
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · 漫画同人
120 Chs

King In Black: part 4(chapter 103)

prevously in chapter 102

One dragon, larger than the others, lunged at Salva with its jaws wide open. With a swift motion, Salva spun his spear and struck the dragon's head, shattering it into pieces. The dragon's body disintegrated, and Salva absorbed its essence, growing stronger with each kill. 

More dragons surrounded him, their tendrils and claws slashing through the air. Salva moved with precision, dodging their attacks while countering with powerful thrusts of his spear. Each strike was accompanied by a burst of flames, incinerating the dragons instantly. His control over his strength was absolute; he could have destroyed the entire city with ease, but he chose to focus his power on the dragons alone, minimizing collateral damage.


Chapter 102

Below him, the Ghost Rider was battling dragons on his own. His hellfire-infused chains lashed out, tearing through the symbiote creatures with ease. Mephisto, still bound and taunting, watched the carnage with a twisted smile.

Salva continued to fight, his movements a blur of speed and power. He created a condensed sphere of fire in his hand and hurled it at a group of dragons. The sphere exploded on impact, disintegrating the dragons and leaving nothing but ashes. Despite his mastery over his physical strength, his fire still needed refinement.

He continued to fly through the air, his spear blazing brightly as he struck down dragon after dragon. The swarms seemed endless, but Salva's determination was unwavering. Each dragon he consumed brought him closer to the strength he needed to confront Knull.

Salva touched down again, his feet landing softly despite the destruction around him. He looked up and saw something that actually surprised him—a swarm of demons. They ranged in size and appearance: some were massive, others small; some had leathery skin, others scales; some were bestial, while others were humanoid with varying numbers of eyes and insectoid features. 

"What the hell are demons doing here?" Salva asked himself, his grip tightening on the Eternal Flame spear. The lead demon, resembling a red yeti with burning eyes, stepped forward and bellowed, "He is here! The false king and Mephisto, they have taken to the sky!"

The demons growled and snarled, their varied forms creating a nightmarish cacophony. Salva leaped down in front of them, landing with a force that cracked the ground. "Kill the false demon!" the lead demon yelled, and the swarm surged towards Salva for some reason, however, he wasnt going to complain, he was close to evolving again.

Salva braced himself, spinning his spear in a wide arc that created a wall of flames. The first wave of demons, smaller and more agile, leaped through the flames with screeches of pain. Salva thrust his spear forward, piercing one demon's chest and using the momentum to hurl it into two others. The demon disintegrated upon impact, the Eternal Flame burning through its body effortlessly.

A large demon with scaly skin and three eyes charged at Salva, its claws extended. Salva ducked under its swing and jabbed his spear upward, the tip puncturing the demon's chin and exiting through the top of its head. He pulled the spear out with a swift motion, the demon collapsing lifelessly.

More demons followed, each with unique abilities. One with leathery wings spat a stream of corrosive acid at Salva, who spun his spear to create a shield of flames that evaporated the acid before it could reach him. He countered with a quick thrust that impaled the demon's wing, pulling it to the ground where he finished it with a decisive strike.

A beastial demon with immense strength and a single eye rushed him next, swinging a massive club. Salva sidestepped the blow and struck the demon's knee, causing it to buckle. As the demon fell forward, Salva decapitated it with a swift horizontal slash of his spear.

The lead demon roared, sending a wave of insectoid demons at Salva. They crawled and flew towards him, their mandibles clicking ominously. Salva took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, releasing a controlled burst of flame that incinerated the swarm mid-air. 

A humanoid demon with a third eye on its forehead attempted to cast a spell, its hands glowing with dark energy. Salva hurled his spear like a javelin, piercing the demon's heart and disrupting the spell. The demon convulsed and fell, its magic dissipating into the air.

Salva retrieved his spear with a quick yank, just as a massive demon with a horned head and bulging muscles charged at him. The ground trembled under its weight. Salva stood his ground, waiting for the perfect moment. As the demon brought down its fists, Salva sidestepped and slashed the demon's Achilles tendon, causing it to crash forward. He then vaulted onto its back and drove the spear through its skull, flames erupting from the wound as the demon's body convulsed and disintegrated.

Despite their numbers, the demons were no match for Salva's speed and precision. He moved through them with deadly grace, each swing and thrust of his spear calculated to maximize damage. He used his agility to avoid their attacks, striking back with pinpoint accuracy. 

A demon with reptilian features and poisonous fangs lunged at him, its mouth wide open. Salva grabbed its jaws, forcing them apart, and then thrust his spear down its throat, flames bursting from its body as it burned from the inside out.

Another demon, this one with four arms and a heavily armored body, attempted to overwhelm him with brute strength. Salva dodged its blows and targeted the joints in its armor, his spear finding the weak points and piercing through. The demon roared in agony before falling to the ground, its life extinguished.

As the battle raged on, the number of demons began to dwindle. Salva's relentless assault left piles of ash and charred remains in his wake. The lead demon, seeing its forces decimated, charged at Salva in a desperate final attack. 

Salva met the charge head-on, parrying the demon's blows with his spear. With a final, powerful thrust, he drove the spear through the lead demon's heart, lifting it off the ground and holding it aloft as it burned from within. The demon's eyes dimmed, and its body crumbled to ash.

Breathing heavily, Salva looked around at the devastation. The swarm of demons, once two hundred strong, lay defeated. He took a moment to catch his breath, then turned his attention to the sky. "I need to keep moving," he thought, determined to continue his fight against the symbiote threat. 

He began walking again, the Eternal Flame spear glowing brightly in his hand.


A/N well, another chapter, hope you guys like it.