
Marvel: Aeroliths

A man gets reincarnated with wishes into the Marvel Universe, his dream that of a powerful empire with an advanced race and they will be called.. Aeroliths. Follow Aroth Prime in his story. --- The Universe is an AU so some things will be different, the mc will not follow the plot, but the AU will be more closer to the MCU than the comics. The story won't have this elements: Yuri, Yaoi, Smut, Harem, Ntr and other things. so if you are a horny individual this is not your place. The mc will not sleep around. --- The update schedule will be random since i have school and i write on my free time, but each chapter will have at least 1k words minimum for sure. Good read.

Sage_Blank · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

Thanks for all of your opinions, while reading some comments and rereading the story i understood that the Mc is not behaving like the ruler and progenitor of his race, i will change some things so just give a read to this story.

Thank to yall for the support!

I didn't change much here


In a simple office with a minimalist design, two beings could be seen. One was a simple black man with average features, and the other was a being wearing a formal suit while his body was completely white.

"So, child, you are dead," the being told the man who was looking at him calmly.

"I figured, since my body was becoming weaker by the day," the man responded understandingly. Since he had been sick since a tender age, he knew that he wouldn't live long. He asked the being curiously, "Where are we? Who and what are you, Mr...?"

"Sage. You can call me Sage Blank," the now-called Sage responded with a fatherly tone, making the young man relax with only his voice. "We are currently in my domain, and I am a ROB of your reality. No, I'm not a God. There's only one God," Sage said, explaining their circumstances.

The man nodded, but with interest asked, "But how can you be a ROB if you're not a God? Does not ROB mean Random Omnipotent Being? Only a god can have that type of power." He said with reason, and Sage nodded and explained.

"Let me explain, my child. Let's take, for example, a writer. If he makes a novel where a character has obtained godhood, does that make him a real god in the world of the writer?" he asked, and the man shook his head. "No, it doesn't. He is just a fictional character." Sage nodded and continued, "Good. If the writer can enter the novel, does that make the character real?" he asked the man.

"Yes, if the writer can enter the novel, the character will become real," the man said, and Sage corrected him, "You're wrong. The character was always real. Do you know the theory about the omniverse?" The man nodded, "Yes, that it's infinite, so there are infinite timelines, so everything happened, will happen, and is happening." Sage affirmed, "Correct."

He continued, "This means that the character was always real but on that reality, the author created him in a story. Tell me, if the character comes to the reality of the writer, what will happen?" he asked, wanting to see the thought process of the child.

"Hmm, since the character will change dimension, coming to the 3rd one in the writer's reality, he will become more powerful?" The young man said.

"The opposite will happen," Sage said, "The reality law will apply, so if the character comes to reality, he will have not even the strength of a child, and his powers might not even work. But if the writer goes to the book? He will be invincible," Sage said.

The young man nodded with comprehension. Sage continued, "What I am to you is a ROB, but that's because this is only a projection of the real me, and he is currently writing your reality."

"What? You are currently... what?" the young man wasn't able to hear the bold words since the Author didn't want to. Sage smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can't hear it, but what I was saying is that I have omnipotence in your reality because a higher being allowed it." The young man nodded with comprehension.

"I understand. Thank you. What are we gonna do now?" he asked, and Sage responded, "As for the will of the real me, I can grant you wishes," and the man asked, "I can ask for anything?"

"If it's in my power," Sage responded.

"Okay, I want omnipotence," the guy said, and Sage looked at him for some time. "You can't. The novel won't have a purpose and will not be entertaining, and the readers would get bored." he denied, not wanting to turn this into a crack fic.

"I didn't understand the last part, but I can say that I tried," the man said calmly since he just wanted to try his luck. He then pondered for some time and said, "For my first wish, I want to be reincarnated into a Marvel AU universe close to the MCU but with some comic elements, so send me to a universe that I will like," he requested.

"Approved, continue," Sage accepted the wish since it was reasonable.

"As for my second wish, I want to become a new humanoid race and be the progenitor! The characteristics to be:

The name of the race is: Aeroliths.

The appearance is that of humans, just like the Viltrumite.

Our reproduction ability to be like that of humans, and we can reproduce with any race, and our offspring will slowly become pure-blooded.

But I want to have full authority and be able to suppress racially anyone of my race with just a thought and be able to remove all of their power turning them back into their original race so there will be no cases of betrayal.

And I want to have the authority to choose if an offspring or a being will become a full-blooded Aerolith. For example:

With a drop of my blood, a human or even a dog will slowly be enchanted. In the case of the dog, he will become humanoid, and after some time, he will look like a human, but he will only have improved intelligence and be strong like a normal super soldier, and the simple ability to fly.

Only with my consent will he evolve and become a full Aerolith. There will be three levels:

1st a Primordial Aerolith, and that is the progenitor, so me and only me.

2nd will be a High Aerolith. These are the ones that become stronger with countless battles and they will have a lifespan of minimum 10,000 years.

3rd will be the Normal Aerolith. This is after they just become full-blooded.

An Aerolith becomes stronger by fighting, training, mastering their powers, and after every battle, just like the Zenkai boost. Only after reaching the solar system level would they become a High Aerolith, with my permission Obviously.

They will have these powers:

Superhuman Intelligence (average galvan level)

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Senses

Space Subsistence

Superhuman Healing

Enchanted Body Control

Decelerated Aging


Dominant Genetics

Reactive Adaptation

Bio Field

And lastly, the energy that will allow us all of these feats will be called Aerolith Force. This energy with a normal hybrid will allow them only an enchanted body and the ability to fly. Only when they receive my consent and evolve will they unlock the full Aerolith Force, granting them all the abilities, and the most skilled ones at using this energy will be able to project the force outside of their body."

Sage looked at the man for some time: "This wish is really detailed.. granted but to grant you the Aerolith Force i will need to change some things.." he said.

And there the young man said: "This is where i have my 3rd wish" he continued: "I want the Aerolith Force to be like the Odin, Phoenix and Speed force, but bound to me." And then the man begun to describe all the abilities that brings the Aerolith Force, but that will be explained another time.


"Okay, for my Fourth wish, i want to be a paradox."


"For my Fifth i want a perfect memory and intelligence that surpasses the likes of Rick Sanchez, Azmuth, Reed Richards and others." The guy said excited.

Sage signed "hahh granted, okay that's the end." He said and the man nodded.

"But you won't be instantly Op. You will start strong but you will need countless fights to grow."

"Okay, thanks." The young male said gratefully, and Sage smiled.

He waved his hand and a panel appered on the man vision: "You can customize you next body."


After some time the man finished and the body he customized was that of a Brown african male, of 22 years, 1,85 cm tall with a lean phisique like manga UI Goku with a back like Gapryong Kim.

Black hair with a fade and a straight hairline, Azzurre eyes just like Gojo and a handsome face, not perfectly handsome, a more natural, masculine and sharp handsomnes.

"Good, it's time to say goodbye." Sage said, he got up and walked towards the man, the desk just disappeared like the office, now only the two remained.

"Yeah, thank you for all of this." The young man said smiling.

Now the background was that of a universe that was coming closer and closer.

"Yeah, will you continue to use your previous name?" Sage asked, and the man shook his head: "Nah, this will be my new beginning, so i will have a new name." He responded.

"How about i name you?" Sage asked and the man looked deeply at him.

He nodded "Yes you can."

Now they where on the solar system and were coming closer to the earth.

"I will call you Aroth, Aroth Prime" Sage said with authority and the moment he finished his phrase changes begun to appear on Aroth, every second that passed he became more like the personalized character.

"Aroth Prime.. I like it." The now Aroth smiled "Thank you Father." He said to Sage who smiled and said: "Good life my son, remember, be kind and don't oppress the weak, but don't be naive and don't trust casually."

"I will Father, bye." Aroth waved and Sage snapped his fingers causing a black and blue portal to appear behind Aroth, "Bye my Son." And then Aroth got sucked into the portal.