Titian, one of the seemingly infinite sum of slum rats of the first layer city - Lower Tridesil - finds himself pursued by multiple men while returning to his hidden refuge of a home. Having survived years while all alone in the forgotten city of trash, his accumulative knowledge and unique regenerative ability allowed him to escape temporarily. Due to fate or sheer chance, he stumbles upon a young girl, Aizza who had only recently been tossed into the first layer, innocent and unmarred by the nightmarish realities of life down under. Learning that the girl possessed a strange insight into Lux, the magical foundation of reality, he goes against his better judgment and decided to take her along in his mad dash to safety. Titian's goal is simple, escape to the outskirts in hopes to live yet another day. | Warning, this series contains sensitive material and descriptions that may be unsuitable for all audiences. It will be present within the whole story and may not be suited for everyone. |