
Luna pequena

What happens when the hunter falls in love with her Target? Electra Valentina is a hunter ,that is promised to a werewolf by the moon godess herself.   Will they accept there fate or write there own destiny?

Brittney_Flint · 奇幻言情
11 Chs

Chapter 3 Rebirth

3rd person POV

Electra's body fell to the ground, lifeless. The hunters that tried to pass the border were vaporized instantly. "Damn Fool!" A male with white hair and facial hair. Cursed at the I abomination that is his granddaughter. Fury burned in the old man's heart. "She has always been a sorry excuse for a hunter." The male spat out. Before calling out to the wolves. This is not over, Mutts!" The old man turned and walked away, the sea of hunters following behind him. The further they got, the silver liquid stopped raining down. The sky, shade by shade, turned a light and dark blue. The moon was full and beautiful, taking on its typical white glow. The shimmery glow. Shine on Electra's body. First, it seemed her body began to rise slowly. Enveloped in the moon's glow. Only a shadow was cast along the trees behind her then. A moonlight, siluete of a curvy woman. It seemed to be holding Electra now. Then they both disappeared. Her body appeared in a grassy field. Thousands of miles away. As if she were sucked into a wormhole and then spit out. 

Electra's pov 

Bright light invaded my vision as I tried to open my heavy eyelids. Blinking for a few moments, then squinting against the light. To barley make out, I lay in the middle of a clearing. Confused, I took in my appearance. I am still only wearing the undergarments from before. The electricity burns, and whiplashes littered my body and still burned. Weakly, I stood to my feet, in a very poor excuse of a waddle. 

My vision became blurry as a young girl, and a man approached me. "Are you ok?" The girl's voice was vaguely registered. As I attempted focus on thier blurry figures. "No, keep your distance, She has some sort of silver substance on her the male's voice was heard. It sounded as if it was in a tunnel. Before my vision went black once again. 

" She's a hunter; why would you bring her here?" A voice scolded. It sounded far away, but I understood. " Look at her, Mason; she's barley breathing. You think she's capable of attacking us?" The soft voice from before asked. " I just wish you would at least put a blanket over her." A females voice growled. A moan escaped my lips as I opened my eyes. To see A group of people are looking down on me. Three men and three women to be specific. Two of the women looked to be twins

 With sandy hair and a light complexion. They were short for she wolves . Then there was the tiny one with black hair and bright green eyes. That was the soft spoken one from the woods. One of male had bright green eyes like the petite girl . The other two were polar opposites. They had long hair. One had his dark curled locks down ,with black eyes. The other had his snow white hair pulled into a bun. His eyes were pale grey. Two of the girls didn't look happy at all. I'm going to guess they are mated ,to two of the men. "Hey, are you okay?" A gentle voice asked; it was the only one from the clearing. Thirsty was all I could say, and my voice was too hoarse to indicate just how much so. The male from outside with the bright green eyes , came to me holding out a water bottle. I blinked looking at my hands first to make sure there was no silver on them, so I carefully Grabbed the bottle from the top to not to burn him. "Thank you." I Spoke softly. The lid was opened, so I opened it the rest of the way and drank the water. 

The male watched me curiously, with a slight smile on his face. "I'm not sure if you just didn't want to touch me or if you were trying not to burn me, but either way, I appreciate it," he said lightly. "Um the second one." I replied weakly. The blondes were staring daggers at me. "So I just went back to drinking the water and didn't say anything else to the man. He gave them a warning look, almost like a chill-out; you have nothing to worry about. My vision cleared more, and I noted I was lying on a sheet on a couch and was in the exact state as I was before. No wander , the women were so testy, I thought. So I used the sides of the sheet I was on to cover up as best I could. "I can show you to the shower; you can wear something of mine." one of the girls said sweetly. "Thank you." I nodded. I was attempting to stand as best I could. Only to fall into the wall. I put my hands out, trying to catch it. The brunet that handed me the water bottle was closer ,but I chose to take my chances with the wall. Not wanting to burn him. "Oh jeez, are you okay?" The petite girl asked. I nodded. " yes. Slowly, I followed her to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I got in with the clothes onto rinse all the silver off. Confident most of the silver had been cycled down the drain. I stripped out of the under garments . Ringing them out and laid them in the sheet. Carefully sitting down to wash myself, thoroughly and carefully. 

The blonde walked In with a towel and clothes. "I am sorry about before. Masons, my mate, and Adra didn't take kindly to him caring for a half-naked woman," she explained shyly. Looking at her feet, my silver eyes looked at her. " That's alright; I get it. But you'll never have to worry about me," she smiled. Her eyes were looking at the ugly red mark. The questions were front and center in her mind, however. She didn't ask, which I appreciated. 

Soon I used the wall, and with her help, I dried and dressed. In shorts and a tank top. 

After I was dressed, I made sure to go through to clear anything with silver on it. "My brothers are on the way home and want to talk to you." Mason said as I finished wiping the doors. My eyes widened in fear as I looked at him. "Why?" I asked. "Wait you have more than one Alpha? " I added. "They Are quadruplets." He answered . "And to answer your earlier question. They just… well, they want to know what happened to you. Make sure you are not a threat." He explained. I began to hyperventilate at the thought of four Alphas putting me on trial.

"Whoa, it's ok; they won't hurt you." Mason tried to reassure me. 

"I'm sorry, I can't. I don't have a good track record with alpha wolves. I stood, thank you, but I should go." I walked out the door. Surprisingly, they didn't try to stop me.