
Corrupt Sisters

"Little Xie, I'll go and kill these Blood Condensation realm people as many as I can, you be careful," Du Chan said to Xie Mengyu,

Xie Mengyu opened her eyes and nodded at him,

Du Chan also nodded and joined the war, as he killed every single Blood Condensation realm he sees.

"There should be hidden geniuses, but it seems they are not showing up," Du Chan thought, he was killing people but they are normal Blood Condensation realm and Viscera Condensation realm, he didn't see many geniuses from the corrupt path yet,

"Well being alert is not bad," he thought and increased the speed of his massacre.

Xie Mengyu who was still sitting there while looking at the war, some lost their legs, some lost their arms, some lost their life themselves. She felt pity while looking at all this but this all doing because of their next generation so they can live without this corrupt path!