
Lord of the Dead Matallost

Dark gods decided that the heroes were too strong and the Lord of the Demons could no longer be able to cope with them ... They called on a man from our world and gave him the ability of necromancer. What will the Lord of the Dead in the New World?

Matalost · 奇幻
9 Chs

Main adversary

4679. Triassic.

As I made my way to the marketplace, I pondered the information I had acquired and my future plan of action.

There are many races living on this world, named Trias, but the most numerous is human. Before 527 of the creation of this world, they had seized dominion over it. But their power was not eternal. In the year 680, a lord was born into the demon race. He led his legions against the humans. They were able to fight back and kill the Overlord. And yet the losses were enormous. Kingdoms were destroyed, the economy was not in question at all. It took a long time to rebuild. The humans managed to forget about the Demon Lord and used his name to intimidate children. They had lost their vigilance and their former unity.

And then in 1682, a new Demon Lord appeared. It was a time of chaos. This time the human race lost because of its own stupidity. Each kingdom was on its own. Alliances were out of the question. Humans lived and died under the oppression of demons for ten years. Everyone had given up hope. But then, like in a fairy tale, the Church appeared. Its High Priest sacrificed himself and called a hero from another world. Together with the hero, the people were able to win. The hero, on the other hand, remained in this world to protect it.

Soon he died, and the Church became the stronghold of humanity. Whatever the state, whoever ruled it, the Church was always above it all. Thus the third Demon Lord was also defeated by the heroes. The same thing happened to the fourth. The Church learned how to safely summon people from other worlds. And those, in turn, defeated the demons. The people of Trias trusted the Church more and more.

Now, a new cycle is approaching. A new Lord is about to be born. And the Church will summon heroes again. Yeah, the gods should have told me exactly what I was in for. The Church is my greatest enemy. Holy magic and divine power are destructive to the undead. And now I have to fight the Church one hundred percent. And how do you do that?

Know your enemy, says the great wisdom. To win, or at least to survive, you have to gather more information. And I began to have a plan...But then I got to the marketplace.

Another world's kitchen, wait for me. I walked past stalls of vegetables, meat, fruit, etc. One counter caught my attention, and it had a pleasant aroma. It was far from the restaurants of Earth, of course, but it was another world. Meat of some unknown animal on a spit with unknown to me spices and spices. Too many unknowns. I bought 6 at once and headed to a quiet place for a quiet lunch. The taste is delightful. Something spicy and spicy. The meat itself was very tender. Before I knew it, I had eaten it all. Who says undead have a bad appetite? Although I'm not undead yet.

Okay. Hunger satisfied, now to the Adventurer's Guild!!! I don't really want to mess with that. But in this world along with A or S rank of adventurer, you were given nobility and put the title of land. And the rank system itself was pretty interesting. If you could complete a task of the rank you wanted, then you were given that rank. You only need to complete a task of your rank once a month. But only up to B rank. You need to do quests of rank A once a year and of rank S once every two years. There are currently 12 A-rank adventurers in the world. Twelve Apostles, as they are called. All serve the Church. What a pain in the ass.

But there's not a single S-rank. The tasks of this rank are to slay a dragon, protect an entire country and so on. I need at least an A rank to execute my plan to fight the Church. On the way, I saw a slave market. I could buy one to learn even more about this world from its inhabitant. But in all the novels, the slave falls in love with you and you fall in love with her. And love is a weakness. How many stories have there been where heroes have had to do so many unpleasant things for the sake of those they love. A man who trusts no one, loves no one, and is not attached to anyone is a man without weaknesses. And a man without weakness is invincible. Love, friendship, faith and hope are only a hindrance - that is my motto in life. So I passed the slaves and headed for the Guild of Adventurers.