
Love Unrehearsed

A famous rockstar. Attractive, talented, rich and a playboy. He falls into someone's loathsome scheme because of his careless act. An innocent girl. Naive but feisty. She works for the rockstar and eventually saved him from tainting his name. They find themselves needing each other. They find themselves falling for each other. Will their love survive the crazy entertainment world? How will he protect her from the dangers of being famous? And how will she cope up with his fame and Casanova image?

Noona_D · 现实
8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Hapless Fighter

The stillness of the room is giving her that weird, nauseous feeling. Shin holds her stance and sits uncomfortably in that chair, feeling like a helpless prey waiting to be eaten by a merciless predator. Letting out a continuous sigh is not helping at all and the oak wood table sound resonates with her pounding heart, she stops kicking it. It's not going to turn out really well again, she's pretty sure of it.

She's nervous for the third time. And she's frustrated with herself for countless times. Being reprimanded is something a low level employee is trying to avoid but in her current situation, the bad luck keeps chasing her like a magnet she can't control.

She stood up and inhaled a little. The silence is frightening and scaringly suffocating. She felt like her heart is almost on her throat and was ready to lay flat the moment her manager enters that door.

She knows for herself that she's the most patient person in the entire world but those freaking costumers are a little out of their head lately. It feels like they took a potion that made them turned into crazy hyenas and now her face is freakin' sore from the unexpected thwack the angry lady gave her. Such a strong and unreasonable move coming from those untouchable elites. And such a pity to the low living peasant like her.

Shin gently touched her still sore and stinging cheeks. That lady has such strong hands, and can whack someone like a boxer with such tiny arms. The commotion started when she accidentally gave the lady the wrong shoe size. She apologized for too many times but the customer has such a bad temper and still was furious, she kept calling her names and that provoked her to answer back. She was slapped hard, right in front of everyone's eyes. And for a poor employee living from paycheck to paycheck, she stood there, stunned and pained but chose to let out a smile. What else can she do? She had a job to protect and there's nothing left to do but to apologize, belittling herself a little more.

"I'm sick and tired seeing your face for the third time in my office, Ms. Park! Do you realize it? This is the third time for this month! What the hell is wrong with you? Why can't you just assist the customers right? Is that so difficult to do?!"

She bites her lip and looked down. She's somewhat guilty of mishandling customers lately. The first one, she got the wrong color. The second, wrong code and just moments ago, it's the wrong shoe size. Everything's wrong because she felt something is wrong in her own home. And she can't help not to think about it even at work.

Manager Lim is the most inconsiderate person ever existed. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut back fast.

"No, just don't say anything. I don't want to hear any of it. But I'm telling you this. This is your last warning. One more complaint and you will be fired. I'm serious!"

She nodded slowly, still ashamed to look up. "I'm sorry. I will do better now, Mrs. Lim."

"Out of my office now! And please don't give me another headache before this day ends. I already had enough!"

When heaven showered blessings she was fast asleep. That's the way she's seeing her life. Alone and unlucky. She secretly scoffed thinking there's another one coming before the day ends. She'll be dead for sure.

"Oh my God! Shin, are you okay? Shoot, your face looks like hell!" her co worker and friend Suzy ran into her to check her face.

"Yeah, I know. It sucks. Manager Lim gave me a final warning, Suzy."

Suzy's jaw dropped hearing what she just said. "No way! She can't do that to you. I won't let her. You can't be fired!"

"There's nothing you can do if that happens so I guess I need to go back to work. I need to have bunch of patience in serving costumers right now or I'm outta here."

"I have an idea. How about we swap? I'll take care of walk in costumers and you'll be in charge with the counter. I think no one's gonna provoke you while they pay, right?"

Shin chuckled and was secretly relieved. After all the chaos, she still have a friend who got her back.

"You know what? That's the best thing you ever told me for the whole six months."

"Genius me, right?" Suzy winked and chuckled back. "But seriously, I don't want you to get fired. Because I won't see Alex hang around here anymore if you go. So get yourself together now and back to work. Fighting!"

"Seriously? Alex? What did you see in him?"

"Oh, c'mon! You've been friends for decades and you didn't even realize he's good looking? You really need that glasses on, baby girl."

Shin shook her head and headed to counter. Suzy is really vocal about her feelings to Alex. She gets amused everytime Suzy gets a little giddy.

Alex Lee is her childhood best friend. They are neighbors and been friends since primary school. Their mothers were bestfriends and Alex was present for her when that ill-fated day happened.

She was 15 at that time - young, free, beginning to enjoy life when her parents had met a terrible car accident and did not survive the pile up. The young and innocent Shin Park was terribly shocked. She was left alone to face the cruel world, so sudden and alarming. Her only sister, Eunice Park, has left the country before the accident happened. She never heard from her sister since then.

Shin faced the difficulties being an orphan through that long, hard years. Alex was the only friend who never left her side. He stood for her as an older brother and she was thankful for his tireless help. His mother became her foster parent and was kind enough to send her to school and feed her until she reached the age where she can stand with her own feet. She worked at a very young age to make ends meet. She struggled in life but coped up. She tried to balance school and work in order to survive. She didn't enjoy her youth and lived alone in their small apartment for years.

One day, her sister appeared in front of their doorstep with a newborn baby. Eunice looked different. It seems like her beauty fades that easily. During their childhood days, Shin look up to her sister as the gorgeous girl, the intelligent and the strong one. While she was ugly duckling, the weak, the slow poke, the nerdy and the bullied. Surprised and longing for a family, she welcomed Eunice with arms wide open. Her sister settled in South Korea since then. She never told her about her life when she went away and Shin never bothered to ask. They raised the kid together. It was a turning point of her life being an aunt. She loves her niece so much.

Yeori is her rock. An angel who gave her reason to face life whatever uncertainties she may faced. But lately, it is turning a little shaky. Eunice is acting a bit strange. Shin knows she's dating someone and things wasn't going the same way. Eunice keeps getting home late and she saw some bruises on her sister's body. She tried to hide it but she wasn't a fool not to notice it.

Other problem arise when Eunice suddenly quits working and always with her new guy. She left Yeori alone in the house and Shin cannot fathom the idea of a four year old little girl being left alone whenever she's at work, that even if she knew it will cost her more and hurt her pocket, she asked their next door neighbor, Mrs. Kim, to babysit while she was away.

"Excuse me, I'm standing here for a minute already! Will you just swipe my card so I can go?! the impatient costumer yelled.

Shin nearly jumped from the sudden call out. Why do rich people hates waiting? Or was she thinking deep that long enough?

"Oh, I'm sorry. My bad," she gushed and swiped the card as fast as she could. "I apologize to keep you waiting. Thank you for shopping at Lana's! Come again!"

"Ah, you wish!"

If looks could kill, she'd be dead from where she's standing. She bowed her head down not to meet the customer's angry stare before it disappeared in the store. Her own personal problem is taking a toll on her work and she wasn't happy with what is happening with herself.

Shin took the deepest breath and let out the most exasperated sigh. If she stays like that, they'll end up on the streets - cold, wet and hungry.

But no. Never. She's a fighter and she'll do anything to keep her job.
