

         The guest room was filled with different colors of dresses, flowing gowns and colorful hats were on display. After their family meeting, Maria and Magret finally came up with a plan of stopping people from talking about them, and finally decided to throw an apology party. Since Avery's failed wedding in Greece, the Wilsons haven't left anyone's lips, they were talked about and mocked in society.

        People might think rich people are busy people who spend 20 hours of the day working and 4 hours sleeping, but they wish those were the case. A wealthy man rarely works as he has lined up workers ready to enslave themselves for a little penny. He only sits at home awaiting his assistance to bring in the accounts of the day sales or visits the office when he feels like, it to get the accounts to read to him.

         Their phone keeps beeping with every passing second, their favorite sounds of every day cause they know the millions or billions trooping into their various accounts. They have the mentality that money can settle everything which is 99% true and just 0.1% false. In their numbers they stepped into the Wilson's mansion one after another, the women looked beautiful in their different dazzling colorful attire and the men looked edible in their various exquisite suits.

         Their ego got the best of them, each person feeling better and above the other, everyone had their class and standards (the Wilson's are not exempted). Amidst everyone that stepped in, a family of four got in too, it's been years since they've attended parties like this cause they had to vacate NYC. "The Valley's" were present in the building exuding power and authority as they walked together.

         "Camela, you're here." Maria greeted the young lady who just stepped in with her family. She was almost the same age as Hazel, one among the rejected women brought in for Alex while they were trying to select a wife for him. It still amuses them to this day why he picked Hazel amongst all, the moment he saw her picture that day, maybe cause he was tired of their constant naggings.

          But everyone knew Camela left the country after that day, she was heartbroken and decided to leave the country. "Auntie, how are you?" She greeted with the sweetest smile ever, she's over that now, the pain of being rejected. It's a good thing Alex rejected her, cause now she found a new man, the man she thinks she's in love with.

          Maria's eyes followed the woman's hands till her eyes landed on a little boy clinging onto his mama as if his life depended on it. He looked 7, a handsome little boy, black hair, had specific grey eyes, and an intimidating aura just like her grandson Alex junior. "Who's the boy, is he yours?" Maria's curiosity could not be tamed just like her daughter-in-law Hazel. "Yes, Auntie, and your son-in-law too," Camela said with a smile.

         "We could sit somewhere to talk if you want." Maria suggested, "Honey." Gabriel Valley held her by the shoulder, he appeared to be way older than she is. "Sweetheart, this is Maria Wilson, my aunt." Pamela inaugurated to see her husband smile, "It's nice to finally see you, Mrs. Wilson." He greeted. "Is that you Pamela?" Margaret walked up to them smiling at Pamela, "Grandma." Mela greeted and even hugged her.

         "We received the invitation to the party the moment we arrived and decided it was a good time to see you all once again. Where's Alex and the rest?" She used the opportunity to ask darting her gaze around. She's been wanting to ask but thought her question would be misinterpreted. She wasn't even close to Alex back then, if she remembered clearly, he despised her and never wanted to see her.

          "Oh, he's married now with three kids even," Margaret said proudly, starting at the man beside the woman she was talking to. As if Mela knew her reason for staring, "This is my husband Grandma, Gabriel Valley." She introduced. "Hmm, the Valleys, what country are you from dear, I've never heard such a name before?" She asked. "I'm German." Gabriel said, "Wow, lovely." Maria cut in.

         Greeting each guest and talking to his group of friends sitted at a spot, Oliver could see his wife talking to a man, her eyes blinking many times with a bright smile on her face. Without getting close, he could tell the man is German, cause his Maria never smile sheepishly for any man unless he was German. He could feel jealousy lingering in his heart, he didn't think he'd get overprotective of her even in their old age...



        "What do you want me to do, I've apologized a thousand times already?" Alex sat next to the woman on the bed, she was now fully awake and was so upset with him. One school he was yet to graduate from was Hazel, the impossible puzzle he was still unable to crack. She has said nothing to him, nothing since she woke up.

         Her silence felt like the world had come to an end, it was so frustrating. He had run out of sweet words for enticing this woman, he was ready to do anything for her at this point. "Baby, what's wrong now? What did I do wrong?" Her silence was killing him, driving him insane? He still doesn't know how she brings out the weakest part of him, the part he hates the most. She's made his years of practice and training to be heartless useless, he just didn't know how to hide his affections when it came to her anymore.

           "Hazel, don't do this, tell me what's wrong so I can help you out." He said frustratedly. "You've done nothing wrong Alex, I've just been unable to face you after getting you so upset when we arrived." She said calmly pulling him closer to herself and Alex didn't miss the chance. Getting him this close to herself was rare, especially after their divorce.

       "I knew I did wrong destroying our honeymoon cause of my self-denial of my feelings. All I thought about then, was proof I wasn't in love with you." He started. Now he thought of it, they've never really sat to have this conversation since they got married, each time he brought it up, Hazel always change the conversation as if avoiding a plaque.

        He knew she was still hurting inside, that experience was her first time in everything. He destroyed something that cannot be replaced, something they can't go back to cause right now, their lives have changed forever. "We have a lot to talk about sweetheart, a lot of issues we are yet to settle." He could feel her hands move in his hair, his eyes unwillingly closed to feel her touch and she hugged him closer to herself.

        To her he was her big baby, laying on her chest area, and to the naughty man on her, he was in heaven already. He could hear her heartbeat so fast, faster than usual, was she nervous? He thought. "I love you, Hazel, that's something that can never change." Alex suddenly said to feel her heart pounding even more, faster than before, only then did she pull him off her body and snuck out of the bed.

           He wished he knew what she was feeling, or thinking in that head of hers. Even after being close to him for years now, it was still shocking how she was still nervous around him. "Let's bath together Alex, come." At her words, he got off the bed and followed her into the bathroom like someone that has been hypnotized. They were getting back to before, or even better gradually and he was loving it. 

         He was glad Hazel was slowly accepting him for who he is, not trying to change him anymore.



         "Why don't you talk to your daughter-in-law about it, let her convince Alex. If he loves her, he would listen and get them engaged immediately. We don't want what's happening to Avery to repeat itself in the future again." Mela stated. Maria could already see herself agreeing to her words, if she jad betrothed her children long before like every other family, then this shame they were experiencing wouldn't be upon them.

         She wouldn't make the same mistake for her grandchildren, arrange marriage worked for Alex so it is guaranteed to work for her grandkids. Hazel doesn't look like one that is ready to have another child, her little Leah is the one and only daughter of Alexander Wilson. She's a diamond that shouldn't be taken for granted.

        "I'll convince Hazel, don't worry about it...