
Unrequited Questions

<Chapter 5 - Unrequited Questions>

Focus Titian:

*Should I run? 

What about Aizza? What can I do? 

I'd have to drag her, but she wouldn't react in time. Is that even possible while letting us both escape?

That man is in great condition, and would easily overtake us in a chase.

At least if I worry about the both of us…

What are the chances this guy knows us?

I'm disguised right now, it's unlikely.

If he gets closer to check, I'll have to book it.

He'd overwhelm me, one firm grip from him and I wouldn't be able to get away.

It's safer to just run now, I'll grab Aizza, but if she can't keep up… 

It won't come to that. 

Alright, l-*

"-Y-Yes sir?" 

Aizza answered the man, making every bone in Shin's body ache in pain. 

*She already broke her promise?!*

"You twigs see a kid with red eyes and longish black hair? 

If ya snitch, I got 800 VAL with your names on it."

The burly man bargained with a nasty smile. He unwittingly was offering a reward to the ones he's after!

Taking advantage of the ruffian's mistake, Shin shifted his mindset of fleeing to acting as any regular resident would in such a situation. 

"We don't know about some random kid, go scam some other idiot!" 

Letting agitation seep into his voice, Shin shooed the man away. To his genuine surprise, it succeeded.

"Dumb kids don't know what's good for 'em. 

Useless scum taking up resources-" 

The man continued to mumble as he jumped down and paced away from the alley. Shin watched the opening for a time, longer than most would consider necessary. His heart was still racing, but he eventually decided everything was temporarily alright. He turned to Aizza.2

Elevating his right arm, he brought his hand to Aizza's forehead. He flexed his index finger, and with strength, released it, thwacking her straight on.

"Ow ow ow! What was that for!" 

Shin raised his thick eyebrow, annoyed she seemed to really have forgotten already.

"What happened to only speaking to me? It was one of the most basic rules." 

"I-I Uh…forgot…?" 

Secretly worried Shin would just abandon her for such a silly slipup, she smiled dumbly and tried to play it off.


This is gonna be tough.

You need to stay focused Aizza. 

My life is on the line, and so is yours. 

You're lucky it ended like that, but now there's solid proof I'm still being sought after.

Do you understand? 

I need your acknowledgement that you truly understand the state we're in."

Aizza, regretful of her mistake, sorrowfully responded. She truly didn't want to cause any problems, and resolved herself to not repeating the same actions next time.

"I do, I'll make sure I follow your instructions Shin. I'm sorry."

Now determined, she gave him multiple firm nods while both of her arms pumped in the air.

Realizing he thought it was cute, he emptied the ridiculous thought and accepted her resolution.

He didn't like what she had done, but it had ended up fortunately. Better than if they had run for it.

While it wouldn't have instantly given them away, as many kids were used to running from potential danger, even adults, it still may have led into a chase and being found out.

Their current situation was much better thanks to Aizza, but she still didn't deserve praise in his mind.

"Don't stray from me, we are heading out now."


Aizza scrambled to Shin's side; the bag created scads of sound as she did so. 

Feeling out of place, she made sure to shadow Shin slightly to his right as he took his first steps toward the exit.

Climbing over the tower of trash that was blocking most of the alley's entry, Shin and Aizza stumped into the wasted street.

Taking in the horrible conditions spread about for the first time, Aizza remained still as she took in the atrocious view. Being hit with a slight breeze, a stray smell burned her nose, causing her to scrunch her face.

Shin swiveled around, setting a firm hand on her shoulder. His hand ended up slipping off due to the rounded corners created by the trash bag, rendering his attempt a fail.

Afraid of using too much pressure and having her horns rip through, he gave up, swinging his arms back to his side as he crouched closer to Aizza's face.

"I forgot you don't remember much, but watch where you walk. Just following me won't be foolproof. 

The ground is covered in obstacles, and you definitely don't want to step into any pools of liquid if you can help it.

Stay vigilant, and even if you accidentally hurt yourself, you have to stay quiet. Also, make sure to tell me immediately if you do. While it's pretty difficult to, we have to make an attempt to prevent an infection. 

I don't know how tough your species is, but I'd rather not have you drop dead because of a small cut.


*Speaking of, she said she woke up in a bag, which doesn't make much sense. 

Most of the people here either spontaneously appeared as children, brought here as disposed slaves and prisoners, or were just sadly born here. 

Considering her looks and age, and the state she claims to have arrived in, none of these seem to be the case.

More questions to ask when we're safe, I guess.* 

Shin waited for Aizza to nod that she comprehended what he said.

Opening her thin lips, about to reply, she snapped her hand to her mouth. 

^*No talking, only nodding! 

Follow Shin, be careful of anything on the ground, got it*^

Interlocking gazes, she gave Shin a bob of her head. 

Replying with a pleased smile, he twisted back, trudging onward with Aizza in tow.

Traveling towards the outskirts of Lower Tridesil while dodging dross and debris as well as they could, the duo threaded through the maze of ancient buildings and pathways for hours without rest.

While Shin kept an eye on his surroundings and maintained his inner thoughts on the future ahead, Aizza piled the unknowns of the world within her mind while she did her best to maintain focus on moving on.

Her legs began to ache, but she had to ignore it. She could do it, she could keep up!

The temptation to ask about the layer she now inhibited racked her mind, barely subdued by the promise she had made to stay silent. She caught herself multiple times almost speaking due to her curious nature.

^*What are these containers with sharp needles for, how could any place have so much trash!? 

Do I even know anywhere else to begin with? 

Hmmmmmmmmm...…. Ah!...

Nope. Nothing at all! 

This is frustrating!!!*^ 

Keeping stoic, she lifted her tiny hands, her palms in-line with her face.

^*Not knowing who I am, or rather my own experiences is a weird feeling. Shouldn't I be more scared?

It's like each thought is on the tip of my tongue when I try to remember, but it never leads into an actual memory!

Hmmm, maybe it's because I don't remember what I can't remember that I'm okay?

It's still annoying…*^

She flexed the digits of her fingers in and out, never losing focus of Shin within her peripheral vision. She studied the control she had over her hands.

^*It feel fine, and can move normally, but when I look at my hands, it's almost like I can't even remember them either…

So many questions.

I need to stay quiet, Shin trusted me! 

I can do this, I won't even complain even though my legs hurt so much from walking…*^

Dropping her fragile arms, she let out a silent sigh through her exhausted pants for breath. 

Relieving her pent-up annoyance at her situation, she changed her line of thought.

^*Why do I trust Shin so much?

I don't know him at all, but at the same time, it's as if he's always been a brother of mine?

I told him it was the Lux around him, and that's mostly true, but there's a bit more to it…

Was it just my instincts? 

He's strange as well, even after being so scary with so many emotions, he was able to quickly bring himself back and become calm again! 

I don't remember anyone, but I know that's a very special ability, to cool down!

He also said something about healing? A super power to heal fast? That sounds cool! I want to see it!

Ah… That would mean he would be hurt… 

So I shouldn't wish to see it!... 

But I still do…

What's most weird is the Lux around him. I don't remember much, but I know no one else has ever had Lux just surround them without their will.

Lux just goes to him somehow.

Maybe he already knows how to use Lux and just doesn't realize he's using it? Like his healing?

Uwah, would I even be useful then!?

I don't want him to ditch me!

No no no, I can still help him train! Just because he may already use Lux doesn't change anything.*^

Letting out another placid sigh after working herself up, Shin took notice of her constant obvious sighing. He had no clue the rollercoaster of emotions she kept putting herself through, and just assumed she was bored and tired.

^*I made a lot of claims, but I don't even know if I can actually keep them. 

Can I learn to use Lux myself? How else would I be helpful if I don't even know?

I can see it everywhere, but I can't change it, my hands just move through each string like air. But the air moves when I touch it, I just go through Lux.

It doesn't feel like I could do it before either.

But it moves around Shin as if he's letting it wrap him up!

But is he really using it then? His thoughts were slipping through before, and the weaves were matching them.

I don't remember reading other people's thoughts… Is Shin just special then?

How is Shin different?


I am so tired, it's turning dark so it must have been super long since we started walking. How much more are we going to go!

Stop it Aizza, you promised! 

This is for your safety too!*^

Out of a forgotten habit, Aizza slapped her face together with both of her hands, attempting to cleanse her negativity. 

The sharp movement and slap started Shin, who swiftly, without fully turning, lurched his hand to where he expected Aizza's to be. 

He was readying to grab her and begin running as he scanned to see where the sudden noise came from.

Becoming aware that nothing was actually happening, he dropped his maw closed, dipping his lips down. 

Finishing the quarter-rotation in relation to her, he lowered and, with a quiet menace, spoke through his teeth.

"Now why'd you go and do that, Aizza!"

Surprised by how quickly Shin had moved out of nowhere, she apologized immediately.

"I-I'm sorry."

She lowered her head with guilt, her voice was raspy and dry.

Standing straight, Shin contemplated within his mind.

*She's done well so far, why'd she go and do such a random thing as that? Did she really slap herself?

No, considering her age and ignorance, I guess it's been amazing how she's been holding on despite it having been what, eight hours already?*

Leaning his head to the sky, he made a mental note of the dimming light of the day cycle. Scanning the area, he was impressed at how far they had traveled within the short period. Considering he had Aizza with him, and had to consider everything around him as a hidden threat. More so than usual, at least.

*I guess it may be time to rest soon. Whether we got lucky or not, not a single person looked our way during that little bit of Aizza's. 

Good news is that I haven't really seen anyone on the lookout either.

Maybe they gave up? Not that I'd for a moment dare risk it. But it's a nice thought nonetheless~*

Signaling with a small wave while his arm hung down, Aizza caught onto his intentions. She stepped closer to him as he continued on.

Feeling a difference, Aizza lifted her eyes and watched as Shin swayed his head, looking for something.

With a point set, his sight landed towards a soulless alley that deigned lidless silver bins, a seemingly purposeless construct in the bleak city. 

Shin veered off the road and towards the narrow pass.

Dutifully, Aizza followed, no longer bothering with what she was thinking about.

Walking into the pathway a few steps, Shin stopped. Almost ramming into him, Aizza came to a halt as well.

He pointed to an area of the blotchily stained gray wall where two ironically filled trash cans were standing.

"That's where we will rest tonight."

She stared blankly at the spot for a moment, not processing what he just said. Then it hit her.


Having wanted to stop and sit for hours, she practically sprinted the short distance and placed her back on the wall as she slid down and sat.


*Looking at her face, anyone would think she found the comfiest seat in existence.*

Shin mused to himself over the thought, also tired but not nearly as ravished as his new partner was.

His ability offered him great endurance. He could have easily gone another few days before needing any real rest. His body would heal any fatigue built up as he went. 

While he did get tired, it wouldn't affect his performance unless he went overboard, as he did the day before. 

He took a final peek behind him and decided they were in the clear. He crept towards Aizza, taking place beside her, who sat with her arms hugging her knees within the trash bag. 

Shin spread out his legs that were half-hidden within his jagged and thin pants. Multiple rips revealing his pallid legs were visible.

After a short break of silence, he pulled his previously injured foot up. Besides a line of dirt where the wound used to be open, nothing could prove the injury had ever existed. 

Scarring was but a fiction for him. It was a bit disappointing, as a few scars would have made him seem tougher. As he stood now, if it wasn't for his face, he'd look like a fresh body sent down into the hell of the first layer.

Retrieving the last water bottle, he took a small sip, totaling one-eighth of the bottle. Although still thirsty, he had to preserve the remaining clean water as long as he reasonably could.

He brought the water to Aizza's head. She lazily rotated her head after hearing him rustle, and upon seeing the clear liquid, she greedily stole the bottle from his hands.

"You can only take a few small sips! This is all I have left!" 

Shin hurriedly told her off, knowing she intended to finish what remained at first..

Disdain and contempt filled her face as she restrained herself, taking only a mouthful of the soothing fluid. The first sip only begged for a second, and then a third, but unfortunately, her rationality won out.

She unwillingly handed the container back to Shin, who took and capped it, placing it back with the sack now to his front, hidden underneath the trash bag cover.

*If it comes down to it, I can safely drink dirty water, but she certainly can't…

Haaaa, what a bother. It's been a hot minute since I've had to drink street water.*

"I know you are tired, go ahead and head to sleep. 

I'll keep watch."

Her ears blessed by the magical words promised by Shin, she was beyond willing to accept that offer.

"Alright, thank you Shin!"

The tired girl let her eyes sink. Next, she leaned her body and head against Shin's lower arm. 

With the bag still wrapped around their heads, concealing her hair and horns, the scene looked like two malformed eggs huddled together. Aizza's horns gave shape to two small humps, which were, thankfully, formed in a way that didn't stab him. Narrowly avoiding jutting into his arm or neck.

Shin responded with an offended scoff.

*Who does this girl think she is?*

"Haaaaa, whatever…" 

He begrudgingly sighed, choosing to ignore and let her do as she pleased. 

A small unseen smile appeared on Aizza's face as her breathing became slower and rhythmic. 

Brooding over the perils of the last two days, Shin felt the tug of rest pulling at his own eyelids. Beginning to lose focus on keeping watch, he allowed himself to eventually get pulled in by the roaming lulls, and, he too, had fallen asleep.

And as fate would have it, the night passed uneventfully, giving a much-needed rest to the two who lay against the cold, rugged wall. Given cover from any viewer of the street by the bins and discarded waste around them. 

Shin would never learn that it wasn't luck that kept the searching gazes away that night.

If you're enjoying the story so far, I'd love if you'd add it to your collection and maybe consider continuing to read my story in the future~

OrangePiecreators' thoughts