
Barbarian village

Brennus came out of the shed to find the peaceful forest. He found it hard to believe that barbarians and werewolves resided in this peace.

"Stay here. I'll check out the barbarian village," he said and looked at the snake circling him. "Medusa, you too."


He pulled the sweatshirt's hood. Emma blinked her eyes as she reached out to him.

"Woah. I almost couldn't notice you. Is this another treasure?"

Brennus answered with a nod and flew toward the river he discovered a few hours ago. He squinted at the red names waving on the shore of a shallow river.

[River Serpent Lvl. 5]

He created a dagger from Divine Essence and tried to snipe. He barraged the escaping snake with a dagger after another. A lucky shot nailed it on the floor.

[+750 XP]

[Level up!]

[5 Stat Points received!]

Another level up, and more nutrition for Medusa.

"Medusa is a hilarious name."

Brennus wholeheartedly agreed with Lady Death. He shifted the points to Vitality this time around and swiveled to the village. The roars and whistles were damn wild.

He stored the snake's corpse for Medusa and flew toward the village.

A group of copper-skinned barbarians fought four giant white snakes with crimson eyes. A snake swallowed a barbarian whole, another spat deadly poisonous mist at the barbarian in its vice — this was true chaos.

[Ghost Snake Lvl 39]

[Main Skill: Poison]

[Ghost Snake Lvl 42]

[Ghost Snake Lvl 40]

Medusa was evolving into this species. He nodded his head. They looked cool and intimidating, even stronger than the werewolf.

'I won't get another chance to killsteal like this. Bloodbane might not work on their scales. A Lightsword is all I need then.'

With a narrow and tall Lightsword, he fell onto the nearest serpent like a missile. The snake busy swallowing the barbarian could only glance up before the sword lanced its brain.

[+6000 XP]

[Level up!]

[5 Stat Points received!]

The other snake bolted at Brennus with open jaws. Up close, Brennus finally noticed its insane size. This thing had fangs bigger than the Bloodbane.

He flicked his wings and rocketed above. The barbarians stole the opening as they jumped on the serpent and stabbed its body repeatedly. The last one could only take out three me before its friend was half dead. Before it bled to death, Brennus ended it with a dagger through its brain.

Immobile targets were the easiest.


[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[10 Stat Points received!]

He was already at Level 17!

"In the name of Gullah, avenge our fallen men!"

The barbarians yelled in English and ganged up on the final serpent. The poor thing got barraged by a dozen barbarians and ended up dead. Brennus didn't try to steal this one as two barbarians stood guard exclusively for him.

'Who the fuck is Gullah? Some god they worship? And why are they speaking English?'

"Because you're Angel. It's their job to look after humanity on behalf of God," Lady Death explained.

The barbarians chopped the serpent's head and raised it high to declare victory.

"Stranger, get lost. You are not welcomed at the door on Pictland," said a Level 21 barbarian, glaring at Brennus warily. He seemed to be the strongest among this bunch of Level 14 to 17.

"Wait," an elderly man walked out of the village with a stick in his hands. "Gullah does not teach us to be ungrateful."

[Ape Clan Chieftain Level 29]

[Main skill: Healer]

"A healer. Interesting," Brennus muttered.

Some barbarians tried to argue back but the old man shut them up with a wave of his hand. Brennus didn't intend to listen to their bullshit and descended. He threw the two ghost snakes into his Mystic Dimension. The barbarians stood witless at his actions, only regaining senses when he flew above. He accelerated towards Emma, ignoring the commotion he created.

'I'm going to treat them as neutral until they show some hostility.'

He wasn't a homicidal maniac, who'll murder anyone. The wild beasts were easier prey and more predictable than the wild savages. Brennus told Emma everything and brought her to the sky. Medusa desperately latched onto his legs, fearing that Brennus was leaving her behind.

The orange hues in the far distance signified the arrival of a new dawn.

"That's a beautiful sunrise. Is the time similar to our world?"

Lady Death hummed in his ears. "It is."

"Seems so," Brennus replied. "Can you control more creatures?"

The Ghost snakes would be a powerful asset. He couldn't control them since his telepathy sucked. Even after getting the trait, he felt like his mental-type skills leveled up far too slow.

"You were never the brightest mind, Dear," Lady Death said.

"I don't know for sure, but I can try," Emma answered. "It'll harder if their sentience is more developed."

"You just need to make them agree to the contract. I'll take care of the rest."

Brennus flew around with Emma clinging to him. The dense forest showed no signs of ending even after traveling miles. He collected precious information about the location of barbarian tribes scattered across the forest. It was hard to find more with the dense foliage obscuring their visions.

Brennus patiently searched the surroundings of the barbarian tribe in search of the ghost snake or potentially a base loaded with them. He could pick them off like an eagle and earn easy XP.

He found a ghost snake sneaking through the bushes and followed it to a cave carved in a collection of large boulders. With no large trees in the vicinity, it was a perfect place to fight airborne.

Brennus's lips curved into a smirk.

"I have a feeling you're about to do something evil," Emma whispered. "I don't mind joining you as long as we don't go around hurting innocents."

She already made up her mind to accompany him. Still, she felt unsettled at the thought of hurting innocents.

"I won't kill innocents unless they cross my lines."

Emma pecked his neck. "You're a good assassin."

"No. I'm the greatest assassin."

"Heh. Then I'll have to become the greatest telepath to support you."

"Oh, god," Lady Death spoke. "The future is brilliant!"

Emma pinched his neck to get his attention. "You want to attack them now? They look too scary. I don't want my Medusa to become a giant, scary monster like them."

"Let's return to the university. Nick Fury knows that I'm a ruthless killer, so he won't attack if I'm around people that can be held hostages."

"Evil… but we don't have a choice. I still have to learn more about telepathy from Astrid."

"You can't meet her without me."

"Remember what I said?" Emma grinned. "I'll tail you everywhere you go since we're dating now~."
