
Magic of Zombie Cultivator(Please wait... In editing)

The Pacific Ocean became a graveyard for Zen after he betrayed by his Dao companion. On the bridge between life and death, his despair, resentment, and various types feelings are slowly eroded by death. However, his desire for cultivation still persisted. This desire led Zen's soul to a new path of reincarnation. When he opened his eyes in the next moment, he was already in the young body of a Zombie! Unknowingly by Zen, this Zombie body also affected his consciousness; makes his desire of cultivation even stronger than before. In this Fantasy zombie apocalypse world, how could Zen cultivate? *** -Cover is mine.

ViciousThing · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 06. Sneaking!

"What is this?"

When Zen was trying to add Wind element to his Magic energy, Zen suddenly found another element among the subtle Wind elements.

This element is colorless and seems spacious. The elements seem to be integrated into everything and are very difficult to detect.

There are knots of this colorless element near Zen, otherwise, Zen will definitely not be able to see or feel them.

Zen stopped adding Wind element to his Magic energy. He instead tried to add this colorless element.

This element was extremely complicated, so Zen couldn't understand it without learning it for a long time.

However, he was currently only imitating using Magic energy, not trying to understand it, so it was much easier because Magic was an energy that was very easy to change.

Changes slowly began to be seen in the blob of Magic energy that were originally plain white.

The blob began to rotate and looked as if it was being pulled in.

The rotation became faster and faster, and suddenly, black streaks formed on the part of the blob of Magic energy that was pulled towards the center and rotated.

After that, the center of the blob also began to grow a dark glow as if it was spreading.

Then, the blob of Magic energy was sucked completely into the dark knot created in the middle.

The dark knot also slowly disappeared and finally became completely intangible.

Zen frowned.

"What the hell?"

He was completely confused now.

Out of curiosity, Zen tried to sense this colorless element knot because he want to trying to imitate it once again.

But unfortunately, the knot had disappeared without a trace like Zen's Magic energy blob.

Zen thought about the elemental knot for a while before finally deciding to save it for later and focus on learning Wind magic.

Zen once again formed a blob of Magic energy and began to add the Wind element to it.

The Magic energy that was plain white became a little more transparent and had a faint green color on it now.

When Zen felt the wind blow against his face, Zen knew that he had successfully added the Wind element to his blob of Magic energy.

Zen first repeated the process of adding this element for several times before finally moving on to the next step.

"Manipulate the Wind elemental Magic energy into the shape of a blade..."

Zen follows the instructions in the book and creates his Magic energy with Wind element has added into the shape of a blade to form the basic attack magic of Wind magic: Wind slash.

After two attempts, Zen finally managed to form the correct Wind slash. Zen swung his hand towards the surface of the ground, and the ground instantly split apart to the same size as the Wind Slash he had formed.

"Its power was a little less when compared to the first movement of [Nine Wind Bellows] Magical technique which had a similar effect, but its mastery was much easier and simpler... As expected, Magic energy has a potential that is not inferior to Spiritual energy!"

The more Zen knew about Magic of this world, the more excited he became.

Moreover, now that it was confirmed that he had an affinity on the Wind element, Zen could start learning more freely.

Keeping the Wind magic book, Zen began to manipulate his Wind elemental Magic energy freely.

Zen converts them into spherical, square, rectangular, oval, triangular, barb, and various other shapes.

In the process, Zen feels that his control over Magic is constantly increasing and increasing.

Zen even tried to change the effect of Wind magic. After a few experiments, he managed to create an exploding wind ball, a wind missile that had a very powerful explosive power, a very sharp wind sword, a wind bullet that could easily pierce rocks, and finally... A wind barrier!

This barrier was not yet perfect as it was not yet able to completely isolate the vibrations of the sound, but as long as Zen continued to refine it, he was confident that he would be able to create a true Silent Barrier.

But unfortunately he has run out of time.

The pirates seem to have finished loading almost all of their loot. Even the glass on the windows was removed and transported on the Ship.

Although the barrier wasn't perfect yet, Zen decided to make a move now.

"Now or never!"

Looking for an opportunity when a pirate was raising an expensive gold-decorated mirror, Zen activated his [Water Flowing Crystal Technique] and <Silent Barrier (imperfect)> at full power. He then began to climb the walls of the Mansion and run towards the ledder connecting the roof of the Mansion and the Ship.

Zen moved quickly, but he continued to be on full alert and watched his steps so as not to make too loud sound.

Before going up the stairs, Zen first spread his Magic energy around to ensure that the pirates who were still in the Mansion would not go up shortly.

After making sure everything was safe, Zen quickly and carefully climbed the ledder.

Zen used the pirate's body carrying a golden mirror on his back as an attention-grabber while he looked like an unattractive droplet of water.

If someone pays attention, they will realize that this water droplet do not fall but instead continue to rise upwards.

Unfortunately, no one noticed.

"Oh, look at this Mirror! It looks like we're going to get rich!"

After the pirate carrying the mirror managed to board safely, a brown-haired female pirate came and helped the male pirate carry the heavy mirror.

The male pirate laughed.

"You're right! Looting a dead Town is always very profitable!"

The crew's attention was focused on the Mirror, which would probably be worth hundreds of gold coins.

They failed to notice a drop of water that floated and disappeared into the deck in the Ship.

The drop of water, Zen, descended into the deck and searched through almost all the rooms before finally entering a room full of boxes and various items.

In other words, cargo space.

"It's the best place to hide."

Zen opened an empty box in the corner of the room and went inside then closed it again.


Martha frowned as she stared at the door leading to the inside of the Ship's deck.

'Is it just my feelings?'

Martha had glimpsed the small figure entering there before, but when she saw the figure once more, there was no one there.

After staring for a while, Martha finally averted her gaze.

"Maybe I'm just worrying too much about Tiony."


-100 copper coins = 1 silver coins.

-100 silver coins = 1 gold coins.

-100 gold coins = 1 platinum coins.

Sorry if my english perhaps is poor.

English is not my native language, but I'll keep learn about it!

ViciousThingcreators' thoughts