundings and realized that the second floor comprised offices rather than the laboratory they were seeking. Among the employees cowering in fear, one man caught Leo's attention.

Approaching the terrified man, Leo seized his collar, his voice filled with menace as he pressed the barrel of his gun against the man's temple. "Where is Dr. Akihiro? Where is the lab?" he demanded, his tone brooking no resistance.

The man trembled in fear, his voice shaking as he spilled every bit of information he possessed about Dr. Akihiro and the lab's location. Leo listened intently, his grip tightening on the man's shirt, ensuring he understood the severity of the situation.

Once the man had divulged all he knew, Leo released his hold on him, his gaze cold and unwavering. As Leo turned to leave the man's office, the man quickly seized a pistol, attempting to shoot Leo in a desperate act of defiance. In one swift, instinctive motion, Leo effortlessly shot the man without even looking back, leaving his lifeless body slumped on the floor while the rest screamed in fear.

Leo continued onward, his determination unwavering, as he pressed forward in his mission to rescue Dr. Akihiro, leaving behind a trail of chaos and a growing sense of unease among the remaining guards.

Meanwhile, Wendell climbed the staircase, he noticed that a blackout had occurred, shrouding the surroundings in darkness. Thanks to his suit's night vision capabilities, he easily adapted to the lack of light and continued his ascent, suspecting that Leo was responsible for the blackout, a sign that Leo was likely on the second floor, executing his stealthy takedowns.

As he reached the third floor, the lights flickered back on just in time, revealing a group of guards patrolling the corridors opposite the door connected to the staircase room. Wendell hesitated, unsure of how to proceed without drawing attention to himself.

Then, a brilliant idea struck him. Instead of risking exposure, he decided to use his unique ability – controlling the nearby roaches. He pressed his index fingers against his temple, and his consciousness connected with the cockroaches that infested the kitchen on the ground floor.

As Wendell ordered the cockroaches to scatter, exploring every nook and cranny, searching for any sign of Dr. Akihiro. He then waited patiently on the stairs, perched like a sentinel, eagerly awaiting their findings.

After a few tense moments, the cockroaches responded to Wendell. They had discovered the location of the lab on the 15th floor. Additionally, they spotted Dr. Akihiro with another individual being held on the 7th floor in a highly secured room.

Wendell's heart raced with excitement and relief. Now armed with vital information, he knew he had to reunite with Leo and share what he had learned. He carefully descended the stairs, using his suit's agility to move silently and avoid the guards.

Once he was safely back on the ground floor, he deactivated his connection with the insects and looked around, making sure the coast was clear. Finding a moment of respite, he used his communication link, attempting to reach Leo. Luckily he was in range as he established his link with Leo.

"Leo, it's me, Wendell. I've located the lab on the 15th floor and Dr. Akihiro is being held on the 7th floor. And I heard there are a lot of guards stationed on those two floors too," he whispered urgently.

Leo's voice crackled through the communication link, "Good work, Wendell. I do gathered the information about the lab floor but not Akihiro. Thanks for letting me know before I waste all my effort over nothing. Hmm... meet me on the 8th floor, and we'll proceed to rescue Dr. Akihiro together from there. Also remember to watch your back."

"Yes, you too, Leo!" With a renewed sense of purpose, Wendell briskly climbed up to the 8th floor through the stairs.

The moment his step ceased before the 8th floor, he found Leo already waiting for him above a group of dead guards. Wendell hesitated a little before he approached Leo and exchanged a nod.

As Leo and Wendell stood together face-to-face on the eighth floor, preparing to discuss further their plan to rescue Dr. Akihiro. "So, let us get this straig-" Leo voiced, but...

Out of nowhere, their discussion was abruptly interrupted when a mysterious figure in purple lunged at Wendell, snatching Wendell away in the blink of an eye.

Leo's heart raced with concern as he witnessed Wendell being taken away. Before he could react, another figure appeared behind him, charging with incredible speed. In a split second, Leo found himself unable to evade the incoming attack and was sent crashing into the wall by a powerful kick.

As he slowly regained his composure and rose from the floor, a mix of anger and determination flickered in his eyes.

As Leo locked his gaze onto the figure, gritting his teeth, his voice laced with a steely determination, recognizing the one and only man who stood before him. The wicked grin that he once knew,
