~ I was in total shock to think if he did that to her. I'm sure my punishment will be far worst since I just hurt a Princess. My body was starting to quiver to feel this fear overtake me as his eyes look in my direction.
While Cory glanced at Cookie. "That's all I needed from you. Thank you for the truth." He says.
Cookie patted my back then got off the couch and walked out of the room through the left entrance from behind me. Leaving me alone with Cory, Aaron, Jay, and a handful of his men I didn't know.
Until randomly, Aaron left the room heading back outside with his nose to his phone as Cory stood up from his seat. Jay walked over to take a seat from the same couch Rachel and her friends were sitting on. A few men took a seat throughout the whole room.
Still, only silence filled the room as I glanced nervously at each man. I was the only female with over eleven men spread out either sitting or still standing. None of them had any significant emotion plastered their face.
I studied Cory's men to catch some of them seemed to be communicating with each other by their eyes and body language. Other than that nobody spoke a word. Making me feel twice as timid to be alone with so many new men, I didn't know.
I looked back up at Cory to see his jaw gritting when our eyes connected. He turned off to the side rubbing his hand up to his face and brushed his fingertips into his dark jet coal-black hair. I heard him gasp a breath out air passed his lips. He was really showing his aggravation and tried to cool himself down.
My breath sucked out of my lungs for the moment when his dark complexion met my eyes again. I felt this heated tension pulsating up and down my slim figure.
No doubt he read I was frightened by the looks of him. Regardless, of his jaw-dropping attractive looks, I was petrified of Cory. He punished Rachel by banishment so I know my waiting punishment will be very painful. I was dreading it and found it hard to conceal my fear and show strength. I've always had a hidden strength beneath myself with each master who once owned me. But right now, I was having a hard time finding that strength.
Kingdom men are far different and more terrifying to face. Other than reading pure anguish fuming off from Cory. There was nothing anyone could read from their solid blank intimidating faces. And I was only taken captive by Cory four days ago. Tomorrow will be the first counted week, I've been held captured by this fearsome Primary King.
To view the captive circumstance from that aspect, I have all reason to be outright terrified of Cory. I took a faint breath trying to ease myself from feeling so timid and noticed he looked ahead from behind me.
Using the same passage that Cookie had just left in from behind the couch I was sitting at. JJ entered the room with some men from his Division, I was guessing. I watched as he handed Cory a medical first-aid kit.
After taking the gray metal case from him, Cory said to JJ and his men. "Attend to Rachel. Her eye was bleeding fairly bad."
My insides were burning after he said that to JJ. The men gesture a head nod towards Cory. Then they leave out the right entrance across from my view.
Cory walks towards my way making me quiver. My body jerked some when he scooted the coffee table up closer to me. He made my heart rate feel erratic in its drumming rhythm. I felt this heavy heated pressure weighing me down from being able to run from him.
He takes a seat on the coffee table causing my heart to skip a few beats. I gulped pretty loud somewhere beneath my throat. Which caused him to shift his intimidating eyes up at me. The only emotion I could read well enough was his anger. Other than that, there was no indication to even read a tiny ounce of expressions from him. I only noticed he gritted his teeth behind his closed mouth. By his defined jawline flexed.
Then he looked back down and set the metal first-aid kit on his lap. I watched as he shuffled through the medical supplies. Some of the medical items I recognized to be bandage cloths. Then other sealed small wrapped items or closed finger-size bottles, I didn't recognize. I saw there were some razors, small medical tools like tweezers, and other odd medical tools I've never seen. A few tools looked like some sorta clamp and pliers.
He took out a few rags, a small finger-size white bottle, and this sealed wipe. Cory put all those items on his right and put the metal first-aid kit down on the coffee table from his left leg.
Then picks up one of the rags coming towards me. Fear struck me fast, my body yanked back, and I pushed his hand away. My body shook in a heavy shudder. Cory cocked his head to the side and seemed to study my expressions.
I'm sure he saw I was scared. Which indeed I was petrified enough to think, his kind gesture to clean my wounds. Could be a trap for him to strike me with his hand. I fall for that trick far too many times in my hundred age marker by my first master. Now I've learned not to fall for tricks anymore.
I stared at Cory not even showing his hostility for the time being. All while I tried to mentally prepare myself for a horrid punishment. I dreaded his prolonged strategy to punish me. As I looked into his eyes like a lost lioness cub.
Then something unexpected happened within Çory's dark marble green alluring eyes. His eyes seemed to soften from that darker demeanor. Suddenly, I felt my heart weakening to be drawn to him.
But I couldn't allow myself to fall for such trickery. I said to myself and plucked my eyes away from him, drawing me in. Like a hungry serpent ready to swallow me in one gulp.
My eyes quickly drifted to see Jay snickering at me with amusement from behind Çory's back. I mean really! Is my horrified expression that amusing to him? I inwardly asked myself. As I just wish Cory would get my punishment over with already.
To have a better understanding on why Sally is feeling drawn to Cory but keeps withdrawing. It's because of the bond connection setting in. For females the process affects them differently from the males. Right now she's to scared and confused to understand what is going on. Another note: Five days in their worlds is one week. There calendars work differently which will be explained as you read. Keep reading, add, vote, rate, and tell me your thoughts or ask me anything.