

A young man, Jonathon gets dumped by his girlfriend, Sasha. Cliché, right? What's not cliché? The mysteries, moderate amount of face slapping, the dark tone that'll be in the later parts of the story, the possibility of the supernatural existing, and a secret about Joanthon's parents. (Batman?) But, if you want to see all of that, you not only need to send the author some love, some stones to be exact, but you also need to follow the novel until its end (or until it becomes dropped). Follow Jonathon as he goes from an impoverished state to a rich state befitting that of the richest man in the world, though, that won't be the only thing that Jonathon will become in this story... Discord: https://discord.gg/GcGgvW88e2

Vryssix_Vorithion · 都市
11 Chs

Race and Two Hot Sisters!

Taking the papers and one sale receipt back after I stretched my arms out to him, he and his acquaintances walked away to their rather large SUV.

Looking at my new car, I was befuddled, as a car enthusiast, I recognized that the car must've been expensive, even more than my Aston, I mean, that glossy silver-colored exterior…the differing, weird-looking wheels, and that wasn't even all of it, the car didn't have mirrors!

'If this is how good the exterior is…then how "good" would the interior be?' Not leaving myself to wonder about the interior's majesty, I headed directly to the door, then forgot that I didn't have keys…


After trying almost every way to open the damn car's doors (and failing), I finally took out my phone, took a picture of my car, then started browsing everywhere.

The car recognizes you by your fingerprint?!

Well… I don't see how that's secure.

Heading to the car's driver's seat, I stretched my thumb first and made contact with the small handle.

The handle suddenly moved as I kept my thumb on it, and then, the door was unlocked and the handle was stretched out to me.

Opening the door wide, I entered my car, looking around and seeing several screens, one in front of the wheel, the other to the left of my wheel, and two other screens as well.

The two other screens were the center one and another one similar to the "right mirror" screen (what I called the screen to the right of the wheel) but to the left side of the car.

Then, my eyes found the center screen turning on, and a button appearing on it.

It was clear what the button meant, and so, after looking around a bit more, and finding out that the two seats at the back of my car had special screens and services, I pressed the button and…almost no sound came out?

Right…their "special engine" that apparently doesn't need any fuel, benefits of the car recharging on its own somehow…

Then, before I closed the door, two teens came up to me hurriedly.

"Yo! Is that the Marcodos Bunz? I heard that it costs $50M," he stated with excitement radiating off him, seeming to be a car enthusiast as well.

"Ah! Yes, it is, I actually just got it today."

The other guy muttered something incoherent under his breath.

"Don't worry about him, he's just mad about how he couldn't get his sister one as a present, you see, he's a bit of a siscon," the guy's friend told me, somehow sensing my confusion.

Not knowing what to say, we just stood there in awkward silence until the guy talking to me exclaimed: "Oh! How could I forget, I'm Daniel Sparta, but you can call me Dan."


It couldn't be…

"Hello, Dan. I'm Jonathon, Jonathon F. Peter."

The other person, suddenly out of his stupor, stopped his incoherent mumbling, looked at me, and then stated: "Oi, come race with us."

I blinked several times…


"Come race with us. Some of our friends are holding a race, the prize is a million dollars for first place, five hundred thousand for second, and two hundred fifty thousand for third."

Blinking several times again, I immediately agreed, my need for money growing by the day.

"Alrighty, where will the race be held?" I replied.

"Just follow us, we'll be here again at three." After telling me that, the guy whose name I never got headed away with Dan following after him.

Sparing one last glance at the both of them as they headed away, I closed the door of my car, and almost hit the pedal before my phone vibrated, once again.

Taking it out of my pocket, I glanced at its screen after opening it and saw a…notification.

{"Mission: Win the Race (0/1)

Reward(s) before Completion: <<Temporary Divine Driving Skills.>> (Claimed.)

Reward(s) after Completion: <<Permanent D…>> & <<$1M.>>

'Punishment' upon Failure: <<Loss of $1M>> & <<Loss of Divine Driving Skills.>>"}

My eyes widened, 'So this is what they were talking about,' I stated internally before pondering once more, 'Missions, huh…'

Feeling no difference, I hit the gas pedal and—woosh!

My car blurred as I struggled to control it, then, a distant force overtook me as I subconsciously turned the car and somehow blurred once more, exiting the property where I had been staying, and then, I started whooshing everywhere.

"Fifty f*cking million dollars…"

My car slowly drifted into the parking lot of the hotel, my eyes searching for Dan and the siscon—I had decided to call him that for his impudent behavior towards the great me, I mean, how dare he—until I finally found them in the corner of my eyes.

Heading to them, I slowly accelerated my car after setting a limit on the screen in front of me, courtesy of the tens of buttons around me, and arrived at their location with my window completely open.

"EY!" I exclaimed as they turned their heads to look at me.

"Hey, Jon! Follow us," Dan stated, already calling me by a nickname, and heading for a red-colored, two-seater sports car with white marks on the matte black top, black lines on the front with a white outline…wheels, and a silver-colored, T-shaped logo.

"The Tobla R-7?!" I muttered under my breath.

His friend; the siscon, headed to his car, a Laden, the Laden Schnell if I recalled correctly, it looked like one of those old Lamborghinis, its exterior was colored yellow, it had dark gray seats with red outlines, an awe-inspiring spoiler, and even the typical black line at the front, and of course, the red, gem-shaped logo.

They both had cars rivaling even mine in not only performance but also price, not to mention that my car wasn't exactly a sports car.

The Tobla R-7, made by Tobla, is a rare sports car with a minimum price of $30,000,000, and from what I had seen, Dan had customized the car to suit him!

And then, the Laden Schnell, a rare German car made by a company called Obere.

Though, despite its better looks, it cost a whole $5,000,000 less than the R-7, its price being $30,000,000.

The three of us blurred, Dan's car in the lead as he maneuvered everywhere until we reached a certain track.

'The Obere Track, so that's how it is…' I said, recalling Dan's European complexion; his fair, pale skin, blond hair, chiseled face, and green eyes.

And then, I recalled the siscon's complexion too; he had black hair, a chiseled face, pale skin, and aqua-colored, sharp eyes.

{A/N: Some things aren't described, you can imagine the rest, such as his clothes.}

We parked in some parking stalls, got out of our cars, and left them (perks of having expensive, smart cars that lock when your presence is far).

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp…

We kept walking and walking until we finally reached a crowded place full of employees.

Dan told us to stay as he went to grab us some cars.

He returned with an important-looking person who cleared the way for us, the said person pointed us to our cars, mine being a similar car to the siscon with the only differences being the version, navy-blue paint, and the race customization.

Entering the open car, I closed the door behind me, somehow understanding all the different things in the car.

The track was quickly evacuated as the three of us began reading ourselves.

'This is happening way too quickl—' I didn't get a chance to complete my sentence as my car blurred, passing the two copies [cars] which were now behind me.

Vroooom! Vroooom!

My car accelerated as even I, with my <<Divine Driving Skills>> struggled to control it. Thankfully, I quickly got a handle on my situation, moving fast and taking sharp turns with my car and body somehow staying intact.

[General POV]

"Hey, Mike. Who do you think will win?" the guy who led Jonathon to his car said.

"The guy wearing a navy-colored polo shirt, I bet."

"He's just a newbie, how could you be so sure?"

"It's quite simple really, but I bet someone of your status wouldn't realize. It's the way he carries himself, that's how I'm so sure."

Many other people betted on the winners, with almost no one but Mike betting on Jonathon.

Vroooom! Vroooom!

"Told ya," Mike said, tilting his head to the guy.

"It's just a fluke!"


"You said?" Mike replied as the car that Jonathon was in passed the finish line after a few minutes of speeding and a couple of laps.

The two other cars came right behind Jonathon's, stopping at the last moment.

Shock and regret ran through the crowd, especially the ones who bet on Dan and Lennon (the siscon).

[Jonathon's POV]

My car, way past the finish line, suddenly roared as I smiled.

Feeling unsatisfied, I opened the windows and asked Dan and the siscon for a couple more rounds.

I won almost all of the rounds.

Exiting the car, I looked at Dan and the siscon who didn't look humiliated but happy, they were even grinning!

"You're good!" Dan said.

"You too, I can't believe how you went past me when I was so close to the finish line."

Dan's grin grew even wider at being complemented by me.

Then, the siscon went up to me and stretched his hand for a…handshake?

"I'm Lennon, Lennon Obere."

Then, it clicked… Dan Sparta and Lennon Obere! The heirs of two huge European conglomerates.

"Hello, Lennon. I'm Jonathon, Jonathon F. Peter, as I've said before."

Dan looked at us then glanced at me, "Hey! Come with us to the nearby Sparta Mall, we're choosing presents for our sisters, you might be able to help."

My eyes widened slightly at being invited by them…at being invited by them like a friend.

I smiled and replied: "Sure! Let's go."

{Image of Rose.} (NSFW in Discord.)

{Image of Rosa.} (Mother of Dan and Rose, she knows about Jonathon's parents.)

{Image of Sandra.} (NSFW in Discord.)

{Image of the Tobla R-7.}

{Image of the Laden Schnell.}

{Discord: Dißçòrd.gg/XSFxfz8V.}

{Word count: 1,723.} (So close to 1,696.)