
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · 漫画同人
142 Chs

Ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent

Seeing Mu Ge's eyes, Bibi Dong felt more hatred in her heart. If she could, she really didn't want Mu Ge to be obsessed with her.

That way, she wouldn't have been misused for two years and endured so much humiliation.

"My soul power has recovered, let's go!"

Bibi Dong calmly stood up and spoke.

Afterwards, Bibi Dong took the lead to walk forward, showing a more assertive side.

When she was in the Slaughter City, she needed to be afraid of the Muge, no matter how humiliating Muge's actions was to her, she could only endure it.

But it will soon be different. As long as she passes the He'll road and leaves the Slaughter City, she no longer needs to be afraid of Muge.

So Bibi Dong unconsciously became less cautious in front of Muge.

Mu Ge was keenly aware of this, but Mu Ge didn't say anything, just let out a cold snort in his heart, and then followed.

There is nothing he could do, after going out, Bibi Dong's attitude will definitely change, he also expected it long ago, so he didn't think it was a big deal.

Who told him not to be Bibi Dong's opponent after going out?

The current him, after going out, is only confident in escaping from Bibi Dong.

As the two of them advanced all the way, the distance between the Hell road and the lava below was constantly shortening.

At the same time, the two of them could also feel that the surrounding temperature was constantly rising, and the speed of accumulating evil spirits in their bodies was getting faster and faster.


After coming to a certain place, Bibi Dong, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and became alert.

"There is movement!"


At the moment Bibi Dong finished speaking, a huge monster suddenly rushed out of the lava below. It had a red figure, a huge snake head, and multiple blood-red sarcomas on the back of its head. It looked very ferocious.

Muge knew that the giant snake in front of him was undoubtedly the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent.

"What's this?"

Bibi Dong looked at the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent in front of her, but she didn't recognise it. However, she could feel a fierce and dangerous aura from the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, and knew that the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent must be very dangerous.


The ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent rushed out of the lava, and when it saw the figures of Mu Ge and Bibi Dong, it let out a roar, and directly opened their mouths to bite the two of them.

Looking at it like that, it's as if it wants to swallow Mu Ge and Bibi Dong in one gulp!

"Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique!"

Muge is naturally not afraid of the opponent, so he swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and smashed it.

Bibi Dong was also not to be outdone, the eight spider spears behind her all pierced forward.

Seeming to be aware that Mu Ge and Bibi Dong's attack is not weak, and can threaten it, the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent turned their heads, and avoided the attack of Mu Ge and Bibi Dong, and blocked it with the scales on their bodies.


The attacks of Muge and Bibi Dong hit the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, but they failed to cause any damage. The scales on the ten-headed blazing sun snake were as hard as its armor.

However, the strength of the Clear Sky Hammer in Muge's hand also caused the heads of the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent to be thrown back.


However, even though the upper body was thrown back, but the tails of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent swept towards Mu Ge and Bibi Dong at the same time, with a strong wind, they swept in front of Mu Ge and Bibi Dong in an instant.

The ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent swung its tail with great speed, and Muge was able to dodge in time with microsteps.

It's just that the attack of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent was too fast, and Muge failed to bring Bibi Dong.


Bibi Dong didn't have the Muge's microsteps, and couldn't use soul skills. Facing the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent's wagging tail, she only had time to block it with the spider spear on her back.

Although it was successfully blocked, her body was blasted back by the attack of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, and was swept out of the Hell road, and Bibi Dong fell towards the lava below.

"Bibi Dong..."

Seeing this, Mu Ge couldn't help but let out a cry of worry, and was about to use his body skills to save Bibi Dong.


Just at this time, the attack of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent came up again, and Mu Ge was forced to fight, unable to save Bibi Dong.

"The second hammer of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method!"


Somewhat worried about Bibi Dong's situation, he immediately attacked in anger.


It's just that the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent's skin is too hard, and Muge's attack did not cause damage to the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, but just knocked it out.


And before Mu Ge could turn around and rescue Bibi Dong, the attack of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent came again.

"Damn it, the third hammer!"

In desperation, Muge is forced to fight continuously.

As for Bibi Dong, Mu Ge can only hope that the other party is okay.

But thinking about it, with Bibi Dong's strength, nothing should happen.

"The third hammer!"


"Fourth Hammer!"


Immediately, Muge concentrated on fighting the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent. The ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent is very powerful and Muge cannot allow himself to be distracted.

As for Bibi Dong, who was falling into the lava below, she didn't panic at this moment. When she was about to fall into the lava, the eight spider spears behind Bibi Dong twirled and six of them suddenly spread out a layer becoming six purple wings of light.

The spider spear on Bibi Dong's back turned into three pairs of wings.

Immediately afterwards, Bibi Dong fanned the six-winged purple light wings behind her, and flew up.

It turns out that the spider lances that Bibi Dong has been using behind her back is not a spider lance at all, but her six-winged purple light wings, her external soul bone.

The so-called spider lance is her six-winged purple light wings which Bibi Dong disguised as her martial spirit.

After all, one can't use soul skills, and if Bibi Dong can't use her True martial soul avatar, she can't summon the spider lances of the Death Spider King to use it.

Others also had doubts, but they didn't think much about it, because some top-level martial arts can indeed condense some characteristics of martial souls in advance without using the True body of the martial soul.

For example, the Martial Soul Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon can do the same. After the Martial Soul is possessed, some characteristics of the Martial Soul can be condensed.

The higher the level, the more Martial Soul characteristics that can be condensed.

So all along, people in Slaughter City, including Mu Ge, thought that the eight spider lances on Bibi Dong's back were the characteristics of her martial spirit condensed in advance.

Actually, it can also be said that it was only because Bibi Dong fused them with her own external soul bone, the six-winged purple light wings, that she had such a strong lethality.

When Mu Ge saw Bibi Dong flying up, he was relieved and at the same time finally understood that what Bibi Dong has been using behind her back is not only her martial soul characteristics, but also her external soul bone.

"Bibi Dong, I will contain it head-on, and you will destroy those sarcomas on its body!"

"Those sarcomas should be its weakness!"

Seeing Bibi Dong coming up, Muge said to Bibi Dong while dealing with the attack of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent.


Shoutout to Vryaer for support.

Read 10+ advance chapters here
