
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


For the past months, Selena's life has been the same. She and Magnus still are not talking to each other. Well, Selena still ignores him. Magnus tries to speak with her but she would always find excuses. "I am almost close to him and almost warming up to him.", Selena starts talking to herself. She laughs sarcastically, "I thought he has feelings for me but his girlfriend proved me wrong.". She falls silent. She then suddenly remembers the kiss they have shared on the ferris wheel. Selena shakes her head, "No. Do not think about that. That has no meaning. Why would he kiss me if he has no feelings for me?".

Selena is in the cafeteria at the moment, eating lunch but she cannot seems to finish it. Her mind is occupied and her feelings are in conflict. "Did I start to like Magnus? I should act naturally like before but after meeting his girlfriend, I am like this especially towards him.", she thought. She sighs and stares at her food on the table. Then suddenly...

"Are you going to eat your food or you are going to stare at it all day?".

Selena blinks twice and looks up. Her eyes widen and could not say a word. The man looks at her with a stern face and asks, "Mind if I sit here?". Selena comes back to her senses and looks around. She is confused seeing that there are empty tables. She looks at the man. The man looks away shyly.

Selena laughs but turns into a stern face immediately. "I do not mind. Take a seat.".

The man sits and starts eating. Selena begins to eat as well.

Selena stops eating and realizes something, "Until now, I do not know his name.". She looks at the man, "Hey, mister." The man stops eating and looks at her, "Mister?".

"Yes. I do not know your name.".

"It is Erikson. But you can call me Erik.". He is about to eat when Selena extends her hand to him, "I'm Selena. Nice to meet you.". Erik stares at her hand for a while and then gives her a handshake.

After lunch, Selena just leaves the cafeteria immediately. She is going out of the school and goes into the parking lot. But when she is about to reach the parking lot, Erik calls her. "Selena!".

Selena looks back and sees Erik running towards her. Erik hands her a notebook. "You left this in the table.". She looks at it and realizes it is really her. She looks at Erik and gives him a half smile, "Thank you.". Then she proceeds to the parking lot.

In a distance, Magnus sees the whole thing. The man looks at Selena with a smile on his face. This irritated him. He finishes work early so that he could have lunch and dinner with Selena but now, seeing his wife smiles at another man, makes him lose his appetite.

"Let's go back to the office.". He decides to stay in his office and relax while doing paper works. But upon arriving, Alvira is sitting on his chair.

"Get out.". Magnus told Alvira instantly. But Alvira did not listen. Alvira looks at him with a sweet smile. She stands and slowly approaching Magnus. "Seems my baby is in a bad mood. Should I make you feel better?". She then puts his arms around Magnus' neck and tries to kiss him. But Magnus grabs her arms and pushes her away.

"I told you not come to here unless I say so!".

Alvira is shocked. She could see that Magnus is really angry because he shouted. But she calms down and talks to him sweetly. "Hon, I miss you and I want you to feel better.". She is about to come close again when Magnus stops her.

"Did I not make myself clear the last time we talked?".

"No, and I do not want to hear it again. I know you are just joking.".

Magnus looks at her with a serious face, "I am not joking. So leave, I have so much work to do.".

There is silence for a moment. Then Alvira speaks, "It is because of her, isn't it? Because of that woman. How dare she seduced you! What a...". But before she could finish, Magnus slams the table, making Alvira nervous.

"If I were you, I would not finish that sentence. Now, leave!".

Alvira stares at Magnus and his expression. His eyes stare at her eyes as well and with anger. She feels her heart tighten because of pain. Her eyes begin to tear up. She wants to say something but decides not to say it anymore. She then leaves the office without a word.

Magnus just sighs. He calls the front desk and gives a command, "Do not let Alvira go into my office again." He puts down the phone and then sighs again. His mind suddenly thought of Selena. His irritation grows as he remembers the encounter of his wife and with another man.

"You cannot have any relationship with other men. You are my wife.".

It is already dark when Selena arrives home. Miss Luna approaches her, "Why are you late, dear I have been waiting for you.".

"I am so sorry, Nana. I went to a coffee shop. I lost track of the time. I am really sorry.".

Miss Luna sighs and then smiles. "Have you eaten dinner yet?". Selena replies and smiles shyly, "Not yet. I only drink five cups of coffee.". Miss Luna gasps.

"Oh, dear. It is a good thing I still cooked for dinner. I thought you will not be having dinner here since Magnus has a plan to take you out to a restaurant."

Selena looks at Miss Luna with her eyebrows collide. "What do you mean, Nana?".

"Magnus did not fetch you at school earlier at noon? He said he plans to eat lunch with you and take you out to dinner." Selena immediately responds, "No, Nana. He did not show up at school. He also did not inform me.".

"Really? Hmm... Something urgent must have happened at the company.". Miss Luna looks at Selena and holds her hand, "No matter, you could join me. I cooked a few dishes and I would not be able to finish it all.". She smiles widely and Selena smiles back.

"Let's go to the kitchen."

As soon as they enter the front door, they hear a shout.


"I am sorry, Ma'am but you are not allowed her. Please leave immediately before I call the cops."


Selena and Miss Luna do not know what is going on. Selena is about to go out and checks it out but someone blocks her way. It is Alvira.

"YOU! YOU ARE THE REASON WHY MAGNUS CHANGED!". Alvira walks towards Selena, making her step back.

"Alvira, what are you doing here?". Selena examines her and asks, "Are you drunk?". She then calls her bodyguard, "Get her out of here. And call a taxi for her. The bodyguard instantly approaches Alvira and is about to hold her in the arms but Alvira avoids the bodyguard and charges forward to Selena. Alvira attacks her by grabbing her hair. "YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME! HOW DARE YOU!".

Selena is shouting in pain while trying hard to pull Alvira's grip away. Miss Luna is even pulling Alvira's hair, "LET GO OF HER! LET GO!". But Alvira refuses to listen nor to let go so she uses her strength to push Miss Luna. Miss Luna, being pushed has fallen down on the ground. Her head hit the railing of the stairs so she falls unconscious.

Seeing this, Selena's eyes widen and her system is building with anger. She holds Alvira's arms and then strongly pushes away. She then grabs her hair instead, "HOW DARE YOU HURT NANA!! WE DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO YOU!". Selena pushes Alvira really hard. She approaches Miss Luna as soon as Alvira falls on the floor as well.

Selena holds Miss Luna's hand and trying to wake her up, "Nana. Wake up. Wake up, please Nana.". She panics because of worry. She calls for help, "Help! Call an ambulance! Nana got hurt. Help!" Selena starts to cry. She looks at Alvira with anger, "See what you have done? HUH?!". After a moment, Magnus came.

Upon catching sight of his grandmother laying on the floor unconscious, Magnus immediately enters the house and towards them. Selena looks at Magnus with eyes full of tears. "Magnus, please let's bring Nana to the hospital now!". Magnus holds his grandmother's arms and with the assistance of Selena, they have put Miss Luna on Magnus' back. He goes to the car and slowly lays Miss Luna on the back seat. He looks at Selena, "You go with her. I will follow.". Selena nods and instantly goes into the car.

Magnus, however, is in full rage. He rushes to enter the house again and sees that Alvira is nervous. He looks at her with so much anger. Alvira notices him and then tries to hug him. "I am so sorry, Magnus. I did not mean to push Nana. I really don't. It was Selena's fault.". Magnus clinches her knuckles. He feels of wanting to strangle someone.


Alvira is shocked. The first reason is that it is the first time she saw Magnus this angry and second, he has a wife. She comes to her senses, "Wife? You are married?". Magnus ignores the question and drags her by the arm. He holds her arm tightly which made Alvira cries for pain. "Magnus, let me go. You are hurting me! I said I was sorry.".

Magnus throws her making her falls down on the ground. "One more problem from you, Alvira, and I swear I will strangle you. You better wish my grandmother will be okay or else, I will put you in jail!". He then leaves Alvira and goes in immediately to his car. Alvira is left alone, crying.

In the hospital, Selena is waiting outside as the doctors are examining Miss Luna. She is so nervous. She cannot even sit down and walks back and forth. Minutes later, Magnus arrives and asks Selena, "How is Nana". Selena replies with tears in her eyes, "She is still inside. The doctor has not comes out yet.".

Then a doctor came out. They both rush to approach the doctor. Magnus asks first, "How is my grandmother?". The doctor smiles, "Your grandmother is fine. There is a small cut on the back of her head but we stitched it up. It is a good thing that she was brought here early. If did not, there will be complications of losing too much blood.". Both Magnus and Selena sigh of relief. "Thank you, Doctor.".

Selena starts to cry. Magnus looks at her and could only hug her. "She is okay.".

Miss Luna is transferred to a private room and they both watch her. Magnus starts to speak to Selena. "I am sorry. It is my fault that this happened.". Selena looks at him, "No, it is not. You did give Alvira your address so she must have to find another way to locate it. But I am angry because she attacked me and I do not know the reason why.". Magnus did not comment.

"You did not tell her about us, don't you?". Magnus immediately replies, "No. I did not but I broke up with her. She thought it is because of you.".

"Is it true? Is it because of me?". Magnus did not respond. There is a moment of silence. Selena speaks again, "Fine, don't answer if you...".

"Yes, it is true. I ended things with her because of you." Selena looks at Magnus, eyes wide open. She is speechless. She is just staring at Magnus and Magnus is staring at her.