I'll fill this out later
5 years later.
I guess everyone changes at some point in their lives, don't they?
Mary Jane...
One day you consider a person to be the center of your world, and then the next you...
regret allowing them into your life and becoming attached to them...
It started slowly, but as soon as I saw the changes I knew it!
However, I was in denial...
it was when she started high school that she stopped coming regularly, her style of dress changed overnight...
her whole future was rewritten in just one week...
one day she wanted to be a journalist, then the next a top model, I thought it was ridiculous...
All to please one guy, Flash Thompson! The ultimate douchebag...
the number one ranked bully at Midtown High...
but I still encouraged her as a friend.
I always knew that girls/women liked that kind of bad guy, however, I thought MJ, no Mary Jane more, clever?
My disappointment? I couldn't quantify it...
slowly but surely I started to lose myself, once again in negativity...
Then one day she disappeared from my life!
The day before she was telling me about her 'real best friends', then the next day she didn't show up, and so on until I simply never saw her again...
this happened in only 1 or 2 months...
''Real best friends? Hm...'' I giggled as I repeated this phrase over and over...
Shaking my head, I continued with my running movie, then slowly closed my eyes to be greeted by the darkness...
"Welcome!" was the first thing I heard here...
I woke up in the middle of the night, what can I say I'm an old lady and my bladder is not what it was in my youth.
I heard the sound of the television in the living room, so I quickly went to look at my son, I was behind the sofa when I called him. ''Connor, you should... um? He's asleep...'' at the time that's what I thought...
I shook him gently so as not to disturb his sleep, but there was no reaction...
I did it twice more and said. ''Connor dear? You should sleep in your bed...".
''Connor? Connor? Sweet..." then I realized my baby wasn't sleeping but... had a stroke...
''Jonathan! Get up quickly!" I screamed as loud as I could!
Hesitating for a moment between running to the phone and staying with my son...
I decided on the phone!
''911, what's your emergency?" a woman answered and I screamed. ''It's my son! He's having a stroke! Please come quickly, the address is .....''
3 hours later...
Jonathan and I were pacing up and down the hospital hallway, we had been waiting for the doctor's results for a while...
but the longer we waited the more worried we became about our son.
Being there without any knowledge of what was going on except that it was a stroke was very painful for both of us.
''Finally...'' I sighed as a nurse came out of the room, my husband looked up at the woman at my words.
We said nothing and just listened to the diagnosis...
''can you repeat that please...'' I asked tearfully, then I saw Jonathan crying too which was a first for me too... my heart was broken at that moment.
''I'm sorry... it's a very deep coma...'' The woman informed us for the second time...
My husband turned and left.
After searching for Jonathan for a while I found him kneeling in the church chapel...
''God... please don't do this to us... please... I'll do anything...'' Jonathan who had never believed in God until now prayed in the church, I approached and knelt with him to pray silently... (no religious message from me.)
Taking his hand, I squeezed it. ''He's going to be fine Jonathan, he's strong...''
I didn't know how long I had been in this space...
maybe a month or more? Who knows? Not me...
However, when I arrived, I got a big explanation about my current and past situation...
but the points to remember were these...
''Do you know why I put you through this?
A wise man once said... Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will necessarily lose respect for that power and take it for granted.
However, a weak man who has been weak all his life, knows the value of strength and knows compassion, only this man and only this one can claim this kind of strength, do you understand? ''
this being was clearly inspired by a known scientist in the MCU, but it made sense...
and I thanked him thousand times over!
What I could have become with that kind of strength in the beginning, yeah...
there was a good chance it would have gone to my head in the end, I would have certainly thought I was a god among humans, which I was not... and never would!
Following this, the being threw me into a kind of mental simulation to learn how to control my new powers to come.
I learned everything, however, controlling my senses and strength was...
the hardest thing I ever had to do...
I practiced again and again until I was a master in the art of controlling my body.
Some additional explanations were given to me, like the fact that not being a real Kryptonian my absorption of solar rays was less compared to the real thing, but I would have the same power if I decided to go for a ride really close to the sun...
If the Kryptonian's internal battery potential is 10,000, then mine would be 100...
A big and small difference in the scale of raw power. (for Kryptonian)
''Yes, Yes... I understand... I'll let her know, again I... yes okay... alright.'' Anna Jane was talking on the phone as her niece Mary Jane Watson watched television while browsing a fashion magazine called 'FASHIO.NY', the girl imagined herself posed in front of the cameras...
« I wonder if Flash would like that? » she thought as she looked at a miniskirt in the magazine...
''Mary...'' MJ heard a voice but ignored it...
« or maybe this one? » looking at a dress she wondered...
''Mary Jane Watson!'' Anna had lost her composure, what was this girl thinking? She had been calling her for a minute already!
''What now?!'' MJ shouted in response, as she turned to her aunt, however, what greeted her was a slap!
''hey! What was that for?" she now asked hysterically.
''Guess !?'' Anna shouted back. '' I don't know, what?'' MJ was as red as her hair screamed.
''Oh my! So it's true... Martha...'' Anna had her hand over her mouth as shock appeared on her face...
''Martha? What is the mother of... uh Connor's mother? What about it?'' Mary Jane asked unconcernedly.
''You're so unbelievable! The kid's been in a coma for a month and you're here reading fashion magazines !?'' Anna was outraged!
''coma!? What! Why?! What happened?'' Mary Jane felt as if something had just been ripped from her...
''Maybe you'd know about this if you hadn't blocked Connor's number, don't you think? I'm fucking ashamed of you... oh my!'' Anna turned and immediately left to call Martha's mother back however no calls bore the slightest response.
'The number you are trying to call is not assigned. BEEP BEEP BEEP'
Anna was red with anger and sad at the same time, she understood why Martha had not spoken to her for a while now...
Anna left her flat and went downstairs to talk to Martha...
when she got to the door she knocked four times!
A young voice rang out from Martha's flat. ''Coming! Two seconds!
the door barely opened when Anna almost screamed.'' Mart !...''
''Hello, uh, ma'am! Who? Are you? Ah, I'm Peter by the way, so I guess you're the neighbor, right?" a skinny teenager with glasses awkwardly introduced himself...
Anna nodded confused.
''Peter, who is this? '' A woman's voice came from the kitchen. ''It's our new neighbour Aunt May!''
Thank you for reading.
I won't put a description in the summary for the moment.
Also if you have any unfinished stories on this site that you would like to read please ask me, but I will only write two at a time.