
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Self destruction?

"Damn it!"

The Slaughter King was very upset when he saw that Bibi Dong didn't fall into the lava.

He thought it could solve one of them, but it did not work.

Moreover, watching Mu Ge deal with the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent, although he is not its opponent, he is not suppressed very severely, which made the mood of the Slaughter King is even worse.

Mu Ge alone is no match for the Ten-Headed Fierce Yang Serpent, but if Bibi Dong is added, it will be a problem!

"Could it be that there will be two more Death gods today?"

The King of Slaughter was very upset about this. He didn't want anyone to be a Death God, because every time a Death God appeared, it was a threat to him.

There is no Death god here, without them he is the God in the Slaughter City, he can use soul skills when others cannot, and no one can do anything to him.

But the existence of the Death God breaks this point. Not only can the Death God freely enter and exit the Slaughter City, but can also use soul skills in the Slaughter City.


The cup filled with Blood Mary that was showing the pictures of Muge and Bibi Dong breaking through the level, was shattered with a bang when the King of Slaughter firmly grasping it tightly in anger.

Now the Slaughter King can't watch it even if he wants to.

"Go, bring me another cup of Blood Mary !"

The King of Slaughter had no choice but to give orders.


"Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method Fifty-sixth Hammer!"

On the Hell road, Muge continued to swing hammer after hammer, and the power was constantly superimposed.

At the beginning, Muge's attack could not suppress the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent, but gradually the situation changed, and it was the turn of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent to be suppressed by Muge.


Puff Chi—

This happened because besides Mu Ge's Disorder Splitting wind hammer, there is also Bibi Dong, who kept on attacking.

Under Bibi Dong's constant attacks, four of the sarcomas on the back of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent's head had been destroyed, the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent's strength continued to decline.

When one attack grows and the other disappears, it is normal for the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent to be suppressed by Muge.


Facing the powerful combination of Mu Ge and Bibi Dong, the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, whose four sarcomas had been destroyed, roared again and again, and its huge tail kept swinging.

However, the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent was suppressed by Muge and couldn't even run. It became very passive.


Not long after, Bibi Dong, who saw the right opportunity, gave it a hard blow from behind the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, crushing one of its sarcomas.

Those sarcomas are not only the energy source of the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent, but also its weakness.


Losing so many sarcomas one after another, the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent roared continuously, and its huge body swayed wildly.

It just that it still didn't work.

Perhaps Muge is no match for the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, so he can only choose the way of escaping from the beast to pass the test.

The same goes for Bibi Dong, she can't deal with the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent by herself, but it's no problem to run away directly.

So even if the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent is stronger than the two, it is not much stronger.

Now with the joint efforts of Mu Ge and Bibi Dong, the Ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent is no match for Mu Ge and Bibi Dong at all.

It can be said that it is totally crushed.

The combination of Mu Ge and Bibi Dong is much stronger than the combination of Tang San and Hu Liena in the original book!

"The seventy-second hammer!"




When Muge's Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique was used to the 72nd hammer, all the sarcomas on the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent had been completely destroyed!

Feeling a strong crisis, the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent's eyes turned red in despair.


Immediately afterwards, ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent spit out a small bead from its mouths, and the bead exuded strong fluctuations in soul power.

Strong bursts of energy erupted from it, forcing Mu Ge and Bibi Dong to retreat temporarily, unable to approach it.

"Not good…"

Feeling the powerful fluctuations of soul power erupting from the bead in front of the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent, Bibi Dong felt that the situation is turning bad.

She could feel that the energy contained in that bead became more and more violent under the control of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, as if it might erupt at any time.

And the energy contained in it, if it explodes, neither she nor Muge can hide.

Facing the ten-headed blazing sun snakes full eruption in the end, Bibi Dong found that she couldn't get close to the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent. The burst of soul power from it at this time was too strong, and she couldn't get close at all.

"Want to die together?"

"Don't even think about it!"

And when Bibi Dong was anxious, she heard Mu Ge sneer very calmly.

"Disorder Splitting Hammer Technique!"

"Ninety-nine return to one, eighty-first hammer!"


Then Bibi Dong saw that Mu Ge swing the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, on the basis of the original 72 hammers, within a second, the number of hammers was quickly superimposed to 81 hammers.


Playing the most powerful blow of the ninety-nine eighty-one hammer, using the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand as a breakthrough point, he broke through the soul power impact that erupted from the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent at this time.

Before the inner core was about to explode, the Clear Sky Hammer ruthlessly hit the huge heads of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent.


The heavy hammer hit the heads of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent, and it can be clearly seen that the heads of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent were severely smashed.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of the skulls of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent shattering also sounded.


Finally, the huge figure of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent fell along with Muge's Clear Sky Hammer, and ruthlessly smashed down into the lava below.


The huge figure fell down, splashing up monstrous waves, but these waves were of hot molten lava.

The body of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent was still rolling, but it gradually sank, and finally, it was completely submerged by the lava.

After putting away the inner core of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent in front of him, he observed that the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent hadn't reappeared for a long time, Muge knew that the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent was taken care of by himself and Bibi Dong.

It may be dead, but it was still rolling just now. It is the muscle memory of the snake-like soul beast, and it can still move after death.

It may not be dead yet, but it has no fighting power or dare not come out again.

No matter which one it is , the last level of the Hell road is considered to be cleared by them.

"It's finally done, the exit should be ahead, let's go out quickly!"

Silently putting away the inner core of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent, Mu Ge turned to Bibi Dong and said.

The inner core of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent is a good thing. So, of course Mu Ge doesn't want Bibi Dong to find out.

At the moment when the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent was knocked down by Muge, the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent's inner core, which was about to explode in a riot, quieted down without any danger.

Regarding inner core, Muge thinks that Bibi Dong probably doesn't know about it, so she probably didn't realise that he put away the inner core of the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent.

"Well, go, let's get out of here!"

"I don't want to stay here for a moment!"

Bibi Dong seeing that the ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent had been defeated, seemed to see the exit from a distance, so she quickly slapped the six-winged purple light wings on her back, and flew towards the exit.

Sure enough, Bibi Dong didn't know about the inner core of the ten headed Fierce Yang Serpent put away by Mu Ge.


Read 10+ advance chapters here
