
Lord of the Flies in MCU

When a specimen, of a long forgotten and ancient past, appears out of nowhere how will our favorite marvelous heroes react? And how will our favorite hunter take upmost advantage of them?

Elden_Beast · 电影同人
17 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I can't see very well from this distance, and honestly, I don't really need to.

After all, my sense of smell is pretty good.

'Two of them, one male and the other female'

The female seems worn out, judging by her breathing pattern, and those pups reek of blood.

'Why? have they been attacked already? maybe the male was hunting, forcing the white furred canine to defend her off springs alone, that makes sense, seeing that the grey furred male seems perfectly fine'

{You really are as dumb as you look.}

'What .... the …. fuck do you want, especially right now?'

{Look closer, think harder.}

'Look harder for what- … oh'

'The grey one is excited'

{Then the only other alternative is?}

'The white one, she has just given birth'

{Good job, you dummy.}

'Well then, this makes it easier'

A whole lot easier, actually.

As quiet as the grave, and as quick as an arrow the serpent moves for the kill, and the grey furred wolf, proud to have become a father to 6 gorgeous little pups, senses that something is wrong

But it's too late, way too late.

It's hind leg suddenly drops dead, then the other one, then its torso and not too long after, his whole body

Slowly, but surely, the venom takes its effect, killing his cells and nerves.

But a Predator, especially a primeval one, does not waste time.

'The white one is watching, but she's too weak to do anything'

In the dead of night, the snake transforms into a black mass of flesh and tendrils, and lunges at the dying wolf.

The white one, unsure of what's happening, sees its mate rising from the ground, looking the same, smelling the same even, but for some reason, she knows he is different.

The grey one meanwhile leisurely strides towards her, like nothing happened, excitement written all over his face.

'but For a different motive'

He Walks forward and rubes his head against her neck, in a loving notion.

The clueless white wolf, accepts, and does the same, but ultimately regrets her decision, when she feels the strong jaws of her mate around her neck.

A few minutes later, our hunter takes a new form.

That of a Wolf, a huge one, bigger than all but already extinct, dark as the night sky with red silted irises.



The wolf looks at the young and innocent pups.

And for a moment, he surprisingly stops.

'Why … why am I hesitating?'

{Are you asking me?}

{Well, I think it's because they are defenseless.}


{This is not a hunt anymore, that ended when you killed the female. Now it's just killing for the sake of murder, and that is ok.

You are a higher being, stuff straight out of myths and legends really. If you are curious about what happens when that number reaches 5 but think that the lives of defenseless pups are just not worth it, just stop.

They are beneath you, that is the truth. Not even worth the thought. They will grow up, mate die, and that's it. But you, oh you … you will rise, consume, evolve, ascend even, if you work hard enough that is.

But if you really don't want to. That's fine … just let your instinct do it.

Just let me do it, trust me, I know what's best for you after all.}


The nightmarish hound, slowly but surely, approached the pubs, hearing them cry for their dead mother, for her warmth, for her protection, for her love.

'… I will do it myself'

And devoured them.

One by one.

Until none remained.



[You have reached lvl:1 great old one, congratulations!]

[Rewards: - Random Genetic Construct.

-new innate characteristic ]

'Wait, I can have more?

[ All following characteristics will be decided by your hunting style displayed so far]

[Analyzing … analyzing … analyzation complete]

[Hunting style is comprised of stealth, trickery and ruthlessness]

[New Innate Characteristic created]

[All following genetic constructs will be decided by your characteristics]

[Genetic construct found]

{Well, what do you say? Where those lives worth it or not?}


{Uh, are you still there?}


{Hellooo!? Your instinct is calling for you and you are not answering, which is kind of concerning.}


{… Are you ok friend?}

'I love it.'

[Available genetic constructs: rat, viper, wolf, Khanivore.]

Hope you enjoy the new chap!

Elden_Beastcreators' thoughts