
Magic of Zombie Cultivator(Please wait... In editing)

The Pacific Ocean became a graveyard for Zen after he betrayed by his Dao companion. On the bridge between life and death, his despair, resentment, and various types feelings are slowly eroded by death. However, his desire for cultivation still persisted. This desire led Zen's soul to a new path of reincarnation. When he opened his eyes in the next moment, he was already in the young body of a Zombie! Unknowingly by Zen, this Zombie body also affected his consciousness; makes his desire of cultivation even stronger than before. In this Fantasy zombie apocalypse world, how could Zen cultivate? *** -Cover is mine.

ViciousThing · 奇幻
24 Chs

Chapter 05. Pirate

Frincaal town was once known as a very prosperous middle-class trading town, so Martha and her group set out to find some of the most valuable objects left in this Town.

Stopping her Ship right above the big white building that was starting to lose its luster after being eaten away by time, Martha said: "Lower the Ship at a height of 2 meters from the Mayor's Mansion. Frincaal town has very few powerful Zombies, so as long as we're careful, we don't need to engage in a life-threatening fight at all."

In the view from the Ship, Martha saw that the number of Zombies in the Mansion was much less than in the Town.

In accordance with their behavior while they were alive, these Zombies completely avoided the Mansion except for a few Zombies who used to work or live inside the Mansion.

'I don't know why, but I've never heard that a Town as safe as Frincaal town hasn't been looted by other Pirates or Explorers from those countries. This is our chance. I have to enrich ourselves in this Town before buying back Tiony.'

Smiling at the positive-looking prospects of future, Martha immediately ordered her group to start landing.

The Ship slowly began to reduce its height.

Some of Magician in her group continue to stand by in front of their Ship's Magic cannons in anticipation of any threats.

Martha went to the side of the Ship's deck and looked at the condition of the Mansion's courtyard.

"Only 5 Zombies are aware of our arrival, huh?" Martha smiled at the 5 Zombies who were swarming right under the Ship, then said: "Alright, shoot them!"

""Yes, Boss!""

The muzzle of the Cannon on the side of the Ship was immediately directed downwards.

And finally, after the Magicians filled the Cannon full with Magic energy, shots were launched.

A dense pool of Magic energy is fired at the 5 Zombies below.

In an instant, 5 Zombies shattered into scattered pools of blood, flesh, and bones.

"Get down the ledder!" ordered Martha.

For Martha and the Red Trickerss pirate group, it was time for a fun-dangerous looting of the Zombie town.


Not far from the large white house which was the Mansion of the Mayor of Frincaal town, Zen stood on the roof and watched how Red Trickerss pirate group killed 5 Zombies.

"Hm, that Cannon is quite dangerous," Zen reflected.

A Martial Realm Cultivator like Zen right now would definitely be severely injured if he received such an attack.

There is still a chance of survival, but it seems too dangerous.

"But, with the [Flaming Punch Technique]..."

Zen stretched out his hand.

The flames that used his Blood energy as fuel were immediately ignited and enveloped his fist.

These flames can not only burn the target, but also provide protection to the user.

As a Fist technique that can continue to be used properly until after Ninth Realm, Flaming Punch allows its users to have Fire that not only burns, but also functions perfectly as a barrier. When activated, the Flaming Punch flame even increased the user's physical strength and natural healing power.

Combined with Zen's Zombie body, Zen was confident that he could withstand all of the Cannon's attacks even if they bombarded him.

"But I won't act hostile, so what should I do?"

Zen pinched his chin.

Zen looked at himself first.

He was currently wearing a waterproof robe that he had stolen from a Zombie, clothes that he had gotten from a closet, light leather armor, arm and shoulder guards from steel, a sword and knife that he had stolen as well, then a small leather backpack containing money and basic Magic books that Zen had originally planned to learn.

Zen then turned his gaze towards the Town.

"This Frincaal town may still have a lot for me to learn, but..."

Zen turned his head towards the Ship and smiled.

"It may be dangerous, but after finding a way to know the bigger lines about this world, how can I resist it?"

Zen instantly covered his face with a cloak hood, then secretly, he used [Water Flowing Crystal Technique] to calm his mind, reducing his sense of presence, then like a gentle and flowing stream of water, Zen moved smoothly and approached the Flying ship without anyone noticing.

The Ship was currently flying at a height of 2 meters above the roof of the Mayor's Mansion.

On a ledder that was lowered, several people, armed men and women, got off the Ship and were currently talking while trying to break into the Mansion.

Zen was hiding under a tree in the courtyard of the Mansion.

Someone who stared at the tree for a long time would probably be aware of Zen's existence, but Zen currently looked like a puddle of water that rippled occasionally thanks to the effects of [Water Flowing Crystal Technique] and was not worth paying attention to at all.

Zen noticed the movements of the pirates.

"Are they gathering resources?"

Zen recalled a common occurrence in the Zombie Movie.

Because of the Zombies roaming, Humans are unable to freely cultivate crops or raise livestock, so food shortages have become one of the biggest major problems for Humans in the Movie's world.

Some brave young will break out of the shelter and come to a city full of Zombies for resources, engage in fierce fights with the Zombies before returning to the shelter heroically, or just be killed and become one of the Zombies, who then terrorize Humans back.

"Even with the spread of Magic techniques, it seems that this world will still lack food if a Zombie outbreak disaster occurs. But with Magic and Flying ship... They should be able to survive in a better way, right?"

Zen guessed while he continued to look for an opportunity to board the Ship.

Should I disguise myself as a weak boy who survived? Zen considered this idea while glancing at his reflection in the Mansion's mirror.

His skin was pale, but he looked much better than the other Zombies who were thin and even seemed to be starting to undergo physical changes to other non-human forms.

His black hair reached his shoulders.

'Other than my green eyes that don't look glowing, I should be fine...?'

"No... That's a little too dangerous."

Zen immediately discarded the thought.

However, even with [Water Flowing Crystal Technique], Zen couldn't just climb the ledder blatantly.

After all, he was just hard to notice, not completely invisible.

If he made a conspicuous move, naturally others would immediately notice his whereabouts.

'Damn, it turns out this isn't as easy as I thought...'

With his limited cultivation level, Zen was unable to use many of the Techniques he had accumulated and honed over the years he had wandered around the Earth as a Cultivator.

The longer time passed, the more impatient Zen became.

When [Water Flowing Crystal Technique] gave a sign of being deactivated, Zen finally realized his mental instability.

Zen immediately sat cross-legged and cleared his mind.

[Water Flowing Crystal Technique] activated at full power once again and gave Zen inner peace.

"Phew~... Okay, do it slowly. Slowly..."

Zen glanced at the Ship hovering above before circulating his Magic energy into the Mansion to check on the state of the peoples who entered it.

Those people were currently searching the Mansion. Zombie corpses were scattered in several places.

"They should still need some more time before they return to the Ship, so..."

With his mind having regained his composure, Zen took out the Magic books he had brought with him.

In addition to the Dark, Space, and Time element Magic books that Zen couldn't find, Zen had all kinds of basic elemental Magic books.

'Fire, water, wind, earth, and light... Where among them can help me?'

Zen sorted among the five books, then finally, returned to the Wind Magic book.

Zen intends to quickly master Wind magic before attempting to create an air barrier around him so that the sound Zen makes cannot be heard by anyone.

As for the matter of Affinity, Zen had actually sensed some kind of subtle element that filled the surroundings every time he deployed his Magic energy. It was likely that it was the Wind element, so Zen was very confident that he could master Wind magic.

The only problem was that it was doubtful whether Wind magic was able to block out sounds.

In theory it was possible, but Zen wouldn't know until he actually tried it.

"Alright, let's first try to turn my Magic energy into Wind element."

While continuing to pay attention to the pirates, Zen released a blob of Magic energy into his palm and began to try to transform it according to the subtle Elements that were present almost everywhere.