
Marvel : Strongest Siblings

Max Ryder, an ordinary teenager with dreams of adventure, finds himself facing an unexpected twist of fate when he dies in a tragic accident. However, instead of fading into oblivion, Max awakens in the perilous world of Marvel, where superheroes and villains clash in epic battles. Alongside him is his younger sister, Lumia Ryder, a bright and resourceful girl who holds her own untapped potential. **** Intro is weak, try it and you will love it. Harem : Check OP : Check Fun : Check Hero : Check Powerful allies : Check

Boring_World · 电影同人
27 Chs

Marvel 25

Max observed as MJ stepped back, her mist slowly dissipating. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, analyzing her powers in comparison to the others.

'Hmm... her mist ability is more about crowd control, like creating an area of disruption. It's versatile but not as direct or forceful as Gwen's sharpness or Flash's explosive speed and high DPS.'

As Max mused over this, he realized how their abilities complemented each other. 'It's like a team is forming, naturally. MJ can control the battlefield, Flash can deal heavy damage, and Gwen's an all-rounder with her versatility in both offense and defense.'

His gaze then shifted to the two remaining members, Harry and Peter. 'Now, what about them?' Max thought, curious to see what unique abilities they would bring to the table. 'I wonder what kind of power Peter and Harry will develop.'

He smiled to himself, feeling the anticipation build. Max had already set them on a path toward greatness, and the potential for their powers was immense. 'If they're anything like the others, their abilities might just surprise me.'

"Lets go harry, your turn next" max said looking at harry who got visibly tensed.

'I can do it, if a nerdy though hot nerdy like Gwen and muscle brain like Flash could do it then I could it to' he thought to himself as he looked at Max.

Harry stepped forward, visibly nervous but trying to hide it with his usual confident demeanor. "Alright, Max, let's see what I've got." He extended his hand towards Max, determined not to be outshined by the others.

Max nodded and grasped Harry's hand, letting his energy flow into him. For a moment, there was silence, and then something began to happen. Harry's body started to radiate a faint, greenish aura, almost like a shimmering mist. Max felt a surge of power—something potent but unstable.

As Max pulled back, he said, "Interesting. You've got a raw power that's different from the others. It's chaotic, but it holds immense potential. Let's see if you can control it."

Harry looked at his hands, trying to make sense of what was happening. "What is it? What kind of power?"

Max gestured toward the training area. "Try focusing your energy on something. Visualize what you want to happen."

Harry took a deep breath and focused on a nearby target—a metallic training dummy standing off to the side. He raised his hand, and a pulse of green energy shot out, striking the dummy. Instead of a clean hit, the energy seemed to ripple and warp, causing the metal to melt and deform. The air around the dummy distorted, as if reality itself was bending.

"Whoa..." Harry said, clearly surprised by the effect.

Max nodded, impressed. "That's some serious power, Harry. It looks like you have control over matter manipulation, maybe even something close to molecular disintegration. But it's raw, untamed. You'll need a lot of practice to master it without causing too much collateral damage."

Flash whistled, "Man, that's... intense. So what, you can melt stuff now?"

Harry smirked, feeling more confident. "Seems like it."

Gwen chimed in, "That's kind of terrifying, but also really cool."

Max added, "Harry, you've got the potential to be one of the strongest here, but you need to stay focused. Your power is volatile. If you lose control, it could backfire."

'His power is Withering, weird ability he got' Max thought to himself as that greenish aura around Harry is Aura of Withering or one can even say Decaying.

'How paradoxical' Max thought to himself as his green aura is not life but death actually.

Harry nodded, still taking it all in. "Got it. I'll work on it."

Max stepped back, feeling satisfied with Harry's progress. "Now, Peter, you're up next. Let's see what you've got."

"Yes, I've been waiting for this for a long time," Peter said, stepping forward. His glasses were long gone since his enhanced vision no longer required them.

Max, watching him closely, thought to himself, 'He's bound to awaken something powerful. After all, that spider gave him a much bigger dose of venom than the others.' When the spider bit Peter, it had injected far more venom than anticipated, leaving Max with less to distribute to the others.

'I wonder what kind of ability he'll awaken. With the others showing such incredible powers, Peter's should be even more potent,' Max mused as he took Peter's hand and began channeling energy into him, amplifying whatever ability Peter possessed.

As the energy flowed between them, Max felt something brewing within Peter, like a storm waiting to break. The air around them seemed to shift, almost vibrating with potential.

As Max channeled energy into Peter, he noticed an unusual surge compared to the others. Peter's unique ability began to manifest, and Max could feel the difference—it was something far beyond simple physical enhancements.

Peter's body glowed faintly, but instead of light or mist, a sharp, web-like energy crackled around him. Slowly, the air shimmered as thin, translucent strands of energy emerged from his body, connecting to the environment.

"Whoa," Peter muttered, eyes wide as he observed the threads expanding outward, some attaching to walls and others lingering in mid-air. It was as if he was subconsciously weaving an invisible web of energy.

Max, watching carefully, realized what this ability was. "Energy tethering... Peter, you're not just creating webs. You're connecting to everything around you. This isn't like normal webbing—it's pure energy. You could potentially control or influence anything you're tethered to."

Peter stared at the energy threads. "So, I can connect to stuff... but what can I do with it?"

Max smiled. "You can sense things through the tethers, and eventually, manipulate objects or even other people's energy. You could trap someone without them even realizing it, or enhance your own power by drawing energy from your surroundings."

The potential of this ability was immense—Peter had the capability to not only create webs but also to manipulate the very fabric of energy around him. His "Energy Web" could allow him to control the battlefield, sense threats, or overpower enemies by absorbing their strength.

"With this," Max said, "you're more than just a web creator—you're a Dominator now"


Do check out my original : Strongest Extra Survival, while waiting for New chap


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It's 22 chaps ahead