
Lord of the Flies in MCU

When a specimen, of a long forgotten and ancient past, appears out of nowhere how will our favorite marvelous heroes react? And how will our favorite hunter take upmost advantage of them?

Elden_Beast · 电影同人
17 Chs

Chapter 8

'I feel like I know everything, in the worst kind of way.'

Almost all of the internet's knowledge, stuck inside my brain … and all I can think about is:

'Why the fuck is there such an unholy amount of tentacle porn? … and here I thought mine were scary, but I guess humans see them in a different kind of way.'

Speaking of humans… it seems I morphed into one.

'And, even with all this knowledge, I still don't understand why!'

{… I think I know.}

'You do? Then please, do tell.'

{It's Wanda's magic ... when she used it, a bit of her subconscious found its way in as well.

If I were to make an educated guess, her magic is strongly tied to her emotions. Maybe ... she became really worried about us, when she heard you scream your lungs out in agony.}

'And What? … she associates worry with her brother? That's why I transformed? … now that I look a bit closer, I kind of bear a faint resemblance to her twin, and not that boy I consumed, maybe you are right.'

{I'm always right.}

'Tch … smartass.'

{… You are a living and breathing google search engine and call me a smartass for making a simple deduction? Damn … I don't want to say that you're dumb or slow, but if life ever gave you lemons, you'd try to make orange juice.}

'Shut up!'

Ok, back on track …


[kills: 29/50

Exceptional Kills: 1/1]

[Exceptional beings are represented by entities of supernatural strength, speed, Intelligence or skill]

That new category appeared after I killed Ultron's last body.

'A new requirement for leveling up … good, makes things harder.'

And as an added bonus, these kills increase the range of the dome by 10 meters.

'But enough of that, lets focus on the present'

Which is Wanda, running on top of the ruined island whilst carrying my totally "unconscious" body, holding me close to her chest.

'Huh … this is nice … I could get used to this.'

But, unfortunately, our trip quickly ends when she arrives at the hovercraft and meets the other avengers.

But Wanda, she looks ... a bit panicked, like something that shouldn't happen just happened...

'I wander what?'

"Barton! W-where is Pietro? I … I can't sense him at all!"

"Wanda … you should come inside."

"Why? Please, Barton … just tell me where my brother is..."

"I … when we were returning, your brother managed to get up and walk on his own, and everything was fine, until …"

"... Until what?" Asked Wanda, starting to really worry.

"Until a building which was still full of people, started to collapse … and before I could stop him, he was already inside."

at those words, the gut-wrenching worry reached her neck.

'Clint … don't you dare tell me my brother is dead."

At this, the archer looked at her with an apologetic look. And said:

"He managed to get out all 25 of them, but in the end his … his body couldn't handle the bullets inside. I am so, so sorry Wanda."

"NO!" she screamed, her magic exploding around her and knocking everything in her close proximity away.

She fell down, and all pent-up emotion immediately came out, turning her into a slobbering mess of snout and tears.

'And I am sorry as well, Wanda. But you see …'

If I wanted my plan to work, I just couldn't let him live.

'Otherwise, how could I get close to you? How could I ever be in your good graces?'

How could I bask in the same love that you hold for ... him, how could I get you to like me so much, that you can't help but wish for my safety and protection at all times?

'Because ... that's all that matters, my survival, and now, so does yours.'

You see, there is another thing that stacks, that I haven't told you about.

'My regeneration. But I don't heal the way you would expect ...'

If I were to … hypothetically cut of my finger and throw it away, I could just grow it back.

'But I could also just call it back, transforming into tendrils and crawling towards me, and put it back in its place.'

And this strange property of mine got me … considering new ways of doing what I do best.

You see, Wanda, when you covered your face in fear from my tentacle, and clint was distracted by the robot's death behind you, one other invisible tentacle of mine slithered its way towards your beloved brother.

'And injected him, but not with venom, no … that would have been obvious, idiotic even.'

But with my blood, 500 ml to be precise.

So that when the idiot ran into the building, I could just wish to heal, not without consuming a little of his body and brain of course, and my blood would do my work for me.

'Oh, my invisible tendrils entered my dome.'

You see Wanda, today you may feel destroyed, heartbroken even...

[Exceptional kills: 2/1]

'But I promise, with all my being that I will take care of you, my powerful and easily manipulated, dear witch.'

I Hope you liked the plot twist!

Also, if you enjoyed this fanfic so far don't forget to add it to your library and give it a review.

Stay safe, see you tomorrow.

Elden_Beastcreators' thoughts