
Marvel : Strongest Siblings

Max Ryder, an ordinary teenager with dreams of adventure, finds himself facing an unexpected twist of fate when he dies in a tragic accident. However, instead of fading into oblivion, Max awakens in the perilous world of Marvel, where superheroes and villains clash in epic battles. Alongside him is his younger sister, Lumia Ryder, a bright and resourceful girl who holds her own untapped potential. **** Intro is weak, try it and you will love it. Harem : Check OP : Check Fun : Check Hero : Check Powerful allies : Check

Boring_World · 电影同人
27 Chs

Marvel 24

A/N : I have edited the First chap a bit, to make it more realistic, so go and check it out


Max smirked inwardly but ignored her suggestion. He wanted Gwen to discover it naturally. He closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating on the energy flowing between them, trying to draw out Gwen's potential.

The thing he is doing is to amplify her inner power so that it could manifest , this manifestation will also allow her to sense her powers more thoroughly, it would be better then just telling her what her unique ability she got.

After he upgraded the spider, the level of radioactive spider reach another level, that now its bite will end up giving them a single or double unique abilities.

Suddenly, Gwen gasped. Her hand began to glow faintly, not with the red light like Flash, but with something softer—almost silver, like a web spun from light itself. The glow extended, wrapping gently around her arm in intricate patterns, almost like a protective shield. Gwen's eyes widened in awe.

"Whoa... What is this?" she asked, her voice a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Max opened his eyes and smiled. "Looks like you've got something related to energy manipulation.

That silver glow... it's almost like a protective barrier. A defensive ability, maybe? But it could have offensive uses too. We'll have to experiment."

Gwen flexed her fingers, still staring at the shimmering light around her arm. "This is... incredible."

The others were watching, all clearly intrigued and eager to discover their own abilities.

Max stepped back, watching closely as Gwen focused on manipulating the silvery light around her arm. "You're just getting started, Gwen. There's a lot more potential in you. Now, try to shape it—think of creating a sword. It's one of the simplest forms to master," Max instructed calmly.

Gwen nodded, concentrating on the energy flowing from her. The light began to swirl and condense, forming a long, snake-like shape. Slowly, it took the form of a glowing sword—though it was more wobbly than she intended.

From behind, Flash burst into laughter. "Ahahahaha! What's that? Is that supposed to be a sword or a bent iron stick?"

Gwen's eyes narrowed in irritation, her cheeks flushing with frustration. Without a second thought, she flung the silvery sword straight at Flash.

The laughter in Flash's throat died instantly as the sword zipped toward him. Reacting on instinct, he raised his hand to block it, but before anyone could panic, Max noticed the red glow enveloping Flash's hand. His "Crimson Light" ability activated on its own, colliding with Gwen's silvery energy sword.

The clash of powers created a dazzling display of red and silver, swirling together in mid-air, neither overpowering the other. Sparks crackled as the two energies danced and clashed, leaving a smoldering trail of fire and light.

Max raised an eyebrow, impressed by how their abilities were interacting. 'Looks like Flash have more control over his powers than he realizes, or simply he got good battle sense ' he thought.

Everyone also looked at them, as they wondered just what they are going to have, Harry especially looked forward to it 'With this superpowers I will be even cooler' He thought to himself.

MJ looked at the display of powers as her mind raced ' this kind of powers are really cool, but who is he?' he focus mostly went to Max who in her eyes look like he has everything in control.

She couldn't help but wonder just who is he?

Flash, on the other hand, looking at his hand in awe, couldn't believe he had instinctively countered Gwen's attack. Gwen, on the other hand, was half-surprised, half-proud that her sword had been strong enough to provoke such a reaction from him.

The tension broke as Gwen chuckled, giving Flash a teasing grin. "Still think it's a bent iron stick?"

Flash rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, muttering, "Yeah, well... it's still not a real sword." But the slight grin on his face betrayed his admiration.

Max clapped his hands. "Alright, that was a good start for both of you. The energy you two just

unleashed—now that's what I'm talking about. There's a lot to learn, but this is progress." He then glanced toward the others. "Who's up next? MJ, are you ready to see what you've got?"

MJ stepped forward confidently, nodding at Max. "Yeah, I'd love to see what I've got in me," she said with determination, extending her hand.

Max took her hand, concentrating as he channeled a bit of his own energy into her to amplify whatever powers lay dormant. As the energy surged inside MJ, the air around her began to shift. A cold fog emerged from her body, surrounding her in a thick mist that billowed and swirled.

"You've got something good," Max remarked as he observed the fog materializing around her. The mist had a mysterious, almost eerie quality, like it could obscure anything within it.

"This mist can be incredibly useful," Max continued. "You can create an area where you trap your enemies, limiting their sight and even disorienting them. You can also manipulate the red mist to form weapons—although that'll take some practice since turning something like mist into weapons isn't easy." He watched as MJ began to experiment with controlling the red mist around her hands.

MJ focused, her brow furrowed as she tried to form something tangible from the swirling fog. Slowly, the mist gathered in her palms, trying to take shape, but the consistency remained fluid, still difficult to solidify. She bit her lip in concentration, feeling the power but not quite mastering it yet.

"You're on the right track," Max encouraged. "It'll take some time, but once you figure out how to fully control it, you'll be able to do a lot more."

MJ smiled, a bit of excitement flashing in her eyes. "Alright, I'll keep working on it. Thanks, Max."

As she stepped back, the mist slowly dissipated, leaving behind a faint chill in the air.

'Her mist has corrosion and Metal attributes if she could master them properly then mist might get Poison attribute too' Max thought as he looked at her ability.


Do check out my original : Strongest Extra Survival, while waiting for New chap


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It's 22 chaps ahead