
Marvel: Live Broadcasting The Spoilers! [Translation On Pause]

A dimensional live broadcast system has come to Asgard, Kamar Taj and other places. With the exposure of various spoilers such as "Avengers 3", the entire multiverse of the Marvel is in chaos! Loki: After being beaten by Hulk, killed by Thanos, and forced to join the TVA, I end up loving female Loki? Iron Man: Dark Elves? Time Travel? Multiverse? This is awesome! Deadpool: Wow! I can actually slaughter the Marvel Universe! So cool! Thor: My hammer... And damn! How did I get so fat! Scarlet Witch: I would never fall in love with a robot! Not to mention "no more mutants"! Magneto: Wanda, in a different parallel universe, you can still call me Daddy. Thanos: I snapped my fingers, but I still failed...

BingeFics · 漫画同人
110 Chs

Chapter 103. The Real Illusions of Classic Loki! Blanket for Two!

[The video continued.]

[For a moment, dozens of Lokis were fighting in the shelter.]

[Even Loki himself could only dodge left and right, carefully avoiding getting involved in the battle.]

["For the glorious purpose!"]

[A Loki shouted and rushed over but was knocked down by Classic Loki's green sorcery.]

[Looking at the messy situation in front of him, Classic Loki shook his head. He balled his right hand into a fist and raised it violently!]

[A flash of green light was seen. Visions of Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and even Alligator Loki instantly sprang up.]

[The illusion of Kid Loki threw Alligator Loki at one of the enemies, and it bit their hand off.]

[The illusion of Classic Loki constantly threw magic blasts, sending several Lokis scurrying for cover.]

[Seeing that the enemy had been attracted by the illusion he summoned, Classic Loki waved to Loki and others, then cast a portal beside him.]

["Come on!"]

[Classic Loki, Loki, and Kid Loki, that was carrying the alligator, passed through the portal. They fled the underground shelter that had been reduced to a battlefield.]

In Kamar Taj.

"No.... how could that be possible?"

Master Mordo's eyes were wide open, staring at the vivid Loki illusions on-screen. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Master Wang, standing beside him, frowned. His expression turned serious.

'Those illusions didn't only fight as if they were solid; they could also cast spells?!'

'The most incredible thing is that these spells ... actually caused damage!'

'How can there be such powerful illusion magic in the world?'

Looking at the screen, Master Ancient One's always calm eyes also revealed a slight ripple.

"Almost veritable illusion? ... Truly remarkable sorcerer."

Gently nodding her head, Master Ancient One spoke with a tinge of admiration...

"This old man has reached the pinnacle of illusion magic. With one more step ... he will be able to breakthrough the barrier between reality and illusion."

'Breakthrough the barrier between reality and illusion?'

Master Mordo and Master Wang looked at each other, seeing shock and horror in each other's eyes.

'Does that not mean that it's possible to transform an illusion into reality?'

'That's the realm of altering reality!'


"What a powerful illusion."

In the live streaming room, Loki also saw that, and his pupils instantly shrank as his body shook.

As a master of illusion magic, of course, he could see the power of Classic Loki's spells.

At this moment, Loki felt a sense of pride.

'It turns out that ... this kind of illusion magic that was belittled and ignored by the people of Asgard could be so powerful!'

Just as Loki's heart was surging with excitement, other people's voices rang in the live streaming room.

"Mr Stark?"

Peter frowned and looked puzzled, "Why are all the Lokis there fighting each other?"

"It feels as if they're all a bit ..."

The thin-skinned Peter was too embarrassed to go on, while Tony just laughed and finished the sentence for him,

" ... A bit crazy?"

"That's right."

Exchanging a look with Strange next to him, Tony slowly said...

"Although these guys are all Variants, people who deviated from the boundaries that the TVA had set; since they're all Lokis, their personalities should all be pretty much the same."

Strange added...

"That kind of distrust and the impulse to betray should also be part of Loki's character."

"No way... so he's expecting others to do what he won't do?"

Young Wanda caught the point and was immediately greeted with an angry glare from Loki.

Tony said, "It's much more complicated than that."

He pointed to the screen...

"Do you remember the kid? In my opinion, that boy must be the first person to discover the underground shelter, so he sealed himself as the king there."

"He even made himself a throne!"

Strange listened thoughtfully and looked back at Loki...

"No wonder that old Loki, and that burly Loki, were respecting this little Loki's self-proclaimed monarchy."

"The two of them must have arrived later on and were taken in by child Loki into his kingdom."

Natasha Romanoff thought about it for a moment, then opened her mouth in disbelief...

"The King? Throne?"

"Are these Lokis ... reliving their lives at Asgard? Before they were sent to the Void?"


Tony gave Natasha Romanoff a thumbs up.

"So that's it!"

Peter glanced back at Loki, whose face was clouded and seemed a little embarrassed, and softly sighed.

"Even though I was exiled to the end of time, I still haven't forgotten my home. Looks like these Lokis didn't either."

[The video continued.]

["Damn it! Animals, animals!"]

[Classic Loki led Loki and the others through the portal and growled in annoyance...]

["We lie and we cheat, we cut the throat of every person who trusts us, and for what?"]

[Classic Loki had a self-deprecating smile on his face...]

["Power. Glorious power. Glorious purpose!"]

["We cannot change..."]

["We're broken, every version of us! Forever!"]

[Kid Loki got excited when he heard that...]

["And whenever one of us dares to try to fix themselves, the TVA sends us here to die!"]

Hearing these words, almost everyone in the live streaming room gasped.

They had hit the nail on the head.

Although they had all made various predictions before, thinking that the TVA had set Loki's fate as someone always evil, always defeated, and so on ...

But now, since it was actually said by Kid Loki himself...

It was indeed Loki's predetermined fate ... in every universe.

[The video continued.]

[Hearing the complaints of the other two Lokis, Loki quickly spread his arms and passionately said..]

["That's why I need to get out of here. Nothing can change until the TVA is stopped!"]

[Classic Loki looked back and asked, "And you trust her?"]

[Loki nodded solemnly.]

["She's the only one I do trust. And right now, I believe she's our only chance of stopping the TVA."]

[Kid Loki, who lost his little kingdom and had nothing left, also changed his mind and nodded his head...]

["That's good enough for me."]

[Seeing that, Classic Loki also agreed.]

["Okay, okay. We'll help you."]

[But ... Classic Loki's face showed hesitation again, "But, approaching Alioth is a death sentence."]

["We'll get you to it, but that's as far as we go."]

[By implication, Classic Loki was making it clear that he would never risk his life for Loki.]

[Then, all three Loki walked towards where Alioth was.]

[On the way, Classic Loki asked, "Do you have a plan of action?"]

[Loki spread his hand, "Get inside, find its heart or brain or whatever. And then, you know, do it in."]

[Feeling the suspicious gazes of the two people beside him, Loki defended.]

["Okay, just because it's not complicated doesn't mean it's bad."]

[Kid Loki bitterly smile, "It also doesn't mean it's good."]

[At this moment, Alligator Loki, that was crawling on the ground, opened its mouth. He let out a growl.]

[Seeing that Loki acted like he wasn't alone on his plan, "See? He's onboard."]

[Classic Loki sighed...]

["He's praying. He thinks we're going to die."]

[At this moment, the instrument in Kid Loki's hands franticly ticked.]

[This was a device the Lokis had made...]

[This device would tick every time something was pruned off by the Time Variance Authority and fell into the Void.]

[Soon, a colourful light flashed in the air.]

[Then, a huge battleship appeared out of thin air and suddenly fell to the ground.]


Looking at the number on the battleship, Stephen Strange's eyes suddenly showed more interest.

"That's... that's the battleship that went missing decades ago, during the legendary Philadelphia experiment?"

"They were pruned by the Time Variance Authority?! "

Tony's expression also turned serious.

Such a big battleship could still be pruned whole, sent to the Void. The TVA were much more powerful than he had imagined.

[The loud noise from the ship falling had attracted Alioth.]

[Seeing Alioth rushing towards the battleship, Loki gave a slight nod.]

["Alioth is like any animal, he'll go after the big meal first."]

["And while he's busy with that, we can sneak around the back and..."]

[Facing the horrible purple monster sweeping across the sky, the sailors on the ship were all horrified, frantically aiming their weapons and firing at the monsters in the air.]

["Boom! Boom! Boom!"]

[Countless cannons blasted into the fog, but it didn't work.]

[In a flash, the purple fog quickly swept through the whole battleship.]

[As long as they were caught in the fog, the sailors would immediately turn into skeletons.]

[And the steel battleship itself was instantly corroded into a pile of scrap by the terrifying fog. No one could see its previous appearance.]

[Looking at Alioth's frightening power, Loki's self-confidence was instantly swept away. The convincing tone in his voice was also gone.]

[Instead, there was only bottomless horror and fear.]

["Okay ..."]

[Loki's eyes were wide open. He gulped and then said...]

["Maybe we, uh … think a bit more about this, huh?"]

[Kid Loki and Classic Loki looked at each other and nodded their heads in silence.]

"What the hell? Such a coward..."

In the otherworldly live steaming room, Young Wanda looked disappointed and involuntarily pouted her cheeks...

"Where is your courage? Are you still a man? "

Loki opened his mouth and tried to defend the 'self' of the other universe...

"That's ... that only a strategic retreat, for now..."

"After all, they now have a better understanding of the enemy, so ... it's not meaningless ..."

Seeing that everyone else was looking at him with odd expressions, Loki's tone gradually went down. In the end, he couldn't say anything.

Stephen Strange withdrew his gaze and gently nodded.


'No, he has a strong desire to survive.'

'This should be one of Loki's characteristics.'

[The video continued.]

[Just as the three Lokis were terrified by Alioth's powers...]

[The sound of a car came from behind them.]

[It turned out to be Mobius and Sylvie, who followed Alioth here.]

[Loki greeted them happily. He was overjoyed to see Mobius and female Loki.]

["These are my friends... Us as a child, us in the future, and... us as an alligator."]

[Sylvie and Mobius were introduced to the other two Lokis.]

[Mobius looked speechless, "Uh... you throw a rock out here, you hit a Loki."]

[Sylvie, on the other hand, cut to the point, "So you're all after the giant cloud monster, too, then?"]

[When Loki said he wanted to kill it, Sylvie scolded him.]

[Then Sylvie claimed that the mastermind behind the Time Variance Authority lived beyond the Void at the end of time.]

[And that Alioth was the watchdog of that big boss.]

[As long as she could enchant Alioth, she would be able to enter that place and meet the big boss.]


[Loki laughed and said, "That's insane, right?"]

[Sylvie retorted, "As insane as what? Paper-cutting a cloud to death?"]

[Loki seemed to feel that his dignity had been challenged and spoke defensively: "Listen, I've been down here longer than you ..."]

[But Sylvie didn't listen to him and placed her foot down...]

["I'm going to enchant it!"]

[Loki was speechless, and finally, he had to agree.]

"Haha. Mr Stark, you were right! "

Seeing that, Peter cried out in surprise.


Tony's expression looked like he felt nothing about being right, but there was still a tinge of smugness in his smirk.

Judging from what happened to that battleship just now, the destructive power and speed of that fog were faster than he expected.

That thing definitely wasn't simple.

On the other hand, Wanda giggled again...

"Four big men, but in the end, they can only listen to a girl. That's ... hahaha ..."

Hearing that, Natasha was uncharacteristically serious:

"This has nothing to do with men and women. They choose to listen to Sylvie because she's the only expert in enchantment magic. Her plan must have sounded more reliable to them than Loki's."

Young Wanda puffed out her cheeks with a defiant look and muttered in a low voice...

"Anyway, in the end, Sylvie alone can fight the monster, right? What's the use of those other men?"

[The video continued.]

[Before launching the final attack, they decided to rest first.]

[Out of some kind of tacit understanding, Mobius and Classic Loki gave some space to Loki and Sylvie.]

[After the separation, there was an inexplicable sense of detachment, and they couldn't even find anything to talk about for a while. So, they started with Mobius.]

[Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and Loki felt a slight chill.]

["It's cold."]

[Sylvie nodded, too, "Mmm-hmm."]

[Loki thought for a moment. Then he reached out, he conjured up a blanket and wrapped himself up.]

[Sylvie looked back and froze for a moment.]

[Sensing Sylvie's brooding eyes, Loki spoke with a big smile, "I could conjure one for you if you like."]

[Sylvie looked helpless and immediately changed the subject.]

["You could conjure me a new outfit. You have no idea how uncomfortable something like this is."]

There was silence in the live streaming room for a moment, and then there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha ..."

Natasha laughed her head off.

"Poor guy, didn't you see the look in that girl's eyes? She was trying to get you to keep her warm by covering her too."

Tony looked at Loki's eyes with a trace of pity, as if pitying for an idiot who hasn't had a girlfriend for over 1,000 years.

"Those old guys gave the two of you some room, and you're just sitting there wrapped up in a blanket all by yourself?"

"Even elementary students know that they should hold hands!"

"Have ... you never had a girlfriend in your life?"



resuming uploads.