
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

48 Chs

Chapter 28

Peter was having an interview with Jameson and while it was happening all the superheroes who were behind what happened to Peter before and how they refused to help him were having the unluckiest day of their life because of the pressure all of them were facing from the above.

Tony:" What the heck, who those bas$&ds think we are. how do I know what to do now, when I was going to help him they were the ones who stopped me by saying"We don't need rusted tools for use" and because of you Fury I have to do that."

Fury:" I know that but we will not be able to solve this issue if he told them about our past mistakes."

Reed:" We can do nothing right now because he is really strong and we have no way to stop him."

Fury:" I understand that but if this matter went public then the trust of people in Superheroes will be destroyed."

Reed:" Then we have to offer him something that he doesn't have and make him shut his mouth."

Tony in a jealous tone:" We have nothing that he doesn't have, their technology is far advanced than us, their medical sector is also very advanced and they even have a metal far better than Vibranium so that's not an option."

Fury:" Then how the fuck we can solve this problem."

Miles:" I think we should just go there and kick his ass and make him hand over everything."

Tony:" See that's why I proposed that we should put a sign outside that "Donkeys and Stupid people are not allowed in Avengers tower" are you out of your mind or you have done from living so you want us to fight that monster."

Miles shut his mouth hearing Tony's words and didn't say anything further. Scarlet spider AKA Mary Jane come forward and said:" Should we try to talk to him and maybe he will understand us."

Reed:" he is not your boyfriend anymore so that he will care about your words and for God sake, you never go in front of him otherwise I don't even want to think what will he do."

MJ also shut her mouth after this and Tony again said:" I don't know one thing Fury, you and Rogers always used to say that I am childish but where did you find these bunch of stupidly Awesome people."

Fury was silent don't know what to say or do right now and how to save the image of Superheroes in front of the civilians of the US.

While in Daily Bugle

Jameson asked his next question:" So Mr Parker my next question is, How will you manage the economic conditions of your country as during our research we found that not even a single organisation is ready to do business in your country."

Peter:" Oh, that's a very good question as I was also curious that which companies proposals are going to come for establishing a business in our country but now I won't have to think about it. so thank you.

As for economic development, we have some advantages over other countries and because of our technology we don't need to be dependent on any countries and of course, I am not going to reveal this information here."

Jameson:" so I can say that you don't have any issues related to the economic development of your country."

Peter:" Of course and as every citizen of our country is very responsible to the country, from the day of establishment of Avalon till today we have no registered criminal cases which is a great achievement for a country which is created recently in my point of view."

Jameson with a happy smile:" if what you are saying is true then I also wanted to visit and stay in a country like that."

Peter smiled proudly and said:" Yeah for that our engineers are working on a project which will be an Island created just for the tourist attraction but they will not be able to visit other areas of the country as not to disturb the peaceful life of civilians."

Everyone in the studio and the people who were watching the news got excited about this as they have seen some of the views of Avalon's beauty during the Coronation ceremony.

Jameson in excitement asked:" Then should I assume that our channel is the first one to cover this news:"

Peter:" Yeah"

Jameson:" Thank you, Mr Parker I am fortunate to talk to you about this matter."

Peter smiled and nodded and Jameson asked his next question:" Mr Parker this will be our last question, can you tell the general public how you got this much power or the secret behind your powers."

Everyone in the world sits tightly on their sits because everyone wants to hear about the secret behind the power of the person who has faced so many dangers without any problems.

Peter in the studio smiled kindly and said: "Look Mr Jameson, People think that we got powerful without having to pay any price for it but this is not how it works because everyone has to pay a certain price to gain the power he wants even if he is a God."

Jameson:" is that so, then I should also assume that you have paid the price for your powers and if you have is the price you have paid."

Peter:" I have paid the price and it was my peaceful life, I know it is not anything great like selling your soul for power but to me, it was because I always dreamed of having a normal family and kids and getting old with them but when I first time got my powers a person who was very close to my heart said " With great powers comes great responsibility" and by following that single line I am sitting here in front of you."

Jameson:" I can not say I understand your words completely but I understood some of them and can easily say it is very great thinking but can you tell us what inspire you the most for taking such a big step."

Peter:" Oh, If I have to say what inspired me to take such a big decision then I would say that when I newly got my powers and don't know how to progress further into them, I went on the street and was walking aimlessly not understanding what I was even doing then suddenly I come across a little girl.

she was wearing tattered clothes and have a dirty bandage around her eyes. I don't know why I go near that girl and asked her what happened to her parents and why is she standing alone here."

"She told me about her parents throwing her on street and how the orphanage she was in got burned and she got blind. then she told me about how no one was accepting her because of her being blind. but you know what Mr Jameson despite all of that she was smiling like a bright sun on that cold night and seeing her smile made me feel that I should do something to protect her smile and smile of many children like her."

Jameson:" I am right now feeling very happy that you have shared such an experience of your life with us and by this can you please tell our audience about what happened to you before becoming Enigma."

Peter:" Yeah, about that can you please open the gift box I give to you at the start."

Jameson nodded and pick up the gift box and unwrapped it, a navy blue colour box come out of it and when Jameson opened the box his eyes got wide in surprise.


Thanks for reading and please tell me if you like this style of writing where I tried to become more natural while writing the dialogue and please tell me if I am being over dramatic.😊