
Lonely Existence

Still trying to figure out what’s gonna happen. .... BL novel will be featured. It’s a novel so not my work.

SlothfulxQuiet · 其他
140 Chs

Sentinel & Guide (I)

Translator: Sarah, SnowTime


Shang Ke and Tylor had been together for one hundred and twenty years, watching Pupu grow up and marry the son of Kaiser and Ticia. Although they had a difference of ten years, they were very happy.


This time Tylor died first. Shang Ke waited for him to close his eyes without regret before returning to the system space with the love he felt for him.


After a happy life in both worlds, Shang Ke felt his heart melting.


[Host, please begin learning skills and prepare for new challenges.] The System was a killjoy like always.


Shang Ke chose two skills at random and planned to study happily while thinking of his man.


[Host, the next world is a difficult world. Please don't take it lightly. ]


"Okay." Shang Ke waved his hand and plunged into the Hundred Training Space.


When he came out of the Hundred Training Space, the door of a new world opened to him once more.


Before opening his eyes, he heard a chaotic noise. Shang Ke felt that he was lying on the cold floor. The air was clear and smooth, but it seemed to be mixed with an unpleasant smell.


When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a bulging … ass. He quickly shifted his sight away and only then did Shang Ke understood the situation roughly. This was a splendid shopping mall hall, full of people. They were lying prone on the ground or squatting, eyes flashing with fear. On the first and the second floor of the window, safe passage, entrances and exits, respectively, stood a few heavily armed strong men.


Outside the shopping mall, hundreds of soldiers gathered and the sound of the aircraft could be heard from time to time.


Even if he hadn't received the System information yet, Shang Ke could make an intuitive judgment. The store, along with the store's salespeople, shoppers, etc, were all hijacked by a group of terrorists.


At the moment, the information from the System was transmitted.


As Shang Ke expected, a group of terrorists of unknown origin have seized the central mall of the capital of Wayuta, Biyashi three hours ago. They claimed to have loaded fifty high explosive bombs inside and abducted more than six thousand civilians, including the staff.


The government sent representatives to negotiate many times, but the terrorists did not respond. The two sides were at a deadlock and the news media immediately reported that the public mood was out of control and the situation was not optimistic.


The outside world didn't know that these terrorists were all from underground and were a religious anti-government union. Their aim was to create panic and retaliate against government in various cruel ways.


They were not going to negotiate at all. They just wanted to delay the time and let more people see their next magnificent performance.


However, a dozen minutes late, elite sentinels from the country would rush into the scene to encircle and suppress the terrorists. Sentinels and guides were two special groups in the country. Sentinels had super senses and awakened abilities and they were the most powerful fighting forces in the country. However, because their senses were too sharp and their spirits were often unstable, guides were needed to calm their emotions and protect their senses.


Sentinels and guides were bonded together through a spiritual or physical union. The higher the compatibility of the bond, the greater the strength of the two. Once they were bonded, they were bonded together for life. Each sentinel and guide would have their own "spirit guide". Spirit guides were generally animals. The type of animal determined their individual attributes. Before their bonding, only sentinels and guides with a 95% compatibility could see each other's spirit guide.


Sentinels and guides were few in number and were generally only responsible for important tasks. Their statuses were far higher than that of ordinary civilians. After their initial awakening, sentinels had to register and shoulder the important task of protecting the country whilst enjoying the special treatment from the state. As an assistant and companion of the sentinel, guides had a relatively weaker position because the country did not allow them to get together with ordinary people. When necessary, the guide might even be forced to bond with a sentinel according to the fit compatibility.


In this hijacking incident, the state sent over thirty elite sentinels.


The sentinels did live up to expectations and subdued the terrorists before they detonated the bombs. However, they didn't know that it was just a prelude to a tragedy. Just as they were relaxing and preparing to evacuate the crowd, the mall suddenly exploded.


A mushroom cloud rose high into the sky and flames with lightning swept across a range of thousands of meters, causing the largest casualties and economic losses in the country in a hundred years. Nearly twenty thousand people were killed in the disaster, including forty-five elite sentinels, seven guides and several military officers.


After the investigation, people realized that they had missed a key figure. It was a mentally ill person with high IQ and anti-government agenda disguised as an ordinary civilian. He was the mastermind of the operation.


There were two sets of detonators, one in the hand of the terrorists and other with the mastermind. If all the terrorists were captured by the sentinels, the task of detonating would be carried out by the mastermind.


At that time, everyone thought the crisis was over, and the guards, soldiers and medical personnel disarmed the advanced defense and quickly moved closer to the shopping mall. Who would have known that real danger, at the moment they relaxed their vigilance, would reveal its ferocious face.


[Main Mission: Survive Three Assassination Attempts by the Anti-Government Union. ]


[There is high energy ahead, may Host die a nice death.]


Fuck you!


Shang Ke gave a middle finger in his mind. He knew why the system released this task. It was because the "high IQ, anti-government" mental retard that would detonate the bomb was the body he was currently occupying.


If he chose not to detonate the bomb, he was betraying the anti-government union. If he chose to detonate, he would surely die. Therefore, he could only choose to betray the union in order to save these innocent civilians and himself.


As expected of a difficult world, the setting was so twisted.


Shang Ke looked at the time and figured that the elite sentinels sent by the state should have arrived by now.


No matter how reluctant he was, he was the mastermind of the incident. Even if he didn't detonate the bomb, his identity may be exposed in the following investigation. Therefore, he couldn't do nothing. Before the sentinels solves the crisis, he needs to fight for the chance to wash away his criminal record.


Shang Ke tried to mobilize his spirit power and unexpectedly found that the original owner was actually a guide. Although he didn't know why such a weirdo would appear amongst the guides, it was undoubtedly a useful thing for him. Shang Ke actually didn't realize that the original owner was just an ordinary person and his spirit guide originated from Shang Ke himself.


Shang Ke looked up at his "associates" who were on guard around the mall, drew a cross silently in his heart, and then quietly condensed his spirit guide.


After the spirit guide condensed and formed, Shang Ke couldn't believe it. Why was his spirit guide a … dolphin? The translucent body flashed a pale blue light with a lovely smile on its face, happily swimming around Shang Ke.


If it's a dolphin, then so be it. It looked a bit like Waves so Shang Ke decided to call it "Waves".


The spirit guide, Waves, flipped and jumped in the air, seemingly satisfied with its name.


Shang Ke released his spirit guide and let it fly out of the mall. The spirit guide of a guide could only be seen by a sentinel whose compatibility with him was above 95%. Sentinels and guides who were already bonded couldn't see it.


Shang Ke's aim was to find a sentinel who could see Waves and transmit terrorist information through the spirit guide to help them control the situation faster and more efficiently.


It was very difficult to find a sentinel with 95% compatibility and the spirit guides of both sides had to be strong enough, otherwise they wouldn't be able to exchange information accurately. Shang Ke could only take a chance. This was the only way he could think of to clear his criminal record.


Five hundred meters away from the mall, a cold-faced black-clothed man sat in a mecha car, looking at the three-dimensional image inside a mall. Beside him sat a few solemn sentinels.


At this moment, he suddenly raised his head, two sharp eyes glaring out of the window and was momentarily stunned. Outside, a strange spirit guide was lying prone. It looked like a fish (There were no dolphins in this world).


Yonis had never seen a fish spirit guide because fish were generally fragile and had low IQ which didn't fit with the human spirit. However, in front of him, this spirit guide had a vivid expression, simple, honest and lovely, which made it look different from other ordinary fish.


More importantly, he was able to see it.


Yonis subconsciously released his spirit guide, a golden lion.


Waves saw the lion and wasn't afraid. Instead, he got into the car and swam in front of the lion. He greeted the lion in a friendly manner.


Yonis also felt very comfortable as if clear spring water was flowing through his heart, and the pent-up irritability was instantly soothed.


Yonis stared at the little fish intensely with a gleam in his eyes.

[ 亚奥尼斯,它的主人正在那座商场中.] 狮子突然向亚奥尼斯传来讯息.

[ Yonis, its owner is in the mall.] The lion suddenly sent him a message.

[什么情况 ?]亚奥尼斯神色一凛.

[What's the situation?] Yonis' expression grew stern.


[Its owner knows the situation in the mall and wants to inform the rescue team ]


Yonis quickly ordered one of the sentinels around him, "Genna, prepare to take notes"


"There are twenty-five terrorists, fifteen on the second floor, and ten on the first floor … each equipped with two guns and several grenades …"


It would be nice to know who had the detonators. As soon as Yonis thought so, the lion sent a message, "The detonating device is in the hands of a terrorist on the southeast side of the first floor. He has a tattoo of a bow and arrow on his arm …"


Yonis's eyes flashed slightly and told the sentinel the information but he was not completely sure of its accuracy.


A sentinel asked, "Sir, is this information reliable?"


Yonis looked at Waves, and the dolphin immediately cocked his tail and swung his pelvic fins, indicating absolute reliability!


"We can just check it ourselves to see how reliable it is!" Yonis replied, "Time is short. Prepare for action."


Sentinels had superhuman senses. They could penetrate obstacles and sense the situation from the other side within a certain distance. According to the information Shang Ke provided, Yonis zoned out to lock down the terrorist carrying the detonator.

TL Note: Zone out is a sentinel trope term, meaning they hyperfocus on one sense.


Moments later, he opened his eyes, "Yes, the detonator is on him."


At the same time, he was also very puzzled. How did the guide find the detonator from the terrorist's' clothes? Guides didn't possess superior senses like sentinels.


But it didn't matter right now. When the crisis was over, he would see this guide who had reached over 95% compatibility with him whilst possessing a strong spirit and strange spirit guide …