
Lord of the Flies in MCU

When a specimen, of a long forgotten and ancient past, appears out of nowhere how will our favorite marvelous heroes react? And how will our favorite hunter take upmost advantage of them?

Elden_Beast · 电影同人
17 Chs

Chapter 4

Name: None

Species: Primeval Predator

Description: [As a husk of your former self, you have found yourself lost in a strange and different world, a dangerous world. But don't worry, the possibilities here are endless, the hunts are endless. So, do what your instinct tells you. Keep growing, keep devouring and most importantly, keep Killing.]

Lvl:1 [5/50 kills needed for level 2]

Innate Characteristics: Devour, Ghostly form


[Nothing stands tall in front you, Great Hunter, the most fearsome predators become the weakest prey, as they should, after all, it is simply your nature to consume them. So, hunt, hunt them all, leave none out of your reach, prey on them, devour them and make their strength belong where it should, make it yours.]

[As a stalker, you don't have the right to be neither seen nor heard, and, as a primeval one, you don't even have the right to exist, so do what you do best, adapt. Become the light around your prey, the wind in their ears, the shadow of their form, the nature around them, make them feel truly safe and protected, and then, break the illusion. Show yourself and reap your reward.]

Flaw: Honest Heart

Description: [Being the flesh devouring, mind consuming monster that you are, strangely you are not heartless. You have a heart, albeit a really honest and cold one.]

Effect: [You are compelled to tell the truth]

'This new characteristic, I don't know what to think about it.'

{Why is that? Don't tell me you don't like it, it's tailor suited for you needs after all.}

'What? No, I love it.'

{Then what's the problem?}

'Well, it's just that, it doesn't feel like learning something new, it's more like remembering something … something old, distant.'

{I still don't see were the problem lies, mate.}

'Oh, for fucks sake! I remember everything, ok? Every single second. How could I forget something so deep, so profound, so fundamental about my own being? It feels weird, no, it feels wrong.'

{Ah, I understand now, well your just in luck, because I have the perfect solution for your dilemma.}

'Really? What is it?'

{It's simple you dummy, just … kill until you have nothing else to forget.}

'Ha ha, really helpful.'

{With pleasure.}

'... I was sarcastic.'

{You were? Then … Uh ... so was I.}

The wolf sighed, stood up, and walked into a clearing.

Just to Suddenly disappear from the face of the planet, and a bit later, reappear a couple of steps ahead.

'So not only invisibility, but intangibility as well? Huh, what a useful and … terrifying ability.'


'What? You have nothing to say'

{Hunter, will you listen to me?}

'Uh … sure, I guess. I think it's good to listen to your instincts, even if they are a voice in your head.'

{You are a shapeshifter, by definition you should be shapeless, formless, like water, forever changing.

But you are getting stronger way too quickly, therefore, … I think … that there is a need for a base.

To solidly everything you have learned, to build on, so that you can reach new heights.

Once you turn into a Khanivore, stay that way until you learned everything about it, until you have nothing else to add to it.}

'Oh, you didn't need to tell me that.'

{I didn't?}

'Yeah … I don't think I'll change anytime soon.'

With that said, the vicious hound, energized from consuming its prey, disappears.

And in its place, the world welcomes in a true monster.

[Image here]

Roughly humanoid in shape, with opposable thumbs, and intelligent.

But that's where the similarities to a human end.

Sprouting a tentacle like tail out the back of its head, ending in a razor-sharp blade, the now 3-meter-tall hunter moves it around for a moment, and easily cuts a thick and old tree in one swift, almost blurry, move.

But before its fall, His one tentacle splits into four, each still ending with an extremely sharp blade, and cuts the now falling tree lengthwise into 5 identical pieces, lodging one of its tentacles into the thickest one.

The monster brings it closer, and lets the log fall into his hand, his claws cutting it apart with the force of gravity alone.

'… Whoa, this is … so worth the lives of those babies.'

{Ha ha, I know! … you weren't sarcastic this time, right?}

'Heh, you are funny.'

{Uuh, thank you?}

And with that said, the hunter moves, starting slowly on two legs, then on four, and starts running through the forest, turning faster and faster as time goes on, dodging all obstacles that nature throws at him, and after a while not even caring and running through said obstacles.

That night, most of the life in the forest, prey and predator alike, learned through bloody means of our hunter's existence.

Just wanted to say that this is my first story, so any feedback (especially constructive criticism) Will be greatly appreciated.

Furthermore, English is my second language, so there will be the

occasional spelling mistake and use of the wrong tense.

That's all I wanted to say, LOTF will update every day, so hope you enjoy it and stick around!

Elden_Beastcreators' thoughts