
Marrying a Handsome Husband

<Marrying a Handsome Husband> is an anthology comprising of 5 short stories— Volume 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide Then what happens when you find out you're pregnant but you can't tell it to the father of your child? Volume 2 by chavontheauthor Getting pregnant by her boss after a one-night stand and suddenly leaving her job as stripper was the last thing Serena had hoped for, and to make matters worse he is the heir to the mafia. Volume 3 by Gracia Bonifacio A virgin will be ravished by a sexy as hell Casanova who thinks the worst of her. She will fall hard for him and he will be completely obsessed with her. Volume 4 by B1795H Nathan Harrison, a 19 years old guy forced to marry a young heiress of a noble family, Isabella Dawson because of his parents last wish. Volume 5 by Rasi Lisa is a beautiful young girl who is working as a drawing instructor. Her parents are pressuring her to get married to their chosen bridegroom Carl Black, who is a professor.

499 Chs

The promise


Arike’s POV

A wish that can never come true. It's too late to call off the wedding. His father would definitely disown him if he does anything stupid. And that means his inheritance will be gone too. Though I feel bad for Dayo,the fact that he's getting married to someone he doesn't love but I can't let him lose everything because of me.

"The Awosika Empire is my sole responsibility now. And --"

I interrupted him. "That's you can't call off the wedding." I completed his intended statement.

"I am sorry." He apologized.

I shook my head. "it's alright. I mean..you don't have to apologize. I understand." I faked a smile.

We can never be together because he has to save his family business. And I am definitely out of his family league of women. I am not from a rich background.

I bit my lower lip as I tried to control my tears but I failed. And I just let them flow freely while my back was against him. I don't want him to see my tears.