
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · 电影同人
206 Chs

Chapter 114: Caught!?

"Son of a bitch! Can't you see the fucking light is green!? Move your fucking car!" Yelled Hana angrily while she honked at the person in front of her, causing them to finally react as they drove off.

Grunting in anger, I drove behind them while tightly gripping my steering wheel as I continued driving behind these idiots, which always caused me to envy Pharoah's ability to fly. If I had my sons' powers, life would be so much easier; I wouldn't need to worry about whether I was late to work. Well, that's about it, but I'm sure it would help in other scenarios.

'Haa, It's probably good Pharaoh has them and not me; I'd probably end up committing genocide. Actually, since I wouldn't need to drive, I probably wouldn't, eh, I don't know, I'm sure such power would end up corrupting me; I'm not nearly as nice or caring as either Pharaoh or James.' Pondered Hana with a sigh as she slightly shook her head before reaching down to the cupholders, only to realize she had forgotten her coffee.

"Fucking god! First, I'm stuck behind an idiot driver, and now I forgot my coffee!? I would definitely end up committing genocide!" Muttered Hana angrily as she smacked her head against the steering wheel once they reached another red light.

The time was only eight thirty-two, and I was only about ten minutes away from home, so if I turned back now, I would only be a few minutes late, which is fine; my boss gets to LexCorp around nine-thirty anyways. Since I had time, I decided to make a U-turn and return to the house, and thankfully, while doing so, I didn't encounter an idiot driver, only the usual New York Traffic, which was moving relatively smoothly today.

Though it was merely the calm before the storm, it'll be a few days of smooth traffic, but that'll quickly change for the worst afterward; the traffic will be so bad that it's honestly incredible. However, I already knew this was going to happen beforehand, as it occurs every year in New York, so I planned ahead by using my days of leave around the times of holidays; I only had about three more days of work before I started my seven-day long break, and I was pretty excited for it.

"It'll be just me and Pharaoh; I wonder what we'll do?" Said Hana with a soft smile as she pulled into her neighborhood while thinking about Thanksgiving.

Driving through the neighborhood, I quickly parked in the driveway, and instead of getting out and getting my coffee, I had my son do it; well, I asked him to do it.

"Pharaoh, can you be a dear and bring me my coffee?" Asked Hana lightly as she waited for Tut to exit the house while holding her coffee; yet, even after nearly a minute had passed, he was never seen.

Seeing Pharaoh being a no-show, I just sighed to myself since I knew there was only one instance when he wouldn't be listening to my voice, and that was when he was masturbating, which I understood. Ever since James's death, I, myself, had gotten back to using my toys to pleasure myself, and I don't think I could do so while listening to my son's voice.

'Ugh, just thinking of it makes me shiver in disgust.' Mused Hana with an uncomfortable expression as she shivered while exiting the car and heading toward the house.

"Though I've noticed, ever since around the time of James's passing, he's been doing it quite a lot; I know he's a boy at the height of puberty, but it seems a bit excessive how much he does it." Muttered Hana with a slight frown as she entered her house, which was unlocked, causing her to click her tongue in annoyance.

Entering my house, I closed the door and intended to head right into the kitchen, grab my coffee, and leave, though when I saw my son's clothes lying on the floor, I froze before grabbing my head and rubbing it.

"Haa, don't question it, Hana; it'll only make it embarrassing for both of us." Said Hana quietly as she rubbed her temples and entered the kitchen, grabbing her coffee, only to freeze once more while her eyes widened in shock.

A few feet before, my sons's clothes were a woman's; I at first thought they were mine; maybe Pharaoh was using my clothes as material to masturbate to, which worried me, and that was going to be a weird and uncomfortable talk. However, luckily or unluckily, they weren't mine; the bra was far too big, and I don't own such clothes; if anything, they looked like they belonged to a young woman.

"~Ahhh~ f-fuck, your massive, d-dick tastes so good ~Ahhh~ T-Tut!"

The moment I heard that familiar voice and sensual moans, I dropped my cup onto the floor, spilling it, yet I couldn't care less about that as I stormed my way upstairs to my son's room, where the voice originated from.

"~Urgh~, I-I'm about to cum Sara!"

Hearing Pharaoh's voice while standing right outside his door, a part of me froze; the thought of seeing my own son having sex scared me a little, not that he was having sex per sa, it's the fact that he was growing up. I know I gave him some condoms about two weeks ago, so I knew this was inevitable; I just hoped I stayed ignorant of his sex life; after all, he was my baby boy.

"~Ahhh~ I-I'm also cumming!"

However, when I heard Sara's voice again, all the hesitance vanished as I kicked the door open, only to see Pharaoh sitting on his bed, his legs spread with Sara fingering herself while she squatted down and sucked my son's dick, which was currently spewing cum all over her face. What I saw was something that would be forever etched into my memory, and unfortunately, it wasn't a good kind of memory.

"M-M-MOM!" Yelled Pharaoh in utter fear as he looked at Hana with a pale face while he shot several thick ropes of cum all over Sara, who was too busy orgasming herself to realize what was happening.

"~AHHHHH!~ c-cumming! Fuck, your cumshots are always so thick and delicious." Remarked Sara as she opened her mouth, drinking Tut's cum while she squirted out juices along with his cum from her pussy, something Hana saw all of.

Glaring at Sara, I ignored the sex-filled room and angrily stormed toward her; it wasn't until I was directly behind that she finally noticed me, but by then, It was too late; I was about to beat her fucking ass.

"EEEK!! M-Mrs. K-Kent, w-we-" Said Sara as she licked the cum off Tut's dick before turning and glancing at Hana, scaring the life out of her as she tried to back away, though it proved futile.

"I don't fucking care what you have to say! How dare you sleep with my underage son!?" Exclaimed Hana furiously as she outstretched her hand and grabbed Sara's cum stained red hair before reeling her fist back.

Just when I was about to punch this bitch in the face, Pharoah caught my hand, I tried to shake my arm out of his hand, but I should've known that was pointless; his hand didn't even budge.

"Mom, please stop; I know this looks bad, but please, at least allow us to explain." Said Tut with an ugly expression, looking at Hana while stopping her from punching Sara, who was already protecting her face.

"She's committed statutory rape, and you want me to talk about this, Pharaoh!?" Yelled Hana angrily as Tut released her hand, allowing her to push him even though both knew nothing would happen.

"Yes." Declared Tut earnestly with a nod as he looked into Hana's eyes, the two staring at each other for a solid minute before she eventually relented.

Releasing Sara's hair, I took a deep breath before opening my eyes glaring at the two.

"Downstairs, now!" Said Hana furiously as she coldly looked at Sara before turning around and exiting the room, only to enter the bathroom, slamming the door while she washed Tut's cum on her hands.

Once I finished washing my hands, I looked at myself in the mirror, and out of reflex, I punched it, causing it to crack and break, though it did little to the anger I was feeling. Drying my hands, I took a minute to sit on the toilet as I grabbed my phone.

"Elaine, is John there?" Asked Hana, trying her best to sound calm, though she was never good at masking her emotions.

"Um, yes, he's here, is something the matter, Hana? You sound pissed." Replied Elaine with a nod as she glanced at John before feeling concerned about Hana.

"Yeah, something's the matter regarding your daughter, Sara. Could you two come over to my house? I think we all need to have a very serious discussion." Declared Hana severely as she didn't wait for any response and hung up the phone, though Elaine already had an idea of what the talk would be.

Hanging the phone up on Elaine, I called my boss, and after a few seconds, he finally picked up and responded.

"Ahh, just the person I was looking for; what can I do for you, Hana?" Asked an older man.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to come to work today; something very important happened with my son." Replied Hana, short and brief as she attempted not to sound rude.

"Oh, is that so? Well, I hope everything is okay and no one is hurt. Go ahead and take the day off; in fact, you can take the rest of the week; a containment leak happened in the lab, so it's currently quarantined until further notice." Stated the older man with a nod before faintly smiling.

"Hmm, I'll talk to you about it later; bye." Said Hana as she hung up the phone before standing up and exiting the bathroom.

Leaving the bathroom, I walked downstairs, spotting both Tut and Sara sitting on the couch in the living room; entering the living room, I stood before them and just silently eyed them, well, mainly Sara, who still had plenty of Pharaoh's cum in her hair.



Damn, Hana doesn't play; she was ready to beat Sara up if it weren't for Tut; now, unfortunately for her, she most likely would've lost that fight, as she was significantly smaller than Sara by like 70 or so pounds and 6 inches, but she was still about to throw some hands.