
Mafia Boss wife

Lara Carter, eighteen years old, was forced to sign a marriage contract at the age of sixteen to Scott Miller, a.k.a Blade, the person she feared, by her grandfather. After signing the contract, she runs away from home. Blade, a heartless Mafia Boss, killed and tortured anyone who crossed his path without mercy. His face was always cold and void of emotion, but everything changed when a high school student saved him on the verge of death.  He felt something he had never felt before, he felt his heart skip a beat, and her face won't leave his mind. Her eyes, lips, smile, and voice sound like a singing angel, pulling him out from the darkness. And he wants all those feeling, and he can only have them if he has her. He wants Lara Carter, and he'll do everything to have her, but how could he do that when just a mention of his name scared her? His men feared blade, but no one knew what he looked like except those close to him. He always had a mask on every time he faced his men.  Everyone thought that Blade was an ugly, scary man hiding behind his mask.  Let's all follow Blade and Lara's Journey in discovering each other secrets, fighting for their life, and love from the claws of Blade's enemies, as well as from Lara's hidden identity.

Hope_seeker · 现代言情
67 Chs



I groaned as soon as I opened my eyes. My head felt like a sledgehammer pounding on it, and to add to that, the bright rays of sunlight hit my face because my curtains were wide open, and the bright rays of sunlight hit my face

I lazily sat up, but it felt like my surroundings were moving, and my head was so heavy, weighing me down, and all I wanted to do was lay down on my bed.

I quickly stood up and ran into the bathroom when I felt a vile rise in my throat. I hug the toilet bowl and throw up. My tears rolled down my face while throwing up all my stomach's content.

"Are you alright?" Ashley asked, bursting through the door. She brushed my hair off my face and held it while I continued to throw up.

After a few minutes, finally, I stopped throwing up. Ashley helped me up, and I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth.

"I feel dizzy," I answered, wiping my face using a face towel she handed me. She helps me back to my bed, and I lean on the headboard.

"I brought breakfast for you, and after you eat, drink this tablet to help you with your hangover.

"How did I get home? And what time?" I asked, massaging my temple.

"Scott sent you home around eleven-thirty, passed out."

"I didn't do any embarrassing thing, right?" I asked, hoping I didn't embarrass myself in front of Scott.

"I don't know. Scott doesn't tell us anything. Why did something happen last night?" She asked with a teasing smile on her lips.

"I don't know. I don't remember anything after we left the restaurant." I lied, but I remember everything except those things that happened after I fell asleep. I ensure that I will not show any expression that will give Ashley a clue about what happened last night, or I will die of embarrassment because of her and Owen's teasing.

"Scott is boring. He doesn't kiss you or does anything more than that?"

"No!" I answered shortly.

"Why? Last night, the way he looked at you, it seemed like he wanted to ravage you. You should flirt with him. He looked incredibly hot last night. I'm so disappointed my hard work went to waste. You and Scott are boring. Eat and drink that tablet so that you get better." She scoffed and left.

I fell back on my bed as soon as Ashley closed the door. I bit my lips, touching them when I remembered our shared kiss—a red tint formed on my face. We kissed, and it felt so nice. Scott is so gentle. He doesn't go further. He just kissed me—a simple kiss without lust.

And I like him more because he doesn't take advantage of me. Yes, he kissed me, but it was an innocent kiss without a tongue.

I think I already love him, but what if Blade finds out about this? Would he harm him? I bit my nails and felt nervous instantly for Scott's life.

Blade was not a simple person. He is the boss of the most powerful mafia. He can inflict harm on Scott with a simple flick of his finger.

I need to see him to talk. I know he only signed the marriage contract because he wanted the position. Now that he has it, I think he won't mind if I divorce him. I don't like to be a successor, so I'll give him complete control of the organization. Maybe he would let me go if I told him that I didn't have any plan to take the position from him. I love Scott, and I want to be with him. I'll talk to Grandpa about it and ask for his opinion.

I picked up my phone on top of my bedside table, but I was startled, and it almost slipped off my hand when it rang. I frowned when I saw the name flashing on the screen.

"Mr. Smells so good." I blushed but smiled. When did he put his number on my phone?" I thought, smiling.


"Hey, good afternoon. How are you? Did you sleep well?"

"I just woke up. I have a hangover, and I throw up."

"Did you eat already and drink medicine?" He asked in a voice laced with worries. I smiled and pulled the tray into my lap.

"Just a bit dizzy, and I'm eating right now. Ashley brought food and medicine for my hangover in my room." I replied and scooped a spoonful of food and put it in my mouth.

"Where are you? Are you at home?" I asked, munching my food. I instantly got an appetite to eat just by hearing his voice. I grinned at that thought.

"Lara, I called because I want to tell you that I left for an important business early this morning. I'm sorry for not telling you last night. My PA just called me when I arrived home. I wanted to call you earlier, but I didn't want to disturb you from your sleep."

"When are you coming back?" I asked. I feel so down instantly. I thought we would talk about what happened last night the next day, but I was wrong.

I want to talk to him about our relationship status now after the kiss. Are we in a relationship now, or was it just a drunkard kiss? I want to ask him all those questions personally and not over the phone.

" I don't know when I'll be back because I don't know when I will finish here. Maybe in a few days. The longest is a week." He answered. My mood instantly turned sour, and I lost my appetite.

"Lara, are you still there?" He asked after a minute of silence passed between us.

"Yes!" I answered shortly.

"I'm sorry for leaving after what happened last night." I blushed, biting my lips. "Please don't think that it meant anything to me. It means a lot to me, Lara. Let's talk about it when I come back. I don't want to talk about it over the phone."


"Are you mad?"



"Scott!" I heard him sigh.

"I like you." I quickly straightened up. " I don't want to say this over the phone, but I don't want you to think you mean nothing to me. Please don't get mad, and let's talk when I return."


"That's the only thing you're going to say? I said," I like you."

"Let's talk when you come back," I said, cheerful now.

"That's what I was saying earlier, but you talked to me without interest," he said, and I heard the annoyance in his voice. I chuckled inside. He likes me! I wanted to scream, but I held myself, or I'd embarrass myself.

"Let's talk when you return, Mr. Smell so good." He chuckled at the other line.

"Not my word. It's yours." He teased me. "You want to know what your name is in my contact?"


"I won't tell you. It's my secret."

"Don't tell me; you saved an ugly name for me? Okay, name me whatever you want, and I'll do the same with your name on my phone." I huffed.

"Fine with me." He chuckled.

"Okay, fine, bye," I said and quickly hung up, but I smiled when I received a message from him after a minute.

From: Mr. Smell, so good

"Eat, and drink your medicine, then rest. See you soon, Miss mood swing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I fell onto my bed, quickly grabbed my pillow, covered my mouth with it, and screamed, feeling giddy inside.

Oh, god, he loves me. He sent so many hearts. Oh god, Scott loves me. I squealed and rolled on my bed, hugging my pillow.

"What are you doing?" Owen's voice instantly pulled me out of my giddy mood. Why did Owen always appear in my embarrassing moments?

"Don't know how to knock?" I glared at him and sat up, then put the food tray back on my lap and resumed eating.

"I thought you were sleeping because Ashley said you're not feeling well. I want to check on you, but I think you're better already. Why are you rolling above your bed, hugging your pillow as if it was your crush?" He asked, chuckling.

"I just wanted to ease my hangover." I lied.

"By rolling on your bed?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yes, you have a problem with it?"

"No!" He smiled. " If that's your way of getting rid of your hangover, who am I to ask? Anyway, Scott called me a few minutes ago, and he told me that he called you and asked me to check on you because you are not feeling well, but I think you already got your kisspirin and hug-capsule over the phone. That's why you're better now. I'll leave you now. Continue with your hangover healing rituals." He grinned and quickly ran out the door when I threw the glass at him, missing him a second before the door was closed, and the glass hit on it broke.

"Owen!" I screamed, and I heard his laughter outside my door. "I'll get you back soon."

"Bye, Princess, I'll be back later at night. I want to meet someone. Tell Ashley if you go out, okay?"

"Okay, now leave." I huffed.

"Okay, bye. Stop thinking about Scott, and don't worry, he loves you." He said before I heard his footsteps leave.

I quickly dialed my grandfather's number, and after three rings, he picked it up.

"Finally, you remember your old man."

"I always remember you, Grandpa. You're the only family I have."

"But you hate me."

"I don't hate you, Grandpa. I felt you didn't care for me for forcing me to sign those marriage contracts between the monster Blade and me."

"Lara, Blade is not a monster. I can guarantee you that. He has a reason why he did the things he did. Being the Boss of the Mafia, he must show everyone that they should fear him or those under him will bring him down. You don't know what he went through before he got the position. Not only does the marriage contract put him where he is now, but he needs to fight for his life. Many members challenged him for the position, almost ending his life, but he fought with them with all his might because he didn't want the leadership to fall into the wrong hands. He almost died after the challenge, but he was lucky to survive."

"Blade, I know him very well because he grew up with the guidance of your father and mother in the organization, and your parents, treat him like their own. If your parents are still alive, I'm sure they will also like him for you, and the other reason I want him for you is that he's the only one who has the power to protect you. He is the only one who everyone in the underground world fears. I only did it to protect you. You are the successor, and if they find you, they will never stop until they kill you."

"I can protect myself. And I don't have a plan to go back to the underground. I'm happy where I am. I don't want to live in fear every day, always looking at my back to see whether someone is following me. No one saw my face in the organization. They only knew that Teddy Carter had a daughter, and I wanted it to stay like that.

"Lara, you can't hide your identity forever. Sooner or later, they will know who you are. Those people will not stop until they find you. They will only stop after you are dead.

"I'm so sorry, princess. If I could change your fate, I already did, but I cannot, and once you become part of the mafia, you cannot leave anymore. Only death can make you." I can hear the sadness in his voice. I knew he meant every word he said but couldn't do anything. I know that sad truth. Once you're a Mafia, you will stay a Mafia while breathing.

"I don't love Blade, and I want to nullify that marriage contract. I found the man I love, Grandpa, and I want to be with him; I'll hide from the mafia as long as I can, but if the time comes and they find me, I will fight for my life. I won't give up my life without a fight. I want to live like a normal citizen while it lasts beside the man I love."

"Did it cross your mind that you're dragging him into our world? Do you think he will accept you when he finds out what you are?"

"I'll think about it when the time comes, but right now, I want to clear my issue with Blade. I don't want Blade to harm him once he learns about us. Can you set up a meeting for Blade for me, Grandpa? I want to talk to him. Maybe he'll understand. I will not force my claim to be a successor in the organization. I will give it all to him, and please keep it hidden from everyone."


"Please, Grandpa. I want a peaceful life. I don't want to be a part of the organization."

"Who's this man?" How long have you two been together? Do you know about his background?"

"Grandpa, we are still not together. But he said he likes me, and we will talk when he returns. Right now, he's not home. He left for a business meeting and will come back after a week. I want it once he's back; I have already talked to Blade and cleared things between us."

"Who's this man, Lara?"

"He's Scott Miller. The owner of Miller Corporation."