
Some Unbelievable Things

Du Chan was shocked when he saw his own green eyes! And then he looked at Buddha

"Not red?" he asked,

"I don't know, what you did?" Buddha said

Du Chan looked at him in confusion,

"I never thought this to anyone! So who would I know?" Buddha said with a smile, Du Chan sighed, and looked into the mirror

"This didn't look better on me," Du Chan said, green eyes making him lose some points in his handsome face, black hair, and green eyes was not matching to him…

Just as he thought that his eyes color started to change!

Du Chan doesn't know what to say to this, now his eyes are Blue!


Xie Mengyu who was sitting beside him was shocked, his eyes color changed in front of her and with blue eyes, Du Chan's face became so handsome! Even more than before!

Du Chan smile

"This is okay, I guess?" Du Chan said, who don't want to have a good face,