
Love notes and lunch breaks

In the midst of starting high school after a prolonged period of isolation due to a six-year virus outbreak, Lincoln, also known as Linc, faces a challenging first day. Despite being late and forgetting his math book, he encounters judgment from his teacher and classmates. However, a mysterious girl extends a kind gesture by offering to share her book with him. This act of kindness opens the door to potential friendships and new beginnings for Linc as he navigates the ups and downs of his high school journey.

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4 Chs

New Chapter of life

My name is Lincoln, but call me Linc for short. Today is the biggest day of my life - high school life after that virus that lasted for six years. I didn't make any friends and always stayed at my house, but now it's a new bloom in my life.

"Linc, wake up! You're going to be late for school," Mom said.

*Yawn* "What time is it? 6:50 A.M.! Oh no... I'm going to be late for school," Linc said.

Linc ran down the stairs, reached the kitchen, and had his breakfast. "You should wake up early, Linc, or you'll always be late for class," Mom reminded him.

"Yes, Mom, I will get up early," Linc assured her.

Linc left the house and rushed to school.

"Damn, I should've woken up earlier today. Now look at me, late on the first day of school," Linc muttered while running.

The guard was about to close the gate.

"Wait... Don't close the gate, I'm still here," Linc said tiredly.

"Why are you late on your first day, kid? Get inside now, or your teacher won't mark you present," the guard urged him.

"Is everyone here today?" the teacher asked as Linc opened the door, panting.

"Sir, I'm sorry I'm late," Linc managed to say between breaths.

"Why are you late on your first day, Linc?" the teacher inquired.

"I-I slept too long, sir," Linc replied.

"Sit in that empty chair over there," the teacher instructed.

"Yes, sir," Linc responded.

"Okay, since we're all here, get your math book and turn to page 16," the teacher directed the class.

"Oh no... I forgot my book," Linc realized.

"Linc, where's your book?" the teacher questioned.

"I forgot to bring it, sir," Linc admitted.

The teacher took a deep breath.

"So, you're late today and you forgot your book. Didn't I give the book on enrollment day? How could you forget to put it in your bag? Where's your initiative, Linc?" the teacher expressed disappointment.

The students started whispering, and Linc overheard them saying,

"Bro, he's already late and didn't bring his book," one classmate remarked.

"I wouldn't want to get close to him; students like him don't care about the world," another classmate added.

Linc started to tremble in fear of his teacher and classmates when suddenly a girl sat next to him and said,

"Let's share this book," with a smiling face.