
Love Was Not The Reason

Hailey, the orphan, who still dosen't know her true worth, agrees to marry the son of her late mother's best friend, after her twenty first birthday. At first she agrees, believing that she would finally belong in a family. As she contemplates signing the marriage certificate, she hears a voice around the table calling her name. A voice that was present when her world collapse. A voice that has been haunting her since she was five. Rushing to the bathroom, breaking down as unclear visions started flowing again. Would this marriage help her remember? Returning to the table composed., instantly signing the certificate without a second thought. Adian, the wealthy twenty five year old son amd heir to the Knights foundation. Deception and Heartbreak have turned him into a heartless man who believes that all women are gold diggers with the exception of his mother. His flings are comfortable and casual. He unwillingly agrees to marry because of his mother, but he promises to make the life of his future wife a living hell. What he did not expect was the fire running through her veins plus his growing attraction and admiration for her, which he fights with hurtful words he dosen't mean. As his new wife digs into information concerning her past, his world will be rocked as the dead rises to break the only bond he holds dear. He agrees to help her unravel her past, with her promise to release him from this marriage. Would he want to release her from the agreement when the lies are out in the open? As his orphan wife slowly penetrates the iron walls around his heart, the one who broke him returns.

Sabry_Singh · 现代言情
270 Chs

Chapter Two hundred and Forty Nine - Separate Meetings

Other than Emmy, the members of the Knights household spent a restless evening, with everyone lost in their own thoughts, dealing with our own private demons.

We had one more day before a decision is made about my father and his release from prison but there is one question that's bugging me, which only Mr. Knox can answer but I cannot go to him so I will have him come to me, since he owes me, BIG TIME!

I had already sent him a message asking him to meet me at ten this morning, with all of the documents concerning my inheritance because I need to know what it would mean since my father is alive.

I will not enlighten him further since he's obligated to report back whatever I do to Amelia, so I will make his visit about the extension of the children's home, he promise to help me build and the lands we need to acquire.

I didn't inform Adian of my concerns since he seem to be in a world of his own, when he thinks I'm not watching him.

Adian escorted me to my office ensuring that I'm safe and secured, "dad and I have an urgent meeting at the foundation's office, which my mother called so, we have to attend along with Anthony," Adian was explaining as we walked further into my office.

"Bas will be with us but Ger has to make an urgent run, so I have to leave both you and Mel alone." He added smiling at me mischievously. "Can I trust you not to get into any mischief or fights?" He chuckles and I glared at him, slapping his chest affectionately.

Raising my right hand, "I promised," laughing along with him, I swore.

Looking over his shoulder, "Mel went to pick up some files Jerry's working on" he explains Mel's absence, "so I need you to add your comments or corrections where you see it fit, before signing off on them." Taking a seat in front of my desk Adian scribbles on a notepad on my desk while giving me work instructions.

I stood with arms folded and stared down at his bent head, watching him write as he remembers.

When he's done, he stands and shoves the page he was scribbling on, into his jacket pocket. Frowning, I guess it's not for me!

Moving towards me, "I wish I didn't have to leave you alone for to long but I have no choice because between Alan and mom, I hate to hear what they have cooked up for us." Adian laughs sarcastically, before kissing me lightly on the lips.

Instead of releasing me, Adian grabs my head and holding me firmly against him, he deepens the kiss, awakening the desires within me, that's been dormant for a while.

"I've missed this," Adian mumbles against my lips, with his thumb caressing my face and then my lips, opening my mouth to take him all in.

There was a knock on the door, which finally gave Adian and I the strength to spring to apart.

"Yeah," Adian shouts after the second knock, while we both adjust his jacket and his tie, making sure I send him off neatly to the board meeting at Knight's Foundation.

Adian moved to leave as Mel breezes in with a coy smile, at having caught us in the act, but grabbing his jacket, I pulled him back.

"Isn't Alan suppose to inform me about meetings?" I frowned, because he's holding my seat on the board, since Adian's ex, made it difficult for Adian to take his position as CEO of the Foundation.

Nodding, Adian puts an arm around my waist, titling his head to the doorway. "Yes, that's what concerns us," Adian admitted. "What has he been up to, doing our absence, especially as my mother is involved with whatever scheme he has up his sleeves." Adian retorts with a worried frown.

"Just be good," i tried to make light of the situation but, like Adian I am concerned about the Knight's Foundation and SullaKnights.

I was just prepared to discuss my meeting with Mr. Knox but Adian has enough on his plate so I'll leave it till later.

With one more hug and one more kiss, "lock up," he instructed me, before leaving with Basil, who stood hovering outside the door.

I turned to Mel, " I have a meeting at ten and it's confidential," I informed her, rushing to my desk and pulling the notepad Adian was using closer to me, I started jotting down the questions that's been plaguing my mind.

I don't mind my father taking back everything from me but what I do have a problem with, is Amelia getting her greedy hands on it and that, is what I'm going to stop and that's the only reason, I must ensure that I own it all.

Mel returned to her desk outside my office, while I read through a few contracts Jerry sent. Even though I'm suppose to sign off on them, I'm not confident enough and left my views and comments inside the two files I was able to work on, before Mr. Knox's arrival.

Neatening my desk. I made a quick trip to the bathroom adjusting my red flowered shirt, into my black dress pants and throwing my black jacket over my shirt to make myself presentable to my family lawyer.

Mel knock once, then the door was pushed open, "your ten o'clock," she says politely, ushering Mr. Knox inside.

He walked cautiously towards me, probably anxious about my feelings, with my father's sudden appearance in the news.

The truth is, I'm not angry but disappointed and hurt with his betrayal and there's only one way to fix it and that's ensuring Amelia and my father's hand stay off SullaKnights.

"Hailey," Mr. Knox greets me, with one hand outstretched to formally greet me.

Smiling brightly with a fake smile he could never read, I moved forward, with arms open wide.