
Marvel's Copycat: Genesis of Power

In the bustling heart of New York City, Marcus Young, a modest IT consultant for Stark Industries, is thrust into a world of extraordinary change following a near-fatal accident. During a high-stakes demonstration of Tony Stark’s revolutionary arc reactor, Marcus is struck by a surge of energy that defies explanation. Instead of succumbing to the disaster, he emerges with an incredible new ability: the power to copy the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those around him. As Stark Industries braces for a monumental shift in its operations and the superhero landscape begins to evolve, Marcus grapples with his newfound power. From replicating Stark’s technological genius to uncovering the hidden strengths of ordinary people, Marcus must navigate his role in a world increasingly dominated by extraordinary individuals. Amidst personal struggles and the pressures of living up to newfound abilities, Marcus must decide how to use his powers. Will he rise to become a hero in his own right, or will he remain an observer in a universe full of legends? As the shadows of impending threats loom, Marcus' journey from an unremarkable techie to a key player in the Marvel Universe begins. ---------------+++++++++++------------------- Note : Do not expect this story to align with the perspective of the original story from the Marvel Universe.

scribblesniff · 电影同人
22 Chs

Chapter 18 - Discovering the Extent of His Powers

The next morning, Marcus sat at his desk, staring blankly at the lines of code on his screen. He had been up all night, replaying the conversation with Pepper Potts in his head. The weight of his discovery about Obadiah Stane's betrayal pressed on him like a vise, but it wasn't just that which kept him awake.

It was his powers, the strange abilities he had gained after the accident with the Arc Reactor.

He could feel it now, even in the silence of the IT department. The subtle vibration in his body, the hum of energy coursing through his veins. The tingling in his fingertips was more pronounced today, and as he stared at his hands, he knew the energy wasn't just there -it was growing.

Yesterday had been the beginning. Absorbing knowledge from the engineers, decrypting complex codes effortlessly, those had been signs that something fundamental had shifted in him. But now? Now, he could feel the potential for so much more.

And it terrified him.

The office buzzed with the usual noise, phones ringing, people typing, oblivious to the storm brewing inside Marcus. He had always kept his head down, focused on staying in the background, never drawing attention to himself. But his body felt like a coiled spring, ready to explode with abilities he didn't fully understand.

He had to test it. had to know what he was capable of. But he didn't know where to start. Every time he touched something or interacted with someone, there was a surge of energy, like his body was hungry to absorb knowledge, skills, or even abilities.

His thoughts were interrupted when Josh leaned over the cubicle wall, holding a cup of coffee. "Hey, man, you alright? You've been staring at that screen for a while."

Marcus blinked, trying to shake the daze he'd fallen into. "Yeah, I'm good. Just… tired, I guess."

Josh nodded, sipping his coffee. "Yeah, everyone's feeling it with all this stuff going on. You heard about the meeting with Tony today? People are saying Stane's gonna try to reverse his decision on the weapons program. Could get messy."

Marcus barely registered Josh's words. His focus was elsewhere. The energy within him was buzzing again, and this time, he wasn't sure if it was coming from Josh's proximity or just the growing strength of his powers.

As Josh turned to walk away, Marcus felt a surge of information flow into him. Technical knowledge -everything Josh had learned about Stark Industries' infrastructure, his years of experience troubleshooting network issues, all of it hit Marcus's mind like a flood. It was overwhelming.

Marcus winced, gripping the edge of his desk, feeling the weight of the new knowledge settling into his brain.

"Marcus?" Josh turned back, concern flickering in his eyes. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Marcus managed, forcing a smile. "Just a headache. I'll be fine."

Josh gave him a curious look but didn't press further, walking away as Marcus sat back, his heart pounding.

It happened again. Without meaning to, without any control, Marcus had absorbed something from Josh. He hadn't touched him, hadn't even engaged in deep conversation, yet the knowledge had transferred.

And the worst part? It was easy.

Hours passed as Marcus struggled to maintain focus on his work, but the weight of his powers loomed over him. His mind was buzzing with newfound expertise—Josh's experience in network management layered on top of Marcus's own skills. It was like his brain was expanding, and yet, with each new piece of knowledge, he felt more disconnected from who he really was.

The temptation to use the powers grew stronger by the minute. If he could absorb knowledge just by being around someone, what else could he do? How far did these abilities extend?

Unable to sit still any longer, Marcus stood up from his desk and made his way to the training center on the lower level of Stark Industries. He had never had much reason to visit the place—he wasn't a security officer or one of the techs responsible for combat testing. But now, as he entered the empty gym, he knew it was the perfect place to test what he had become.

The training center was quiet, the lights casting long shadows across the sparring mats and rows of equipment. Marcus stood in the middle of the room, feeling out of place among the heavy bags and combat gear. He had never been a fighter, never even considered stepping into a ring.

But today, something felt different.

A few minutes later, a group of security personnel entered the training area. They were here for their usual sparring session, dressed in athletic gear, chatting about the day's events. Marcus stayed off to the side, watching them, feeling a strange pull toward the group.

As they began their warm-ups, Marcus's body responded almost instinctively. He felt the energy surge inside him, pulling in the knowledge and movements of the guards as they practiced. Every punch they threw, every defensive maneuver, it was like Marcus could see the patterns, the techniques.

His body tensed as he felt the information flood his mind. Fighting styles, close combat tactics, muscle memory, all of it flowed into him as if he had been training for years. He clenched his fists, feeling the new strength that had come with the knowledge.

One of the guards glanced over at Marcus, noticing him standing there.

"You here to spar?" the guard asked with a raised eyebrow.

Marcus hesitated. He wasn't. He had never fought before. But now? Now, it felt like his body knew how to fight, like he could stand toe-to-toe with anyone in the room.

Before he could think, he nodded. "Yeah… why not?"

The sparring match began quickly. The guard circled Marcus, throwing light jabs to test him. At first, Marcus felt unsure, his mind racing, but then, something clicked. His body moved without thought.. dodging, countering, striking with precision.

He wasn't just mimicking the guard's moves. He was anticipating them.

Every strike the guard threw, Marcus saw coming before it happened. It was as if he had absorbed not just the techniques but the instincts of every fighter in the room. His movements were fluid, controlled, and more skilled than he could have ever imagined.

The guard threw a punch aimed at Marcus's ribs, but Marcus blocked it effortlessly, pivoting on his heel and landing a perfect counterpunch. The guard staggered back, surprise flickering across his face.

"Not bad," the guard said with a grin, wiping sweat from his brow. "Where'd you learn to fight like that?"

Marcus didn't answer, his mind reeling. Where had he learned it?

When the match ended, Marcus excused himself and left the training center, his heart racing. He hadn't just sparred. He had fought like a trained expert, pulling from the skills of the security guards around him. And it had been so easy.

As he walked back to his desk, a growing sense of fear gnawed at him. He wasn't in control. The powers were getting stronger, and every time he absorbed something new, he felt more disconnected from who he used to be.

The knowledge, the skills, the abilities.. they weren't his. They belonged to other people. And yet, his mind was absorbing them, copying them, as if they were always a part of him.

But the real question haunted him. What if he lost control?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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