
Marvel: Aeroliths

A man gets reincarnated with wishes into the Marvel Universe, his dream that of a powerful empire with an advanced race and they will be called.. Aeroliths. Follow Aroth Prime in his story. --- The Universe is an AU so some things will be different, the mc will not follow the plot, but the AU will be more closer to the MCU than the comics. The story won't have this elements: Yuri, Yaoi, Smut, Harem, Ntr and other things. so if you are a horny individual this is not your place. The mc will not sleep around. --- The update schedule will be random since i have school and i write on my free time, but each chapter will have at least 1k words minimum for sure. Good read.

Sage_Blank · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Earth

This chapter was majorly modified and i'm pretty much satisfied.


(New York)

The bright sun is illuminating the city of New York, the pedestrians are going everywhere and the city that doesn't sleep is going by thanks to that.

The skyscrapers shining from the reflection of the sun, the shops open and the schools full of students.

But, suddenly a crack on the sky begun to form, some civilians that were looking up saw it, they eyes widening with shook.

"Hey, what's that?"

"Oh my God! Is that a crack?"

"Damn! Hurry call the police!"

"Whaaah it's the end of the world!"

The civilians looked with various emotions how the crack on the sky begun to slowly expand making thunderous rumors, the color varying from black and light blue.


It has been one day after the opening of the portal, and the streets of New York were full of police personel and chaos.


(On the Helicarrier)

(Fury's office)

"Coulson, did you find any information about this phenomenon?" A black man with an eye patch asked a middle aged man, who looked at him and responded: "Sir, at the beginning we could only find some things, since when it opened it just expanded causing only noise."

"Hmm, did you analyze the energy signatures?" Fury asked, he was really feed up with all of this shit.

"We managed to scan it and noticed that it's some sort of extremely powerful energy, just by pointing electrical objects towards it they would be alimented, for example a phone, it will be charged instantly." Coulson explained.

"We discovered that the energy is seeping on the whole earth and the plants with the injured are being revitalizated, some people even got their vision or limbs back." He continued: "And.." he esitated to continue reconizing that the next information was too shooking.

"And!?" Fury demanded and Coulson continued with hesitation "Sir.. the energy, after integrating on the whole earth, it begun to influence the flora and the fauna making plants and beasts evolve and become stronger, we got news that on australia they saw an Anaconda as big as a building fighting with a 13 feet tall monkey (3,9 meters). And some individuals awakened some powers causing the crime rate and vigilantism to increase esponentialy, some of our personel evolved too." this news shooked Fury who didn't know that since he was on his office trying to calm down the government.

(A/N: It's not that everyone will gain powers, it's just that while the Aerolith Force was assimilating with earth some beings awakened. Take this like the jjk balance laws. and this time america won't be the whole focus, so drop some suggestions on what countries the mc will visit!)

"Did you manage to collect and store the energy?" Fury asked hopeful since something this magical was unheard of.

Coulson shook his head and responded "We tried sir but we don't have the right technology for that. All the methods that we used came to a failure."

Fury nodded and turned towards a beatifull woman and asked "Maria, is this happening in other parts of the world too?" She shook her head and said "This is the only portal so we-" Before she could continue a loud noise was heard.


The trio turned their heads and looked at the crack on the sky that was breaking while becoming smaller, in twenty seconds the portal was big like a car and a siluette fell towards the ground.


The civilians on the streets looked at the crack become smaller and a being fell towards them, it's speed becoming higher every second, it caught fire and fell even harder.


(Aroth Pov:)

"I will Father, bye." I waved and Sage snapped his fingers causing a black and blue portal to appear behind me, "Bye my Son." And then i got sucked into the portal.

*Crack!* *Kamoom!*

"ARRGH!" While i was inside the portal a powerful energy continued to temper my body changing my being from the soul, i've never felt this type of pain.

But every second that passed i felt stroger and smarter, previous problems being broken down and rebuilt with a simple structure so easy that a child would understand it, no, they didn't become easy, i became smarter.

Every time a Aerolith Force beam crashed into me, my cells hungrily devored it becoming even stronger and complex, i begun to feel the energy cursing inside of me.

"What an amazing feeling this is.."

*KRAAAAKKHH*  After an unknown amount of time, no, exactly 25 hours 28 minutes and 23 seconds with 3 milliseconds i came out of the portal, i tried to move but my body was not responding, it was still assimilating everything.

"Fuck! Run!" I heard a pedestrian shout.

The people nearby woke up and begun to escape too, the cars speeding causing some incidents.

Caos ensured and people dispersed, I continued to fall, will it hurt? naaah.

*Booom* A big explosion was heard and a crater formed on the street.

The civilians took out their phones and begun to film while the news outlets arrived too and begun to surround the area.

They weren't able to see clearly because the being fall caused a cloud of dust to form, blooking their vision.

After some minutes the crater was visible and some brave or stupid people begun to get near, the police begun to arrive already.

The news outlets were filming everything for the breaking news that they will make about this episode.

We can see a blonde woman walking with a microphone on her hand and a camera man behind her, she turned towards the camera and said: "Hello everyone, i am Christine Everhart and we are here to witness what fell from the crack that has been on the sky for the past day!"

She swiped her hand to remove some dust and walked towards the crater: "Many think that it's a weapon of mass distraction or even an alien, some even said that it was a gift from God seeing the changes the crack has caused in the past day!" She begun to talk while pushing the other people nearby to make her space and see what's inside.

"Oh my god! Is that a man?" A woman screamed while pointing her hand in front of her, and Christine being near turned her head to see.

Her eyes widened in shock and she urged the cameraman to film: "Oh! I-It's really a man!" She turned towards the camera and said: "As you can see the being that fell from the crack was a man! But how did he survive that fall? Is he an alien?" She asked at the audience while looking back at the man.

(Author Pov:)

The man in question was laying on the ground with his eyes closed, this man being Aroth who was currently comprehending all the information that Sage gave him about his new race and Force.

With his senses he is clearly able to hear all the nearby people and understood that he was on New York.

'Hahh what a pain in the ass... How will i act with them? Hahh fuck it!' he made a decision and opened his eyes surprising and scaring the nearby people.

He got up and patted the dust from his body, he currently was wearing only his underwear and black cargo pants without a shirt.

Causing the women nearby and at home to be fashinated by his phisique, Aroth looked around and noticed helicopters flying above him with the reporters and civilians continuously taking photos and videos.

Christine, seeing the man moving, got a little scared since he just fell from a portal but she gathered her courage and walked toward him.

"Excuse me!" She called Aroth who turned toward her an looked at her calmly "Hm?" He asked.

Christine came in front of him and being shorter she looked up, she introduced herself: "Hello my name is Christine Everhart and I'm a journalist who works for Vanity Fair, and i would like to ask you something." She said, Aroth tilted his head.

"Who are you, are you an alien? Where do you come from? how did you get on planet earth and how did you survive that fall?" She shoot all of these questions at once causing Aroth to look at her strangely.

He opened his mouth and spoke "I am Aroth Prime, the progenitor of the Aeroliths. And i can't be hurt by this simple fall." His response shocked her who responded: "Impossible! This isn't a simple fall, and who are the Aeroliths?"

Aroth raised a brow already being annoyed by this woman, he looked up and begun to float.

"Wait! Don't.." She wanted to ask more questions but the guy just flew away with a speed she couldn't follow.


While flying Aroth looked around New York, when he got out of the portal, he noticed that it was espelling the Aerolith Force but when it got in contact with the atmosfere the energy got diluited and became a new type of energy many times inferior to the Force.

And by analyzing some humans, plants and animals he noted that the 30% of them were absorbing it subconsciously while 5% was able to perceive it. "Hmm, so this is like a solo levelling situation?"