
Marvel as alien x

Reincarnated in marvel as alien x Short first chapter Updated first chapter

Advidreader50 · 电影同人
7 Chs


Hoooooonk boom skrttttt ahhhhhh

Huh, what happened the last thing I remember is that I uhhhhh I don't know I remember everything before that but how did I die? Said, Alex

All of a sudden a golden bright light shined brighter than the sun and when the light came so did a elderly man and the first words he spoke were "Okay so you died by my fault but since I'm god it's your fault for being there in the first place so choose your 2 wishes which I don't care what you choose to get so hit me with your best shot said oh let me introduce myself I'm god of your world and many others I'm the ugliest person alive and the most handsome man I'm a girl I'm a male I'm everything and everything is me did you get that.

I did but some questions about how I died First of all, are you not omnipotent how the fuck do you make a mistake that detrimental to my life second of all do o keep my memories or not

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to I will e fucking rase you insolent brat your sad excuse of a life isn't detrimental what's bad is all the fucking work I got to do to fix this shit which is your fault for being their but yes you do so chop chop bitch

Yeah yeah yeah let me tell you my wishes nombre one to be Alien x from Ben 10 number dos to have a backstory

Your wish has been granted now what is your backstory

I want to be created by oaa and for him to know I'm reincarnated

Not possible because he cannot know about my existence so two choices you reincarnate and he doesn't know or he knows but he thinks he did it by his own doing and you have to have a purpose

The later, and my purpose is to protect the universe from threats not born there and to live my life to the fullest and be my own purpose also just for the shits and giggles make me the person who keeps order of all from the celestial to beings like the living tribunal

Okay now walk through that door -pointed to a newly appeared door- now get out my face you brat before you go you do know your gonna be the second most powerful person in marvel what's the fun in that?

Oh, I thought you could read my mind?

I can but I don't feel like it so tell me

Oh well, then I was going to make power limiters that could limit my power to 1 percent to have fun

Oh fuck you degenerate bitch ugly stupid self and also choose your fucking appearance look in the comments ->

That done so get out I have stuff to do

Okay okay I'm gone piece out bitch - runs through the while hearing god screaming words you wouldn't want to hear-

See you next time friends or foes which are you? Anyway let's have a preview

Huh where am I -feels a sucking motion that doesn't hurt- what is this what's happening then see's a blinding light and sees a giant of a man that is surrounded in a golden light

????- you are my son your name is now alien x your purpose is to keep orderhe says in a booming voice

Yayyyy I'm back bitches

See you next chapter you people
