
Marvel : Strongest Siblings

Max Ryder, an ordinary teenager with dreams of adventure, finds himself facing an unexpected twist of fate when he dies in a tragic accident. However, instead of fading into oblivion, Max awakens in the perilous world of Marvel, where superheroes and villains clash in epic battles. Alongside him is his younger sister, Lumia Ryder, a bright and resourceful girl who holds her own untapped potential. **** Intro is weak, try it and you will love it. Harem : Check OP : Check Fun : Check Hero : Check Powerful allies : Check

Boring_World · 电影同人
27 Chs

Marvel 11

Max encased both himself and Peter in the swirling abyssal mist, moving silently through the chaos around them. They were near the SHIELD facility, where Thor, now stripped of his godly powers, was infiltrating in a desperate attempt to retrieve his hammer, Mjolnir.

Thor, dressed in civilian clothes and looking battered from his earlier encounters, was brute forcing in the base, just as Max remembered from the movie. But this time, it felt more intense, more real.

Through the cover of his mist, Max watched as Thor took out a few guards with hi super strength. His movements were brutish but carried the weight of someone who had once held godly power—now reduced to the limitations of a mere mortal. His desperation was palpable, but so was his determination.

Max whispered to Peter, "Hmm, well this is what happens when you forget you hammer. He's trying to get to Mjolnir."

Peter nodded, his voice low, "Yeah, but without his powers, he's at a huge disadvantage. We should stay back, right?"

"Yeah, for now," Max replied, keeping the abyssal mist thick around them as they continued moving forward. From their position, they could see Thor fighting his way through more SHIELD agents, determination etched on his face.

Thor reached the makeshift dome SHIELD had constructed around Mjolnir. The hammer, gleaming under the artificial light, sat embedded in the ground, surrounded by security systems and surveillance. Thor paused for a moment, his eyes locking onto his weapon, the source of his once-great power.

But as Max and Peter watched, Thor approached Mjolnir with certainty, smiling as he finally saw it. The scene was unfolding exactly as Max remembered it—Thor reaching for his hammer, heart full of relief. The hammer remained still, immovable. Thor's face twisted with frustration and despair as he struggled to lift it, his strength failing him.

Max clenched his fists, recalling how heartbreaking this moment had been in the movie, but seeing it unfold in reality felt even more impactful. The mighty Thor, now powerless, unable to reclaim what was once his.

"What the hell?" Peter blurted out, clearly puzzled by what he was seeing—Thor, the God of Thunder, unable to lift his own hammer.

Max, staring at the scene, mumbled to himself, "Yeah, what the hell? If he can't even lift it, how am I supposed to fight him?" His voice was loud enough for Peter to hear, drawing a confused look from the young hero.

"Wait! What?" Peter exclaimed, his surprise doubling as he processed Max's words. "I thought we were here to meet Thor, not to fight him!"

Max shrugged, unbothered. "Yeah, to meet him and fight him." He glanced back at Thor, now sitting in quiet despair as SHIELD agents moved in to apprehend him. It was almost weird to watch the once-mighty god from myths reduced to this, but Max's focus remained elsewhere.

"Let's just get out of here," Max said nonchalantly, starting to move away. "There's nothing more for us to see here."

Peter, still trying to make sense of everything, followed behind, shaking his head in disbelief. "So... we're just leaving? Just like that?"

"Yup. "he replied, while 'Next up is when he sulks in that nearby town. That's when the Asgardian warriors drop by, and the Destroyer shows up too," Max muttered, keeping his thoughts mostly to himself as they quietly made their exit from the facility.

Peter, still processing all the crazy events, just sighed. "Man, and here I thought he would be someone cool, but NO."

Soon, Max and Peter hopped into a car and slowly began to leave, putting distance between themselves and the SHIELD facility where Thor was being detained. As they drove towards a nearby town, Peter turned to Max and asked, "Should I buy the ticket back?"

"Hmm, no. Let's tour a bit since we're already here," Max replied with a shrug. Peter nodded, and they made their way to the town where Thor would be staying for a day before mayhem struck.

"This place looks nice," Max remarked as they arrived. He stepped out of the car and noticed a nearby hotel. "Let's book a room for ourselves."

Max checked in and got the keys to their room, knowing it could be tomorrow or few days later, when destroyer arrives. He planned to rest and gather his thoughts for what was to come.

Once inside the room, Max flopped onto the bed, allowing himself to relax for the first time in a while. He closed his eyes, contemplating the the new moves he could create, he has already made few of them from his anime knowledge but he wants to make more moves.

Meanwhile, Peter too return to his work. On the other side of the room, he pulled out his laptop, diving back into his work as the tech guy. The excitement of being in a new place didn't distract him; he was focused on enhancing his skills and keeping up with his tech projects. It was his passion, and despite the chaos around him, it was something he wanted to continue doing.

As night fell, Max found himself staring at the ceiling, anticipation bubbling inside him. "Tomorrow's going to be interesting," he muttered, bracing himself for whatever surprises awaited them in this town. As he closed his eyes ad fell into slumber.

Few days later

As the sun rose, Max and Peter set out to explore the town, keeping an eye out for Thor. The sun was shining, casting a bright glow over the streets, making everything feel alive.

Just the next morning they checked in hotel, they found Thor in this same town, so they decided to stay here and observe him,

They found a cozy café where they could grab some breakfast and keep a discreet watch. From their table, they could see a small park across the street, where a crowd had gathered.

"Do you think he'll show up today too?" Peter asked between bites of his pancakes.

Max shrugged, sipping his coffee. "He's drawn to places where he can drink and sulk in peace. This town has that vibe."


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