
Marvel's Copycat: Genesis of Power

In the bustling heart of New York City, Marcus Young, a modest IT consultant for Stark Industries, is thrust into a world of extraordinary change following a near-fatal accident. During a high-stakes demonstration of Tony Stark’s revolutionary arc reactor, Marcus is struck by a surge of energy that defies explanation. Instead of succumbing to the disaster, he emerges with an incredible new ability: the power to copy the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those around him. As Stark Industries braces for a monumental shift in its operations and the superhero landscape begins to evolve, Marcus grapples with his newfound power. From replicating Stark’s technological genius to uncovering the hidden strengths of ordinary people, Marcus must navigate his role in a world increasingly dominated by extraordinary individuals. Amidst personal struggles and the pressures of living up to newfound abilities, Marcus must decide how to use his powers. Will he rise to become a hero in his own right, or will he remain an observer in a universe full of legends? As the shadows of impending threats loom, Marcus' journey from an unremarkable techie to a key player in the Marvel Universe begins. ---------------+++++++++++------------------- Note : Do not expect this story to align with the perspective of the original story from the Marvel Universe.

scribblesniff · 电影同人
22 Chs

Chapter 4 - Jen Riley

The comforting hum of technology surrounded Marcus as he worked. The clatter of keyboards and low murmur of conversations faded into the background, creating the white noise he had come to appreciate. He was so deep into reviewing network logs that he barely noticed when Jen Riley dropped into the seat next to him.

"Hard at work, as always," she teased, folding her arms on the edge of his desk.

Marcus looked up from his screen, pushing his glasses back. Jen Riley was one of the few people at Stark Industries Marcus felt comfortable around. They had a history, both had worked together at a small tech company before she landed her role at Stark Industries as an engineer. When she had gotten her position, she was the one who had nudged Marcus to apply. And like always, Marcus had been hesitant.

If it weren't for Jen's insistence and belief in his abilities, Marcus might still be bouncing between freelance gigs and struggling to make ends meet. Jen had seen his potential when he didn't, and because of her, Marcus had his foot in the door at Stark Industries. Even now, she still pushed him to reach higher.

"You should really take a break sometimes, Marcus," she continued, her bright hazel eyes flicking between his screen and the slight mess of cables and gear on his desk.

"I took a break last week," Marcus replied with a small smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Besides, this is the easy part."

Jen rolled her eyes but smiled back. "Of course it is. Everything's the easy part for you when it comes to tech."

Marcus appreciated Jen's confidence in him, but he often thought she overestimated how much he actually contributed. Sure, he kept the servers running and the systems safe, but he still saw himself as just another guy behind a keyboard. Jen, on the other hand, was different. She had the drive to push forward and build something, constantly tinkering with new designs and ideas in her role as an engineer. Marcus had always admired her for that.

"Speaking of easy parts, did you get the memo about the systems upgrade? They're rolling out a new interface for the internal comms next week," Marcus said, pushing the conversation back toward work.

Jen made a face. "I saw it. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to that. I swear they keep changing things just to keep us on our toes." She leaned back in her chair, studying him for a moment before switching gears. "So, have you given any more thought to what I mentioned?"

Here it was again. The conversation Marcus had been avoiding.

"You mean about applying for that senior position?" Marcus replied, though he already knew the answer.

Jen nodded. "Yes, that senior role in network security. You'd be perfect for it."

Marcus felt a familiar unease creep in. Jen had been encouraging him to apply for a higher position for months now, trying to convince him to step out of his current role and take on more responsibility. In her eyes, it was a natural progression for someone as skilled as Marcus. But in Marcus's eyes, it was a leap he wasn't sure he was ready to take.

"I don't know, Jen," he said with a sigh, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "It's... not really my thing. I'm fine where I am."

"Fine isn't the same as happy, Marcus," she replied gently, her voice losing its teasing edge. "You can do more than this. You're one of the best IT guys I know. You could handle a senior role no problem. You just... never go for it."

"I like working in the background," Marcus said, his words almost defensive. "It's less stressful."

Jen shook her head, her expression softening. "That's not the real reason. You're just scared of putting yourself out there."

The truth in her words made Marcus uncomfortable, but he didn't know how to respond. Jen wasn't wrong, he was afraid. Afraid of failing, of making a mistake. The higher you climbed, the more visible you became, and Marcus had never liked being in the spotlight. It was safer here, tucked away in the back, quietly solving problems no one even knew existed.

"I know what you're going to say," he started, leaning forward, "but it's not that easy. You—"

"Marcus." Jen's voice was soft but firm. "It's never going to be easy. It wasn't easy for me either, but I did it. And you were the one who pushed me back then. You helped me get this job. Now it's your turn."

She leaned in a little closer, her voice dropping slightly. "You can't keep hiding behind your desk forever. You've got skills, but you're never going to know what you're really capable of if you don't push yourself a little. Comfort isn't everything."

He fell silent, her words hanging in the air. He knew she was right. She always had been. But the idea of stepping out of the comfortable routine he had built for himself made his stomach twist. What if he failed? What if he wasn't as good as Jen thought he was?

Marcus sighed, running a hand over his face. "I'll think about it."

Jen smiled, though her eyes held a bit of frustration. She'd heard that response before, and Marcus knew she wasn't convinced. But for now, it was enough to end the conversation.

"You always say that," she teased, giving him a light punch on the arm before standing up. "But I hope you actually do this time."

Marcus watched her go, her steps confident and sure as she made her way back to her lab. He envied that about Jen, her ability to move forward without looking back, her fearlessness in the face of challenges. It was why she fit so well in a place like Stark Industries. She was a builder.

And Marcus? Marcus wasn't sure what he was.

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