
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · 奇幻
49 Chs


Eon was restless. He cannot sleep last night. His mind is filled with many things. The next morning, Eon wakes up early and immediately goes to where the portal is. He did not go in the portal but instead, he waited. He waits for Odette to come. Eon wants to see her and is hoping that she would come. But hours already had passed, Odette did not show up.

Eon realizes something. He immediately runs and goes to the library. "I got the feeling she is there.", he mutters to himself. He arrives at the library but when he enters, he did not see Odette. There is no one in there. Eon's heart is filled with sadness and disappointment. He does not know where to go. He does not want to go home.

He then decides to go to the place where he usually goes when he is upset. He goes back to the portal and enters. As soon as he arrives, heavy rain is pouring. Eon looks up to the sky, "What great timing.", he remarks sarcastically. He speaks to the sky, "You are feeling sad? Yeah, me too.". This time, Eon did not use his power to prevent the rain. He let the rain wet his entire body.

Eon goes to the big oak tree and plans to stay there for a while. Upon arriving, he sees a figure sitting on the big roots. It is a woman. Eon whispers, "Selena?". He slowly approaches the woman to see her face. As he gets closer, the woman suddenly turns around and Eon could see Odette. Odette upon seeing him instantly stands up.

"What are you doing here?", Odette asks.

"I should be the one asking that. I waited outside the portal, hoping I could see you. When did you get here?". Eon's face is full of confusion and worry. Odette did not answer his question and starts walking away from him.

"Where are you going?". Odette did not respond and keeps walking so Eon had to follow her. Eon calls her nonstop, "Odette, please. I just want to talk to you. Odette!". Odette stops walking and looks at him with tearful eyes, "Why would you wait for me? Why should I talk to you?!".

Eon looks at her intently, "Please hear me out. After that, I will not bother you anymore and you could just...". Without finishing his sentence, Eon collapses. Odette's eyes widen and immediately comes closer to Eon. She frantically tries to wake him up by shaking his body, "Eon, wake up! Eon!". She starts to get really nervous when Eon did not wake still, "Please! Eon! Wake up!".

Luckily the rain stops pouring but Odette cannot carry Eon home so she decides to drag him slowly and puts him under a big tree. She holds Eon's hand but instantly took her hand because his hand is boiling hot. Odette's eyes widen when Eon's body is smoking. She is in shock and does not know what to do. She touches his body, "Ow! Why is he hot? He is like wood on the fire.", Odette exclaims. She starts to panic, "What should I do?". She thinks carefully and thought of something. She goes looking for something at once. Odette found a basin used by humans and goes to the waterfall. She fetches water using the basin and rushes to go back to Eon.

Odette looks at the water and then at Eon. She is thinking if she is doing the right thing. Upon seeing that Eon's body is releasing so much smoke, without second thoughts, she pours the basin of water on Eon's body. This has created a great smoke, similar to fog. Gradually, the smoke is fading. Odette examines Eon and his temperature has gone down but he is still unconscious.

She sits down on his side and talks to him, "I am sorry I cannot take you home. We will stay here until you gain consciousness.". She looks at him and stares. Odette's eyes begin to tear up so she looks aways. An hour later, Eon is making sounds but still unconscious. He is muttering something. Odette decides to watch him and listen to him. At first, it was a whisper but Odette finally manages to hear what Eon mutters, "Selena."

Odette pauses for a moment, "Did he just speak a girl's name?. Then she hears it again, Eon had said a girl's name. Odette thought, "Who is this Selena? I did not know any fairy by that name. Is she the reason why won't Eon fight for me?". She looks at him and is about to caress his face but refrain herself. "I know you love me. I can see it. I can feel it. But didn't you take me away when I asked you to? Or maybe I was assuming that you have feelings for me?".

Odette did not leave Eon the entire day until he gets better. While waiting, Odette keeps on thinking about the name Eon muttered. After thinking, she settles on the thought that she was assuming that Eon has feelings for her. She starts crying. Her heart is aching. "I was hurt when he did not do anything. I expected him to have me enough that he would do something. But the pain is killing me knowing that he loves someone else.". Odette cries her heart out until she could not cry anymore. She looks at Eon who is still unconscious and starts to walk away.

Hours later, Eon begins to wake up. His eyes are slowly opening. He looks around and feels confused for a moment. After realizing that he is in the forest, his eyes widen. He looks around again frantically and shouts, "Odette! Where are you?!". He stands up and holds his head, "Ow. What happened?". Eon then examines his body, "And why am I wet?". He then decides to walk and goes to the portal. Upon arriving at the magic realm, he goes straight home.

As soon as he enters the house, he calls his parents. "Mom? Dad?." His mother replies while going out from the kitchen, "We are here, dear.". His parents' eyes widen as soon as they get to look at him. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!".

Diana makes her son sit on the couch and examines him. "You are so wet and you look sick. What happened to you?".

Eon slightly bows his head and is thinking, "Honestly, I do not know, Mom. I was chasing Odette in the forest, asking her to talk to me, and then everything went black. When I woke up, I was laying on the ground and under a big tree. That was it.".

His father asks, "And Odette? She was not with you?". Eon could only nod. Fero then tells his son to rest in his bedroom.

"Go on, honey, take a rest. I will come and bring you something to eat, okay?". As soon as Eon enters the bedroom, Diana looks at her husband. "Why do I have this feeling that Odette just left him there?!". Her eyes begin to tear up.

Fero replies to his wife, "I have the same feeling, Diana. But we cannot do anything. We will just have to figure out what is happening to our son and take care of him.".

Diana starts to cry, "Oh, Fero. If that is true, how could Odette do that to our son?". Fero could only hug his wife, "I do not know.".

Diana and Fero enter their son's bedroom and sees that he is already sleeping. Diana puts the food table on the side table while Fero is tucking his son in on his bed. Then they stand side by side and stares at their son. Diana remarks, "It is like taking care of a little fairy boy again. I love the feeling. This brings back memories.". Fero looks at his wife and smiles, "Agree.".

The next morning, Eon awakes comfortably. He looks around and found that he is in his room. He thinks of getting up but his body did not allow him. He loves the feeling of staying on the bed. And so Eon decides to be in bed all day. After a while, his parents enter his bedroom. His mother greets him with a smile, "Hey, honey, you are awake. Good morning.". Eon smiles back to his mother, "Hi, Mom.".

Eon's mother then sits on the edge of the bed and asks him, "How are you feeling?". Eon replies, "I am feeling okay, Mom.".

Diana smiles at her son, "I am glad to hear that. So, I will let you rest then.". She is about to leave when her son calls her, "Mom? Is it okay for me to stay in bed? I mean, is it okay for me not to go to work?". His mother looks at him and smiles sweetly, "Of course, honey. Just rest, okay? Do not worry about a thing.". Eon smiles at his mother, "Thanks, Mom.".

Diana goes out of the room and closes the door. She then sits with her husband on the couch. Fero asks, "So? Is he awake? What did he say?". She nods, "He said he would stay in bed for a while.".

"It is best. We do not know what is going on with him. He looks unusual and we know he is different from others and even from us. So we must keep an eye on him.". Diana nods. Then they hear knocks on the door. She stands and goes to the door to open it. Upon seeing who is it, Diana's face becomes so serious. "What are you doing here?".

It was Odette and her face looks very worried. "Is Eon home?". Diana just looks at her but she decides to reply with a question, "Why do you want to know?". Odette senses a different aura and her guilt is building up again but she did not let it show.

"I am checking because he did not come to the portal to meet me. We would go to the forest together.". Odette is feeling nervous but manages to calm herself. down.

"He did come to the portal yesterday, waiting for you. But you did not hear him out, aren't you? And what is worst, you left my son in the forest, alone!".

Odette's eyes widen. She falls silent. She could see anger in Eon's mother. She cannot even deny it because all she said is true. Diana sees that Odette is not able to answer, so she continues to speak, "Do not come here again and do not come near my son again. I will request a change of post on behalf of my son.". She then closes the door in Odette's face.

Odette is unable to move because of shock. She stares at the door and then pushes herself to leave. She goes to the portal and into the forest. She recalls what happened yesterday. Odette left Eon but she came back. She immediately went back to where she left Eon but he was already gone. She went to look for him but she could not find him. But it did not stop Odette, she was so worried something might have happened. And so she spent hours looking for him. She had looked everywhere but could not find him.

Odette starts crying. She feels frustrated. But she could not blame his mother. Heavy feelings make Odette sits on the ground where she had laid Eon down. It seems like her knees weakened because of mixed emotions. Odette can only cover her eyes with her arms and cries hardly to express the weight she is carrying.

Odette continues to cry. She wants to stop but her tears keep flowing down. The forest is quiet and so her sobs are heard. Even Denver that is far from her is hearing her cries. Denver followed Odette, so he saw everything. He wanted to come close and comfort her but he knew she would not accept it. So he just watching her from afar.