
The Siege of Shadowfang Fortress

But for now, in this moment between breaths, Madison allowed herself to feel a flicker of hope.

The moment passed quickly as reality crashed back. Madison and her small team materialized inside Shadowfang Fortress, the dark stone walls pressing in around them. The air felt thick, heavy with an evil presence that made Madison's skin crawl.

"Everyone okay?" she whispered, glancing around at her companions. Wald, Astrid, Roran, and the others nodded, their faces set with grim determination.

"Let's move," Wald said softly. "We need to find Karnath-Gor before the main attack begins."

They crept through shadowy corridors, every sense on high alert. Madison's heart pounded in her chest, but she forced herself to stay focused. Too much was riding on this mission to let fear take over now.

As they rounded a corner, voices drifted from a nearby chamber. Madison held up a hand, signaling the others to stop. She inched forward, straining to hear.