
Marvel’s Soldier Boy

Soldier Boy is the genetic partial clone of Captain Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America. Created by Hydra, with Steven’s DNA and a genetic sample of an unknown extraterrestrial, he was made to replace and destroy Captain America. Will he follow through with his mission, read to find out. This is his story in a marvelous new world.

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Character Bio

Soldier Boy

Name: Nathan Rogers


The Weapon

Project Superior

Boy of Steel😉

Captain Superior

The Superboy😉😉

Soldier Boy

Born: August 16, 1997

Species: Binary Clone of Steve Rogers and Unknown-extraterrestrial DNA sample

Age: 16 (Physically)

Height: 6'1

Weight: 225 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue


Extraterrestrial Physiology: As a partial genetic clone of an unknown extraterrestrial, he has unprecedented and vast physical capabilities, especially when he's absorbed the solar energy of a yellow sun. Also as a partial genetic clone of Captain America, Steven Rogers, he posses some of his skills and memories

Super Strength: This is one of Soldier Boy's main abilities, allowing him to easily pick up or carry heavy objects, and output a force up to 100+ tons

Super Leap: Soldier Boy uses the super-strong muscles in his legs to jump incredible distances and heights

Superhuman Speed: Soldier Boy can move at superhuman speeds (365 mph), especially when charging at enemies

Invulnerability: Soldier Boy is nearly indestructible. This invulnerability allows him to rush into dangerous scenes with little care for what might actually happen. He has been tackled through walls, shot with guns and explosives, had his feet dipped in lava, and has come out with no obvious physical damage. He has yet to be permanently injured, but he does experience pain

Solar Generation: Soldier Boy's body is capable of producing solar radiation on its own, this effectively turns him into a walking nuclear reactor. Because of this, his body now emits high levels of Solar radiation at all times. Due to his radioactive physiology and invulnerability he is immune to both cold and hot temperatures. However the amount of radiation that his body creates can also be affected by his emotional state. This makes Soldier Boy extremely dangerous as the explosions he generates are capable of destroying entire city blocks

Solar Radiation-Infused Energy Blasts: After gaining the power of a nuclear reactor, Soldier Boy now possesses the ability to fire tremendously powerful blasts of solar radiation-infused energy from his upper torso. He can release the energy as a forward-facing beam which lasts several seconds before his energy is depleted. He often scythes the beam by changing his direction as the beam discharges, creating a wedge-shaped or omnidirectional wave of destruction. The beam is incredibly destructive, powerful enough to completely vaporize a normal human, reduce another Superhuman to a charred corpse, fling a being as durable as the Hulk through several steel walls and destroy multi-story buildings with ease

Super Hearing: Soldier Boy can pick up the faintest of sounds over long distances, as well as high frequencies that are not audible to regular humans

Infrared Vision: This ability allows Soldier Boy to visually detect heat signatures, allowing him to easily see in the dark.

Microscopic Vision

Telescopic Vision

Abilities and Skills

-Expert Tactician

-Master Strategist

-Master Martial Artist

-Master Shield Fighter

-Advanced Military Operator

-Master Acrobat

-Indomitable Will

-Expert Marksman

-Novice Swordsman

-Weapons Proficiency


-Expert Vehicular Driver


(Combat Suit)

(Stealth Combat Suit w/ Mask)
