

A young man, Jonathon gets dumped by his girlfriend, Sasha. Cliché, right? What's not cliché? The mysteries, moderate amount of face slapping, the dark tone that'll be in the later parts of the story, the possibility of the supernatural existing, and a secret about Joanthon's parents. (Batman?) But, if you want to see all of that, you not only need to send the author some love, some stones to be exact, but you also need to follow the novel until its end (or until it becomes dropped). Follow Jonathon as he goes from an impoverished state to a rich state befitting that of the richest man in the world, though, that won't be the only thing that Jonathon will become in this story... Discord: https://discord.gg/GcGgvW88e2

Vryssix_Vorithion · Urban
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11 Chs

Shopping, Beach, and Meeting Two Hot Sisters.

I smiled and replied: "Sure! Let's go."

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp…

I was walking with Dan and Lennon in the huge Sparta Mall, it had several electronic shops, jewelry shops, clothes shops, and more.

Dan pointed excitedly to a nearby jewelry shop as I and Lennon walked with him towards the magnificent-looking, large shop that was ordained by fate to sell something to a member of the Sparta Family.

Lucky them.

Walking into the shop, we were presented with several types of jewelry.

Dan and Lennon looked at various necklaces and rings made out of gold and decorated with ornaments.

But, I was captivated by one thing and one thing only, "A Heritage in Doom," a necklace ornamented by several gems—mainly diamonds, and not only did it have diamonds, it was also gold plated!

Realizing that I hadn't said a word since I entered, Lennon and Dan stared at me, came up to me, and then got captivated by the ne—woosh!

Their hands headed for the necklace and collided, having the opportunity, I checked the necklace's price…

"$20,000,000?!" I exclaimed.

Realizing how happy their sisters would be, Dan and Lennon kept reaching for the necklace, fighting in the fine establishment, but no one paid them any attention like it was a regular occurrence.

Then, I intervened…by grabbing the necklace.

The two boys in front of me paused, hesitated, then…jumped on me?

"What the f*ck?"

Both of them kept grabbi—"F*ck, stop. Not there!"—ng me in weird places, (no homo?), fighting back, I…hit someone in the balls?

"Skreee!" poor Dan screamed out in a high-pitched tone as he writhed in agony.

"Pfft!" I asserted my dominance, then handed Dan the necklace which Lennon kept pouncing for.


In the end, Lennon got the necklace, and Dan had his balls…broken?

As we headed to another shop after Dan took another necklace to buy, still mad about Lennon taking his dear sister's gift, he stared at me menacingly, then I saw his eyes head to my balls.

I moved further away from him and got Lennon to shield me.

Don't worry Lennon's balls, your sacrifice shall not be in vain!

Then, something finally interrupted my shenanigans, that something being a clothes shop which I was unfortunately dragged into, watching two grown men—or just teenage males with hormones—pick out…female clothes.

Stifling a laugh, I looked at them moving robotically—and at Dan sniffing a pair of panties.

"What a great quality checker," I thought.

I was walking with the pair of boys, finally away from the fiasco I was in, and heading outside.

"So… This is it?"

Dan looked at me, seeming to have forgiven me (emphasis on "seeming"), and told me: "Yep, this is it, no more shopping, we had already bought them other gifts before you came, plus, I think I've had enough shopping for this entire year."

Lennon and I couldn't help but agree, nodding our heads slightly.

Breaking off, we headed to our cars—well, I entered my car and closed the door, while they stored the massive amounts of clothes and ornaments aside from the main necklaces that they had bought.

Waiting for them to finish, courtesy of my perfect behavior, I turned on my car and navigated the main screen which had quite a good-and-easy-to-understand OS.

Then, I opened Spokify, a music app, and started listenin'

{"So no one told you life was gonna be this way

Your job's a joke, you're broke

Your love life's DOA

It's like you're always stuck in second gear

When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month

Or even your year, but

I'll be there for you

(When the rain starts to pour)

I'll be there for you

(Like I've been there before)

I'll be there for you

('Cause you're there for me too)

You're still in bed at ten

And work began at eight

You've burned your breakfast

So far, things are going great

Your mother warned you there'd be days like these—"}

'Mother…huh,' I said, remembering…fond memories?

{"—But she didn't tell you when the world has brought

You down to your knees that

I'll be there for you

(When the rain starts to pour)

I'll be there for you

(Like I've been there before)

I'll be there for you

('Cause you're there for me too)..."}

Listening to the music [I'll Be There for You], I teared up a little, thinking of how my life changed and how Sasha had left me.

If only things were different.

But, they weren't, 'I can't change the past...' but, I can change the future.

'Such a fitting quote…' I said, still listening to the music, and paying attention to my new-gained friends.

Then, they finally packed everything up, got in, and headed somewhere.

Following behind them, I kept my focus on the road and my friends, and then the three of us wooshed.

Our three cars slowly drifted into three, separate parking stalls.

Exiting my car and locking it behind me, I looked around, feeling excited, the place I was in; OD [Old Dionesia] Beach, was a beach reserved for the richest of the rich; AKA the Sparta Family and the Obere Family…and possibly me, someday.

My car already proved how powerful I could be, hard work and the notifications would be frightening, the car couldn't be bought by using money only, after all, you'd also need connections to buy the said car, lots of them even.

Then, the three of us headed inside, I looked around, finding a shop selling swim trunks, 'convenient much?' I thought and then tilted my head to the pair of friends I made and told them that I'd be going to buy some trunks.

"Oi, Dan, Lennon, I'll be buying some trunks from over there."

"No need," Lennon replied before Dan could.

Tilting my head in confusion, I heard Lennon continue his speech.

"We have some spares."

Refusing to elaborate, Lennon walked faster, and so did Dan.

The three of us walked at a brisk pace, then, we finally arrived at a free spot on the somehow crowded beach.

Looking ahead, I saw two…beauties, one to the left of me, and one to the right.

The right one had a voluptuous figure, messy, blonde hair, a chiseled face, faint soft-pink blushes on her gleaming cheeks and nose…large breasts (and nipples?), fair, pale skin, and sharp, aqua-colored eyes which gazed at the three of us; the new arrivals.

Gazing at her, I realized that she'd been wearing almost nothing but a tight bikini and which further enunciated her beauty and curves, she also had somewhat visible abs, though not toned much, gazing at her limbs, they were neither thin nor thick, and were once more enunciated, though this time by a regular golden bracelet on her right arm, her thighs however…were divine, and so were her legs.

Breaking my gaze on the blonde-haired lady to not seem like a pervert…I gazed at the former woman [the second woman], she had fair, pale skin, a chiseled face (once more), faint blushes on her cheeks, black-colored hair, aqua-colored eyes—"Matching eyes, eh?"—large-sized breasts; not as big as the blonde's breasts but still big, visible abs, arms identical to the blonde's, and, once more, divine thighs and legs.

{A/N: The heavenly ars*s shan't be mentioned! For now.}

Breaking my gaze from the black-haired lady, or woman/beauty, whatever you want to call them, I awkwardly stood, guessing whose sister the blonde was, and whose sister the other one was.

It was painfully obvious to me…

Dan's sister was most likely the blondie while Lennon's sister was the blackie (black-haired, not dark-skinned woman).

Lennon suddenly rushed to his presumed sister and hugged her tightly, seeming more open.

"Hey, sis! You won't believe what I got you! Happy birthday!" No surprise, eh? Not that they'd be surprised anyhow.

Lennon handed his sister the necklace he had bought; the "A Heritage in Doom" necklace while Dan painfully trudged through the sand, slowly handing his sister a similar necklace, being slightly less expensive at the "sweet" price of $15,000,000, an exorbitant sum.

Both girls smiled, the blonde one hurried to comfort Dan while the blackie thanked her brother uncomfortably, seeming grateful but uncomfortable at the skinship and contact being made, not that I could blame her, many would enjoy her situation, many would feel disgusted, many would be comfortable, many wouldn't be comfortable, like her.

The two boys glanced towards me, Lennon breaking his hug while doing so, and stepped back, introducing the girls to me and vice versa.

"Jon, this is Rose, my sister, don't worry 'bout her, she's a bit shy, she'll open up to ya someday," Dan stated excitedly even though his tone wasn't loud.

His sister elbowed him in his side while smiling…

"Jonathon, Sandra, my sister. Sandra, Jonathon, a friend." keeping things simple, Lennon said.

The blo—Rose looked at me and introduced herself.

"Hello, Jonathon. I'm Rose, sorry if my idiotic brother bothered you, I hope to know you well," an angelic voice sounded.

Then, Sandra also introduced herself to me.

"Hi, Jon! I'm Sandra, nice to meet ya!" was stated in an excited manner.

Responding to both of them, I said: "Oh, no, they didn't cause me trouble, in fact, I had fun with them," the two pairs smiled, "I hope we can all be friends." I continued.

Lennon suddenly grabbed a bag from nowhere and chortled as the swimming trunks he threw hit me in the face and fell into my hands, perks of a quick reaction.

Rose snorted, then quickly covered her face as I deadpanned at her.

"Pfft!" we all suppressed a laugh.

But failed.


{A/N: Join my damn Discord server! The only people in it are me, some bots, and Lord_Kismet, a fellow author on WN.

P.S. There are lots of images there, and there will be more soon!

P.P.S. First ten to join get a role and color of their choice.}

{A/N #2: There will be another chapter that I'll post later.}

{Word count: 1,700 (including all the notes).}

{Discord: https://discord.gg/GcGgvW88e2.}