

Shorter chapter, I just wanted to finish Iron Man one and not start another so it's unfortunately a short chapter.

The next day around noon, we are back at the conference center in a room, waiting to go on.

On tv.

"You all have received the news of what happened at Stark industries last night."

" Iron Man that has a nice ring to it,"

I turned my focus away from the tv.

"I like the name they gave me Slipstream."

"Really I think Iron woman, or maybe Iron girrll."

I gave him a I'm going to kick him look.

"Good Timing Pepper. What's with the make up and everything again?"

" to make it look like he wasn't a fight."

I'm dumb. I smack my forehead.

I pulled out a Potion.

"Drink this."

"What is it?"

"Trust me."

He swallowed it and his injuries, glowed then disappeared.


Colson came in and handed me and Tony notecards.

" here's your alibi."

"come on agent Colson you don't have to be serious all the time."

"It's the job." He looked at Tony. " you and your daughter were on your yacht there's court papers and sworn statements from 50 of your guests."

" I think we should just say it was the three of us alone on the yacht."

"That's what happened."

"There's nothing about Stane on here."

"he's on vacation. Small aircraft have poor safety records."

"Whats with the story that the two in the suits were bodyguards, bodyguard that's flimsy."

"I'd have to agree."

"Just read it. both of you. You've got.. 90 seconds."

Tony got up and tried to flirt with Pepper but totally said the wrong words then we walked on stage together.

"It's been a while since I've been up here.

And I know you all came here to get answers on what happened at Stark Industries, but I'd like to shine a light on something very quickly.

I'd love to introduce you to Rimuru Maria Stark, my daughter."

"Where has she been?"

"Who's the mother?"

"Why is her hair blue?"

He raised his hand up to get them to be quiet.

"I'll say a few things then we'll move on.

When she was born I decided to keep her out of the spotlight and my craziness, but after my life changing experience we decided it would be better to stay together."

"Who's the mother?"

"Why is her hair blue?"

I decided to speak up and moved to the microphone.

"Hello I'm Rimuru, I hope you give me a little slack I've never done this before. I heard two questions that I'll answer before we move on so we aren't here all day.

My mother would like to stay an unknown, and my hair is blue due to me liking the color."

I played with it. "And I think I make it work."

The crowd chuckled.

"Now I'd like to give it back to my dad."

"Ok. There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop.."

"Mr.Stark. I'm sorry but do you think that we believe that it was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared, despite the fact that.."

"I know it's confusing. It's one thing to question the official story and another thing entirely to make wild accusations or insinuating, that I am a superhero."

"I never said you're a superhero."



"well good, because that would be outlandish and fantastic.

I'm just not the hero type. With all my mistakes some very public.

("You're going to say aren't you?")

("I.. I want to.")

("Why not we have the suits let's make it official.")

He held up the cards. "The truth is."

("Screw it. let's live a little.")

"I am Iron Man."

("Let's go all the way.")

"And I'm Slipstream."

That caused more questions then use revealing I'm Tony's daughter.

For the next 15 minutes it was question after question until we were done with them and got escorted off stage.

When we finally made it back to the mansion it was dark and we decided to just relax tonight.


"Welcome homee, sirrr."

(What's going on?)

(Me and Jarvis were kicked off line.)

We slowly kept walking to the living room.

"I am Iron Man, And Slipstream."

I look to see Nick Fury.

"Do you guys think you're the only superhero's in the world.

Stark's you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet."

"Who the hell are you?"

"Nick Fury, Director of S.h.i.e.l.d.

"I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative."

I have to lighten the conversation.

"I don't wanna Start on your bad side.

So do I look at the eyepatch or the eye?"