
Marvel: Exilir Rise of the Mutant empire

Who decides what is right and wrong. Is it the government who citizens who hunt by people for the crime of existing. Or the government who seek control and turn us into weapons. Or maybe it is the cosmic beings who find out suffering amusing. No, what decides this is power. I am Joshua Foley and I will becomes the monster which even the mighty celestials fear. ok, this is a rewrite of the first one. and one thing I want to make clear is that this book is dark I mean really dark. it is a book which I would like to present to sir Lucifer morningstar if I ever met him. so you can think about how much this book is dark. let me tell you burning people alive, killing the children in front of parents is a regular occurrence. mc has a very shity past. now he is mentally screwed and wants the mutant race to be above everyone even the celestials. he is not afraid to become the demon for achieving his goals. someone is in his way may the gods Nd stan have mercy. Because hell will feel like a heaven for them after mc will be done with them. you will know when you will read first chapter. disclaimer: I don't own marvel also guys I am also posting this book on royalroad.com

Edgelord666 · 电影同人
103 Chs


( Read Author Note)

They were afraid. Yes, This was the emotion they were all feeling. They were afraid, they were feeling fear. And the reason was a 16-year-old boy. Peggy and Howard haven't felt like this in a very long time. It is the same feeling that Howard felt when He first saw the Laser weapon of Hydra powered by the Tesseract cube.

Everyone in the room was sweating bullets. They all looked at each other. The atmosphere around the room was suffocating and deadly silent.

" I told you, that boy is not something that we can take lightly. Any attempt at him or his supposedly family will be our grave. This here is not a threat but a warning to not mess with him.

You know, I think it was me that expected too much from you guys.

You know what I am just fed up with you guys.

You preach of saving people from the unknown. You disguise yourself as a shield that protects people from harm. You believed that you are safeguarding the world.


Do you know what YOU ARE?


what were those promises that you did to me, Peggy?

Pierce works with us and we will make a better world. Is this your better world where people are experimented on so that we can make better soldiers? We threaten people to do our bidding. We fought wars, we do the assassinations. We deal with filth, those mafias, and blood-sucking vampires. We abduct children and make them go through hell. We do the bidding of the rich.

And before you deny anything, Margaret Elizabeth Carter. You are the worst person I know of.

You destroyed the very legacy of Steve Rogers. If he was alive I Can guarantee that he would have killed you with his own hands.

You know what I am done pretending that what I am doing is for the greater good of this world.

So please find someone else to believe in your ideas.

" Pierce said and then left the room.

What happens here is that 3 hours ago shield Director Peggy Carter received a parcel.

This parcel and its content make the whole Upper echelons of Shield trembled in fear.

Because first, no one should know that where Shield's headquarters is, and second very few know that Peggy Carter is the Director of Shield.

But it was the content of the parcel that raise the tension.

In the Parcel, there were 2 heads, one folder, and one envelope.

These heads were of 2 businessmen who were also the son and son-in-law of two world security council members.

The second was a folder that has the name and family information of shield agents who were tasked with getting information from Foley Industries.

And the 3rd was a photo of Sebastian in a butler uniform.

No one needs the genius to understand what this was.

It was a warning, a naked, open warning. " Do something like this and you will have to prepare for a lot of funerals " this was the summary of this.

" What could have transpired this course of action from that pshyco. " Hank Pym asked.

" Tell us, Peggy, did you approach him even against our advice. " Howard stark asked his friend.

" It was those idiots in the World Security Council. " Peggy sighed and started telling them what happens.

The World Security Council wanted something that they can use against Joshua but in reality, their business too was getting affected and the politicians were afraid.

Now Shield doesn't have to answer the government but that was just a white lie. They have to answer the world security council which was mainly made up of politicians and rich men.

So Peggy told them of Shields's findings of Joshua Foley. Which consisted of the fact that his butler might be mercenary s.

So those idiots in council in their infinite wisdom dare to poke at the sleeping lion. They dared to blackmail someone who doesn't have a shred of fear for what he did and do so openly.

This was his response to them. He killed their family members who were also members of the Hellfire club according to Howard.

He is daring them to make a move on him.

And this enraged Pierce no end. He according to them was doing everything in his capabilities to deal with the problem.

He was already tensed before and so they thought his anger was justified at them.

But Peggy and Howard knew Pierce better. It was all a facade. Pierce never decides anything in just a spur of a moment. He calculated everything.

He already anticipated this outcome when Peggy told him about the council problem. So he told Peggy to tell them all about what they knew of Joshua and when Joshua will take action, Pierce will leave Shield in a moment of rage.

And the world council would not want an asset of Pierce value let free. They will contact him and pierce will decide to join the council.

And from the Council Pierce will work as a double agent for Shield. He will give Shield the relief that Shield needed from the constant bugging of the Council.

This was Pierce and Peggy's plan from the start.

An: just done some editing to the chapter today in my free time. My exams are going on guys. So this chapter.

This was the last chapter of shield reactions and in the next one, we will back to our edgy boy Joshua.

The reason this chapter is released is that today is Quenton's birthday.

Happy birthday, boy. I promised him 3 chapters release but I just came from my exam and in the morning there is another one.

I am giving exam 3 days back to back without rest. So I was not able to make 3 chapters. So sorry man.

But I promise you your 2 happy birthday chapters as a persent will be delivered on 22 march and on 25 march there will be 5 chapter mass release.

So sorry quenton for not fulfilling my promise but my circumstances doesn't let me. Now here in India it is evenning and i have an exam at 8.30 am sharp. So see you guys.