
Marvel: Tech System

For one individual, the boundary between science fiction and reality blurs when they are unexpectedly transmigrated into the Marvel universe, a place where the technological wonders of their dreams are tangible. Equipped with a system that promises growth and evolution, they begin as an underdog in a world of heroes and villains. Drawing inspiration from the movies, comics, and even cartoons, this alternate universe (AU) tale weaves a narrative that, while familiar, brings its own unique twists and turns. As our protagonist navigates this new life, they will encounter romance, face challenges, and harness the power of advanced technology to rise to the heights of power within the Marvel Patreon Unknown_To_All The upload schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Unknown_To_All · 漫画同人
74 Chs

Chapter 1 New World?

Waking up, I couldn't help but feel that something wasn't quite right. Yet I couldn't figure out what the problem seemed to be.

It couldn't have been my homework. I had already finished it a long time ago and it can't be school since there are no classes on weekends.

By this point I was already starting to get annoyed with this feeling and decided I should just go wash my face and be done with it.

As soon as I got up from my sleeping position I was immediately hit with discomfort and confusion by what I saw. This… wasn't my room not by a long shot.

The room was small with cracks in the walls and old paint. The ceiling had old stains from leakage and even the air was stuffy, most likely because of the mold on various parts of the room.

Now I had seen some tough times growing up as an orphan but I was lucky to have a pretty good orphanage that had good facilities. Nothing ever looked too bad, not even when I left to go live on my own and go to college. So seeing a room within this bad of a state was quite surprising to say the least. However the most surprising thing was obvious.

How did I get here!?

A couple reasons came up in my mind but none made sense to me. There's no way someone could've kidnapped me. I've always played it safe and never antagonized others. Heck I didn't even have friends and it wasn't because I was antisocial.

I just didn't have the time, try working two part time jobs while also being a full time college student majoring in computer programming. The homework is dreadful while the jobs I had sucked and always left me tired.

So there's no way It could be anyone I know and it's definitely not money. Well one thing is for sure, I'm not gonna get answers lying here.

With that thought in mind I got up and began walking around the room to see if I could find anything that would help explain why I was here. However this soon proved to be harder than I originally thought.

It's hard to find anything in a room that practically has nothing. No furniture, just a pile of cheap clothes in the corner and pieces of trash here and there from take out. Upon realizing I wasn't gonna get answers here. I slowly began to move to what seemed to be the restroom. While trying my best to not make noise so that I wouldn't alert the kidnappers.

The restroom had a similar appearance to the room I was previously in with broken tiles and an old toilet that was discolored. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary which continued to puzzle me until I saw my appearance in the mirror.

It was me yet at the same time not me. I could see my same features like black eyes and hair with sharp features. However there were some notable changes like the lack of muscles or even fat for that matter. Instead I saw a weak and scrawny version of me that also looked a bit shorter and younger.


What the hell was going on? Why did I end up like this? In the midst of my confusion an eerie thought crept into my mind that seemed impossible at first but the more I thought of it the more possible it sounded.

Without even an ounce of hesitation I ran back into the room and began to rummage through the old dirty clothes in the corner and soon discovered a wallet that had a school ID in it.



[𝑲𝒐𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏] [𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒓]


Sigh so I am right this isn't time travel at all. I would remember all of this If that was the case but I can clearly remember never going to this school. Instead this is looking to be a transmigration like those WebNovel stories I used to read.

At least I think that's what it's called because it looks like I took over the body of a me in a different universe! Now if this is the case then I need to quickly find out what kind of world this is. Hopefully it's not too different from mine or else things would be quite hard especially when I consider this version's living conditions.

R.I.P other me you really had it harder then I did

Well there's nothing in here that can help me so I might as well walk around outside and take note of any differences I see. While also looking for anything that can carry information about this world like newspapers and posters. A public library would also be a good spot to check out while out there.

Walking up to the door I took a deep breath as my hand hesitated on the door handle. Anything could be going on out there for all I knew. Heck there could even be zombies out there if I had an unlucky transmigration.

Standing at the door I couldn't help but remember the quote from one of my favorite movies dune as I silently muttered. "I must not fear, Fear is the mind killer" as I gathered my wits and walked outside.

As I moved through the streets I did my best to not draw attention to myself and walk at a similar pace to the others around me which happened to be a good amount of people. It didn't take me long to realize I was in New York based on the building and accents of the people.

More specifically I was in Queens which I found really weird considering the fact that I lived In California. This seemed to be one of the main differences between myself and the version of me that lived in this world.

Other than that there didn't seem to be that many differences between my world and this one. The people dressed similarly and talked the same. Yea some ads had celebrities I didn't recognize but stuff like that mattered little to me since it's not like they can affect my life in any way.

Well everything is very similar but that doesn't mean the year will be the same. In my original world I was 22 while here I'm 18 so there is a high chance of the years being off.

On my walk I noticed a couple of dumpsters in the alley that had a bunch of newspapers lying around a homeless man.

"I hope he doesn't mind if I borrow one"

The old man soon noticed me walking up to him and slowly sat up as he watched me warely as he wondered why I was going his way.

"Excuse me sir, is it alright if I can borrow one of your most recent newspapers. I promise to return it." I said in polite tone as I kneeled next to the man

He seemed to relax a bit seeing I just wanted one of his newspapers.

"Heh sure kid here you go. There's plenty of them anyways, especially this one that's been all over the city for the past week." The man said as he handed me one.

Taking a look, I began to quickly search for the section which had the date February 20th 2009. It's like I thought I really am in the past at least by my standards.

Ever since I was a kid I've been cautious by nature, constantly double checking things like this. So the year didn't come as too much of a surprise to me since our birth years were different and this body was 17. It was just simple math at that point but it never hurts to check.

As I was about to hand back the newspaper my hands suddenly froze while my eyes opened wide In shock. On the back of the newspaper was a huge picture of Robert Downey Jr.




Tony Stark? What is this some sort of ad promotion? I tried to dismiss this but the more I read the more I began to realize things had just changed.