[Read Author's thoughts.]
Dim light was set from the night but I tried not to glance out the window, from seeing my Master about to come in from his balcony.
My master never allowed me to gaze out at the window. If I ever wanted a peek at the outside world. I had to earn it by good behavior and by doing outstanding dance performances. One toe out of place then he'd break it. My menace Master enjoyed the pleasure of making me miserable by any means necessary that he could do.
On occasion, he'd step out for some air. That was when I'd sneak a glimpse of the beautiful city view from being on the hundredth floor. I admit if my master wasn't Immortal I'd be tempted to throw him off the balcony from his penthouse.
This was one of the biggest skyscraper buildings my master ever owned. Being a Highest-Ranked Businessman from the Businessmen Society. Unfortunately, for me, I was nothing but a toy slave for the hybrid man. That's why he and my other masters even called me Slave.
From the kitchen, I looked down, deeply cleaning the bar counter. By washing the table in a circular motion. To avoid making eye contact with my insane master. Although he seemed dazed during tonight's dim light. Likely because he had a party to attend. This would be good news for me. Since I got the hint he wasn't taking me. Which means I will stay in his penthouse without his presence.
My horrid Master took a turn down the hall making me smile. To notice between the waving strands of my long blonde golden tinted hair, he didn't bother looking at me. While he was likely getting ready to leave, I finished up cleaning the kitchen and put the clean dishes away.
I was kinda surprised, he allowed me to have dinner with him. Being Immortal or not, our Kind is no longer required to survive on meals or beverages. If anything we do favor our drinks. So the wicked hybrid-man hardly cares to feed me much.
To eat with the jerk was hardly tolerable. Our conversation was bland and he seemed to act differently from his normal. Then again nothing about him was ever normal. The hybrid-man was a wicked being, he had no ounce of care.
Once the kitchen was cleaned a knock came on the door. Master dictating jerk, came up nicely dressed in his gray suit. He was in the middle of fixing his tie. The awful stench of his cologne was enough to kill my sense of smell for a month.
I swear, there wasn't much I liked about the hybrid man. Sure he was attractive and had a nicely toned lean body but the ruthless torture he did to me. Was far worse than anybody could ever imagine.
Opening up the door was another Businessman who worked for my Master. This man coming in was like a manager or even a guard. Meaning, that he was here to guard me to ensure I do not attempt to escape.
Seeing my Master glaring at me by the bar. He gave his deathly warning and walked out. He didn't have to waste a breath telling me to behave. I read his eyes clear like a sunny cloudless day.
As my babysitter for tonight gave his terrifying expression. Indeed, I was being sarcastic by calling him, my babysitter. Nonetheless, I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes. I didn't wanna risk getting hit.
I took my hint it was time to retire. I walked down the hall and went upstairs to my room on the left. A mischievous smile curled on my mouth. Oh, yes, tonight's dim light I was planning my escape.
I got a shower from the personal shower inside my bedroom and blow-dried my hair with the cordless dryer. My blonde golden tint hair blew around my face. I looked at my ember galaxy hazel eyes in the mirror. Dazing at myself, I felt so broken but I had the determination to forever leave and find the commoners Society, or maybe even the Average Society would do.
I just have to avoid the Hunters taking me back to this dreadful hybrid-man. Also, I can't forget to avoid the worst two known most powerful Societies of our Kind.
The Kingdom and Baron Society are the most powerful Societies certain hybrid-men could live under. I've always heard such awful stories about their Kind. Kingdoms and Barons would make my Master look like a heroic hybrid-man from the wicked stories I've heard the Businessmen Society would tell. So I'll have to avoid running into their Kind.
I threw on a pair of dark bootcut jeans, and plain grey heel boots, and zipped up my jacket to cover my red shirt. I had some clothes packed in a blue bag and tossed in whatever I could fit. Which mostly consisted of a few outfits.
Quietly, I opened the door and stepped lightly down the stairs. Already, I saw the guard was out cold from watching tv in the living room as I crept past him. I went to the next room where the guest room, bar, balcony, and kitchen are connected in one area.
Being extremely careful, I turned the knob and the door screeched. So I paused for a second but the guard didn't wake up from that nearby room down the hall. Carefully, I pulled it open just enough to peek through it. Nobody was in the hall, so I slipped my tiny figure through the rest of the way.
Just to keep the noise level down, I didn't bother shutting the door. I just ran for it, reached the first elevator, and pushed the down button from the keypad. This would lead me to the first floor.
Now I wasn't sure what my next move would be. Likely, I would need to maybe find a back door out, I speculated. There was no way I could get out through the front lobby.
The elevator door opened to the first lobby and I acted occasionally. Peeking out into the front lobby, I saw it was empty but I knew leaving through those front lobby glass doors wouldn't be easy. So I went the opposite way and ran down the lobby.
Till my heels skid across the floor from trying to stop! I tumbled to my knees in shock from what stood to my front view. Coming from a right-open party room, this large wolf creature popped out. His eyes were a yellow, golden, fire color. That pierced out around his pure black fur. I had never encountered such a beautiful yet deadly wolf creature.
This monstrous beast stood up past my waistline. He growled, slanting his head off to the one side.
I screamed to hear another low growl when he ambled my way. I stood up trying to get around this monstrous beast but he was trotting to follow me. Suddenly, I heard this whistleblowing past my terrifying screech from me trying to flee.
I turned my head to see a large group of hybrid-men dressed in all-black suits.
My eyes peered at them for a moment because they had to be from a different Society. They each had that dangerous appearance. The warning vibe to get away from their Kind came off strongly.
I saw more wolves with them. Their group took the opposite direction from me to leave down towards the front lobby. But they were seeming to forget to take this black-furred beast with them too! The creature was still coming after me!
Until I heard another whistle is when he whimpers, turns around, and trots off. Like a fool, I stood here astonished to see the group leaving with their pack of wolf creatures. Till I backed up and ran out of here.
Until I heard up ahead, "get her!"
My mouth dropped to see my master's guards chasing me in the direction I wanted to go. I spun around and went the same direction as the blacked-dressed hybrid-men with wolves went. I flew down the lobby desperate to reach a glass door!
Outside the glass door on the sidewalk. That black beast looks up at me through the glass door. Nearby was his pack and the black-dressed hybrid-men were all getting into their vehicles to leave.
I reached my hand out for the glass handle but then I felt my left hand get snatched with a mean agonizing twist. This snap echoed in my head. I screamed out in pain and fell to my knees. To see blood pouring out from my sleeve. My arm looked oddly bulged from inside my jacket. I knew it was broken severely, as I looked up with mercy. Only to see my Master's deadly eyes peering down at me. His fist clenched and he gritted his teeth. I turned away hearing that beast whimpering and growling outside on the sidewalk.
I saw two hybrid-men look my way. Until I felt this sharp sting hit my jaw. My vision darkened while merely seeing those unknown Kinds in the process of leaving. My mouth filled with blood. As I slowly felt my body fall limp sliding my face down the glass door.
To read this novel you need to be a dedicated reader. Like the trilogy of lord of the rings is slow pace because of the details. My trilogy novel is no different because of details. You'll know the characters, learn about their worlds, explore their advanced technology, and their relationships. ML/FL will meet right away but their relationship takes time.
The FL will be learning about the Kingdom society. The ML will be learning who she is. It won't be fast pace
like most novels on here.