
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Crazy Gerardo Familia-1

For such a mission, intel was more important than his physical capabilities. Peter knew this and to gather intel, he took the easy way- asking people 'politely'. For this, he visited many groups like the one he dealt with in his 1st mission. He would 'politely' ask for information before knocking everyone out and taking all the drugs. He did not take their money out of expectation of a big haul from dealing with the gang.

This did not take much time. With his skills, it took him 2 hours to gather some basic intel on the organization. Although not all the mob associates and drug peddlers knew about them, he still got some superficial understanding of the gang from those who knew. Luckily he found that one of the groups he targeted was affiliated with them. From there Peter got information about their main hideout and the structure of their organization.

Being one of the top gangs, the Crazy Gerardo Familia did house some crazy bastards. The core members were trained in hand-to-hand combat and shooting. The middle level was filled with murderers and psychopaths. They did not have a lower level in their hierarchy. All the members had a 'G' tattoo on their hands.

Drug trade was just one of their illegitimate business. They were also involved in prostitution and protection rackets. With rising cashflows, the 'familia' had invested a lot in other legitimate businesses to make way for a legal front.

Now, their leader Gerardo was an influential figure in New York society. Although not much was known about him, the fact that there was not a single case pending against him was enough to deter any action by the authorities. The last known case against him was filed 10 years ago before he even became a crime lord.

Against this sort of man, Peter knew something was off. How can there be no case filed against a crime lord in a decade? There should be at least something. He wondered if their leader had some abnormality/power which helped him in this. If this was true, he had to be prepared for anything that might come his way.

Heading towards their hideout, Peter decided on his course of action. This time he would not stop himself from injuring these bastards. Although he would refrain from killing them, should the need arise, he will not back off.

They were already murderers and rapists who carried out illegal drug trade and a prostitution racket. Would they revert to being normal again? Most probably, no. For them, the prison was not enough.

When Peter got to the destination, he was shocked to see 50 trained men guarding what appeared to be a 30,000 sq ft fortified compound. Although there was only one visible entry/exit point, it was large enough to let two commercial trucks move in and out simultaneously. They even had watchtowers in all the corners and just behind the entry/exit point.

It was almost like a small military fortress. Every guard had an SMG and handheld transceivers. 10 of them were on the watchtowers. 5 on each side of the entry/exit point. The rest of them patrolled the surrounding area which had no buildings with more than 2 floors.

Peter was excited. Finally, he could use his skills in a slightly challenging environment. Of course, he had to sneak in first. Although the area was guarded by 30 trained men, they were lazy in their attitude. How could they know that a psycho bone-breaking ninja was on his way to wreak havoc in their base?

Peter did not climb the wall, who knew if these walls were electrified, had lasers, or any other kind of sensor. With his peak human conditioning, he could jump higher than most people. By directing chi to his legs, he was capable of jumping at superhuman levels.

So he decided he would jump into the compound from another building's roof. He cautiously climbed to the roof of an adjacent building. After meditating for a few minutes, he prepared himself for a long jump from the roof of his building to the compound.


With chi doing its magic, he easily landed inside the compound and did a few safety rolls to minimize the impact. Although he was not injured, he still took some damage.

Resting for a few seconds, he saw the view inside only to be shocked again. The fortified area had three 10000 sq ft warehouses, a mansion, tennis courts, swimming pools, and more than 8 garages.

He even saw a Bentley and a Ferrari outside the garages.

With his hyper senses, he could 'see' many people with guns. If he tried to fight everyone, he could even die. He decided on a basic plan of action- using his stealth abilities to create panic and burn the whole compound down. He will first create panic to ensure that most of these gangsters are out of the warehouses.

Such a nice plan. Peter was always proud of his genius. But he forgot that his genius lay in the field of science and not tactics/strategy. If Sun Tzu knew his plan, he would have smacked him just like his master for such a basic strategy.

This was why Izo did not help him in anything except his training. He wanted Peter to learn. He wanted him to learn from his mistakes. Izo wanted Peter to be capable enough to turn any situation in his favor. He knew that Peter was curious about the world. He knew that his student knew much more than others in the society. But there was a difference between knowing something and experiencing it.

From this mission he hoped that his student would learn something more than what he could teach him.

Sun Tzu is the author of one of the 'evergreen' books on philosophy, tactics and strategy.

Also I am sick, so I might not be able to write much. But don't worry, I have already written 5 chapters so it will be fine.

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